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The one forward spot that is coveted above all - who will be anointed?

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4 hours ago, theo5789 said:

In which case, Miller is perfectly capable with the higher offensive potential and other attributes that add to the line itself.


If the idea is to strike fear from a opponent from touching your star player, how does the player being on the same line achieve this goal that say an enforcer like Reaves isn't doing himself? You want a player that is capable of playing the physical game (both Miller and Ferland) if need be, but I don't know of many teams purposely putting a lesser offensive potential player with their top players to protect them (more?). Unless you are thinking Ferland will bowl through any guys before they even lay a finger on EP, then Ferland isn't going to impose that fear. Players are always going to annoy or pester your star guy to throw them off their game and maybe draw a reaction to draw a penalty (we have one of the best at it in Roussel) and if it's not in the form of a Semenko/Gino style policing, then I'm not sure where you're going with this concept. Pettersson himself needs to learn the game on how to protect himself as much as need the supporting cast to defend him.

The concept of having Ferland on the top line isn't that hard to grasp. No need to overthink things. Look at the poll results.

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Everyone is trying to figure out the complete top two lines. Most coaches have pairs that stick together and the rest is interchangeable depending on game sutuation. 


My pairs would be:


Miller and Petey. Like most have stated having that ability to put Miller in to take the draw and he is very talented two way player. 

Horvat line would be tougher to determine and I think training camp would be used for this. We already know Horvat has chemistry with Pearson, Boeser and Beartchi. So any one of those three can be his winger that would be the constant. The pairings is what we should be focusing on and the third winger would be determined on if we are home on the road or which team we are playing. 


Just my my two sense. 



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On 7/30/2019 at 7:14 PM, spook007 said:

Actually a great question...

Think they will have to try the various scenarios, but what it shows, are the possibilities we now have in the top 6 as well as the depth.

After Pearsons showing last season, where he was one of the shining lights on a line with Bo, it's quite the thought that he'll be demoted to the third line, but with everyone healthy that might just be the case.


Ferland - Pettersson - Boeser

Baertschi - Bo - Miller

Pearson - Sutter - Jake/Motte

Roussel/Leivo - Beagle - McEwan/Gaudette/Mott/Jake


Baring a sudden resurgence from Eriksson just don't see him slotting in anywhere.


It's been a long time since Canucks had that sort of depth in their line up.

That's 14 NHL'rs and MacEwen...assuming we keep 13 forwards, someone has to be traded or we need to send Gaudette down even though he will beat out Sutter in training camp...Sutter is the guy that needs to go and then send Loui E. down if we can't trade him with Sutter.


Baer is the other wild card in all this as well, can he stay healthy?


...and then there is Goldy...we just drafted a Russian and we want Tryamkin back ...so we should give him one more look as well...

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1 hour ago, Rollieo Del Fuego said:

That's 14 NHL'rs and MacEwen...assuming we keep 13 forwards, someone has to be traded or we need to send Gaudette down even though he will beat out Sutter in training camp...Sutter is the guy that needs to go and then send Loui E. down if we can't trade him with Sutter.


Baer is the other wild card in all this as well, can he stay healthy?


...and then there is Goldy...we just drafted a Russian and we want Tryamkin back ...so we should give him one more look as well...

Yeah get what your saying. 

Don’t think Sutter is going anywhere...

expect Gaudette to start in Utica. 

And then we’ll see but think Goldy is the odd one out. 

And not sure if they dump LE and keep McEwan up. Hope so. 

Edited by spook007
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