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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. But, but he's Bure 2.0, you're gonna upset Absent Canuck.
  2. I have said so, and Ehlers fanatics like yourself claim Ehlers trumps everyone. You make me sad.
  3. Smart move by management. Torts said this team was stale, Linden knows none of these players with NTC's can be moved. Had to save face. We are stuck with this bland core for 4-5 years.
  4. Hey that kind of logic isn't welcome here. Join Team Ehler's or Team Virtanen. Or anyone in between. One has, HAS, to be better so we have something to complain about come draft day.
  5. I don't make up things and put them in your mouth, so to speak. I read the things you say or in this case type and infer. People who love Ehlers, LOVE, Ehlers. And everyone else sucks but Ehlers. People say all these things about him and make me wonder how he's not a clear cut top 3 pick. "Bure this, Bure that". Patrick Kane bro's the next Patty Kane.
  6. Whats his term? This would be a huge cheque to write. Not something you want ro go to the owners for. And if we were to buyout a d-man it'd be Alex "Brainfart" Edler.
  7. Jerk? That's Uncalled for. I am a read between the lines guy. The way you and Snypers hype up Ehlers is quite comical. I see the Bure comparison thrown around all the time. Just like to try ground you guys. Over hyping players is a good way to get them hated real quick, think of Kassian's hype. Now every other week people want him traded, then next week praise him.
  8. In your opinion Ehlers > Crosby.
  9. These are management quotes. I don't recall St Louis or Mike Richards saying they "love this city". So not a valid point.
  10. Ehlers debates continue to heat up. Ehlers is small, Virtanen is stupid, Ritchie can't skate, suck, suck, suck, rage, rage, rage. Linden!!!!!!!!! Whoever we pick they better have iron skin. Cause no matter who it is they'll be compared to Kane's and Toews' and Lucic's. Go Canucks.
  11. Or maybe we could just build an equally talented group? Yeah, no?
  12. Well I'd like for them to be a bubble team, at least. Being Buffalo, Edmonton or Florida doesn't sound appealing.
  13. No, cause that would mean we either suck a** next year or grossly overpay for 1st overall. Neither sound appealing.
  14. He creates offence on his own. Go to guy... Learn to read or something.
  15. Sounds like he needs to be the go to guy. Interesting. With Kes and the Sedins he won't be the go to guy. But that could change over the course of the off season.
  16. You see this comparison a lot in Ehlers' threads too. People don't realize Bure was a generational talent. Bure did things with a puck that no one in todays game could dream of.
  17. This made me laugh way to loud. Good stuff sir, good stuff.
  18. These debates are heating up. Waiting for the name calling to break out. Hopefully we get a good prospect, whomever that may be. Not watching Canuck playoffs is brutal. Absolutely brutal. And I'd like our prospects to be the best possible prospects we could get. That way we are back in the playoff saddle that much quicker.
  19. I like Ehlers but it'd be funny to see his reaction on us passing on Ehlers. Honestly I just want the best possible player there. Virtanen, Ritchie, Ehlers, Dal Colle, whoever. Just want this rebuild over as quickly as possible. Really leaning towards Virtanen based on the hometown connection. Highly doubt Reino drops that far. Dal Colle or Virtanen are high on my list.
  20. I've heard some good things about him. Of course I hear a lot of things it's just filtering out the crap and over exaggerations that's hard. Like Snypers unusual love for Ehlers. I want Virtanen but if 6 is too high for him the BPA is fine. BC players are paying off nicely for us, so anyone from around here is what interests me. If Nylander plays a solid two way game and gives us the best chance at playoffs one day I don't care if he's from BC, USA, Narnia or Tatooine. Get em a Jersey.
  21. Nylander at 5? Lets hope we get him then. I don't follow the Rooks to be I kind of just jump on some hype trains mixed in with cool sounding player names. Still hope we get Virtanen.
  22. Assuming one of them do drop. We are really gonna be clinching our cheeks if our only hope in this draft is hoping a top 5 drops, I hope one does but we are in a good position to get another quality prospect. May not be a house hold name but these drafts aren't black and white. We could get the best player at 6 or even in the 2nd or 3rd round. Gotta put faith in scouting to get us the best possible players at each pick and not buy into "only these 5 are good".
  23. My dad did Torts finally got to say how he felt about Gillis' process. He held on to this core too long and got too attached. They are older then the hills, lets get some youth in here.
  24. Yeah cause no one else is scouting Draisatl and Dal Colle. Virtanen at 6 is not off the table. From what I heard is Virtanen is Shinkaruk with size. Shink was projected top 10 pick fell due to size. I'd be ecstatic if we could snag one of the top 5 players at 6 but Virtanen is nothing to sneeze at. We get it you pay attention to the "experts" mock drafts, Virtanen is a good pick at the 6 spot despite what TSN says.
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