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Everything posted by sassbs

  1. as soon as I find out who’s protected and who’s not (officially) I’ll put a solid team together for Seattle that will make a nice run in the coming playoffs. vegas on paper had a great team… from the start, this is no secret, whilst it holds true no one knew how they would fair on the ice and play as well as they had, it also wasn’t a complete shock! And my comments are not stupid. Well…. Not that stupid. Seattle will draft and be gifted an incredible playoff team. It’s also not “stupid” to feel they should grind it out by drafting and signing free agents like how expansion teams once did.
  2. Wait until Seattle comes around. They’ll be a contender straight away, prob making a playoff appearance in the first year. IMO, expansions should draft and sign just like Ottawa, Florida, sanjose and whoever else I forgot. Look how long it took these teams to become established. nope. That’ll take too long. Let’s just give these guys elite teams right off the line. Makes me sick. Sorry just frustrated. And here’s another truth: The only way cAnada wins a cup, is if a Canadian team just absolutely dominates in the scoreboard. I mean blow out, 1980’s Edmonton oilers scoring!! rant over
  3. Why would anyone want him? He’s riddled with concussion issues. One solid hit and he’s done for the year or worse!
  4. Honestly I hope Montreal beats them, they have a really good team. I was hoping Edmundson would land here before Montreal. I just want to see a Canadian team make it. Realistically, don’t think the league wants a Canadian teaM in the finals. For bettmen, it would be more exciting and better for the sport if it remains all American finals.
  5. Sheldon Kennedy and Theo fleury were sexually abused as kids/juniors. At that age sure I get why they stayed quiet. Fear, embarrassment, fear of reprisal. I don’t know … still hard to believe. Players on an NHL team are a pretty tight group. Im sure if something like that happened, that said player would tell his roommate or the rest of the team. Players have each other’s backs. I just can’t see an nhl player remaining silent if someone did make a move on them.
  6. I confused. We are talking about grown fit men who can handle themselves in a fight. How could they be harassed by a guy a few years older than him? it’s not like peewee hockey where a kid would be scAred. excuse the ignorance but How could this happen at this level?
  7. He’s a reasonable guy. Not greedy like the other privileged dipsh!!ts on that team. Plus I’m sure he must realize that even at $750k he’s still making more than any high profile doctor would.
  8. This just proves how easy north division was. no matter which team made it, Winn/tor/mtl they all would’ve been slapped sideways and then backhanded. if the league was aligned properly, Toronto would have been fighting for a playoff spot as with every other team. Maybe not Winnipeg as they are a good reg season club
  9. I’m sure glad we have passive green and didn’t sign that useless coach gallant
  10. Not everyone can be like Keanu Reeves. when I say this, I just meant Reeves is an absolute angel and gentlemen with fans.
  11. I feel they will use this as an excuse to break his contract and walk away just like how kings did with mike Richards with blow. or he will be dealt
  12. They really should trade mcdavid. Can you imagine the haul they will get? Blow the team up. Do it right.
  13. Technically, they do the same with stocks as well. Gme and amc perfect examples of that. plus the blatant lock down on every exchange! Banks included. At one point I couldn’t sell amc! I wasn’t allowed too. technically, even though I can’t stand his tweets, who’s fault is it? People flock to his every word and listen. I wish people will just do what they feel is right by doing their own research!
  14. Also not to mention the fact that all prisoners hate child killers. I’m pretty sure this crime on its own would piss off a lot of people in there. This guy will be a pillow muncher for years
  15. The fact that Elon musk has stated that doge coin is a better project than btc/eth, makes me think humankind is a bunch of dummy’s willing to believe the word of a man who knows nothing of crypto other than to make his pockets more deep. doge has no project, no road map, nothing!!!!!!!! And I hate him for making the market crash like this. why do people believe celebrity’s???? It’s like if someone told me sprite was great, would I go out and buy it and drink only sprite???? Hell no.
  16. Just amputate both his feet and both his hands, and let him rot in prison or send him back to the victims home country and let them deal with him
  17. This years draft will be like drafting in the NHL games. Just blindly picking
  18. Anyone else have issues with this current format? New Jersey has picked top 3 since 17. Buffalo, Eichel, dahlen, and now another first. f u Vancouver you guys will never pick above 5th
  19. If New York gets another top 3 pick I’ll be so pissed. I strongly believe that if you win 1OA you should not be allowed another top 3 pick for the next 3 years or so
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