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  1. The entrance song should be For Whom the bell tolls by Metallica.
  2. Playing in Russia has nothing to do with the war and the fact that this is your only point is actually comical. Especially since Russia has been painted this awful picture by the media when in reality it’s the exact opposite. Russia isn’t a bad place to play
  3. You didn’t answer my question and I don’t want to hear about the war in Ukraine.
  4. Let’s be honest, the most sensitive…. Irrational, bandwagon riding, hypocritical, did I mention sensitive …. Individuals I’ve ever interacted with since I’ve joined in 2013 it’s gonna suck not ready everyone reactions to trades and games.
  5. I understand. But congrats to everyone was ripping on those who wanted a tank and for this team to lose!!! But hey, at least they went on a tear at the end of the season in one of the deepest drafts in years!
  6. You guys are idiots man seriously. I’ve given you factual accounts of the events that occurred and you still can’t comprehend it. im still the bad guy here. Start reading instead of watching cnn and western propaganda. At this point I’m ending this transmission as it’s impossible to discuss anything with you guys. This is what is most frustrating with cdc, aside from hockey. The title should be welcome to cdc where you can speak your mind ONLY if It’s on the same train of thought as us.
  7. Everyone cheering for this team to win will be cursing this team next season when they stumble out of the gates and everyone will cry “why didn’t they tankkkkkk” or “we could’ve had a star player” but that’s ok. Let’s go 10th OA!!!
  8. Western world (america) is evil. America is the only country in the world that can invade another for its own purpose and get away with it. afghanistan - the taliban wanted to eradicate opium from their country and were very close. At the time, they supplied the world with 20% of opium. America wasn’t having it. They invaded, after the invasion Afghanistan is supplying the world with 80% of opium. Iraq - a country that was in order with Hussein. America left Iraq with trillions of dollars. Oil/gold. Absolutely raped that country. Libya - Gaddafi gave its citizens free water, free healthcare, extremely cheap gas, kept all the tribesmen happy by sharing revenue from oil sales, he amassed 234 tons of gold making Libya one of the most richest countries in the world. Gaddafi refused american influence and introduced project gold dinar which was accepted by all major African governments, however, it would’ve caused absolute chaos for western financial system. America turned its people on gaddafi via propaganda. Gaddafi is killed, Libya is now in ruins. ** on a side note, even my family doctor who is from Benghazi, has told me that when Gaddafi was in charge it was a very nice well run country. The second he left, it was left in ruins and so much violence that he took his family and fled Benghazi Panama - Noriega is making BILLIONS of dollars by running cocaine through the Panama cannel, america wanted a taste of those billions. They go to war and get it. Venezuela - one of the richest countries of natural resources in the world yet they are pretty much bankrupt. Why? America wanted it all, and Venezuela refused, America sanctioned the fack out of them. They have oil, but cannot refine it. vietnam - they didn’t give a crap about the south. The only reason they went to vietnam was out of fear of China spreading its ideologies and communism in that part of Asia. America does not like Putin and once again, like other dictatorships, they want him gone. But they know they cannot go 1 v 1 with Russia so they pump up ukraine to stick it to Russia. They are fighting Russia through ukraine. Even calling for his arrest. Yeah you guys are right, russia is evil and much worse than America. turkey was absolutely destroyed, and are still experiencing minor quakes today, let’s send them 10 mill to help out, but let’s send billions to Ukraine to help fund death. And no I don’t hate it here in Canada, aside from the stupid taxes, health care and ridiculous real estate prices! And no I’m not Russian.
  9. Ah sorry my fault. You’re right as well with this point. Spot on. Lol my comment does seem stupid now after reading your explanation.
  10. I took your comment as in, green had an influence to not hit anyone. I only assumed this because no one finished their checks, no one hit. And for me, that memory started with Jake hitting mcdavid, and after that I can’t remember a single big hit
  11. Lmao you really need to figure out the real reasons America invaded Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and learn the role they played in the fall of Gaddafi and Venezuela’s current financial crises.
  12. How can it be ruski propaganda when every media outlet is for Ukraine. There is nothing supporting Russia out there. I’ve come up with my own conclusions, just as I’ve come up with the fact that American government is the most vial scum dictatorship in the world, they just rotate new faces every 4 years.
  13. How? If you show me facts, with anything. I could say Canucks are this, but if you come at me with Canucks are that…. I’m going to say… my goodness, I had no idea thank you. My mindset has changed . so give me facts. I know for a fact Ukraine has been recorded to killing unarmed, wounded, incapacitated Russian soldiers, the very definition of war crime.
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