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Everything posted by JeremyCuddles

  1. I say yes. Hometown players have been as close to gold for us right now. I'd be ok with Virtanen. Too bad we don't have another high pick to nab Reinhart too.
  2. Cajones*, but Linden is a big believer in two way play. Not sure how you determine solid two way play from kids who's main focus is putting up offensive numbers. Generally I assume you go with players who are bigger then the competition. I'd take Virtanen or Ritchie before Ehlers. Isn't he similar to Shink? And Shink fell to the 24-25 spot.
  3. It's the truth. He already took all the blame for the season. We need to get younger. Gillis didn't have any young guys waiting to break into the line up and our older players didn't have the energy to compete. We are 2-3 years from legitiment playoff contenders unless Linden or our new GM can make an Erhoff type deal and get someone really good for scraps. Couple top 6 FA's are desperately needed too. Building from within is prefered though.
  4. I wouldn't mind picking up an 11-14 pick and grabbing Virtanen. BC boy, that's all I need to know. Heard he's dropped pretty low on some lists maybe get lucky and grab him second round although I doubt he drops that far.
  5. It's going to be an interesting top 5. We've heard rumors of who each team is interested in. Reino may very well drop to 5/6th. Draisatl if Ekblad is gone is suppose to be high on Edmonton's list.
  6. It's the players who go un-noticed game in game out doing all the small things right that win championships. The gritty hard working two way players that lead teams to the top. That said we won't be drafting that guy 6-7 range. There are a couple players I'd like that will likely not be around at the 6 slot. And other players that aren't worth drafting that early. We are in a weird position where we are hoping some players drop or shoukd consider trading down. Sounds dumb but who knows what direction the organization wants to go with the new GM and Linden and whether or not Torts is here.
  7. Plays his cards right Ehlers finds one of his many threads and it's love at first sight. I'm really hoping one of the top 5 players drops to us. Too bad Calgary didn't still have Feaster. Hopefully Snow is his usual not smart self and does something stupid.
  8. This season has been so disappointing, really surprised I just want it to end. We'll get em next year boys, in Linden we trust.
  9. Kings in 7. Not sure Sharks have it in em but I would not be surprised if they won in 6.
  10. Lets hope him and the GM can convince some of our NTC players to waive.
  11. This confirms Torts was a Owner decision. Or at least helps confirm that suspicion.
  12. Kes should've just skated full speed into Gibson. Welcome to the bigs.
  13. Given Kesler's style he should be a winger. His defence isn't worth having a 2nd line that doesn't score. May as well be a 3rd liner, plays defence scores once in a while. What's the word on Horvat's playmaking, is it none existent like Kesler's? I love Kes but his shoot first style is more suited for a winger.
  14. Why did our d-men think it was a good idea to leave Hank by himself in the d-zone ?
  15. Problem is we have a coach that preaches defence style. One of the two if not both need to be moved. Or Gillis trys to shove his vision of how they play down Torts throat. One of if not both of them need to be gone. We have contracts Gillis doesn't want to move that are a burden to this team. I think Gillis gets the boot IF the owners actually did insist on Torts as a coach. We have a rock (Torts) and a hard place (Gillis) insisting these players play two different styles. We have Gillis' vision type players playing a Torts' system they aren't comfortable/familiar playing. I do believe one of them needs to go, don't know/care who but something needs to change. We need a GM who'll give Torts players adept to playing his style, Santorelli type players, or a coach who plays a Up Tempo game that Gillis wants. I think we need to move some of the core players, they are what cost AV his job. Got too comfortable stopped competing.
  16. Give Marky Mark a damn start. So we can at least justify the Luongo trade past cap space....
  17. Haha, you're funny. Like actually funny. If I didn't only visit this forum on my phone I'd sig this. Good stuff. 2 thumbs up.
  18. Leave it to the man to put the people down. Lets go Nucks. Get some Dubs to go out on a high note.
  19. You can only go to this place if you let David Booth shoot a bear in your yard.
  20. Dalpe for singing like an angel and awkwardly pronouncing his love for Sarah Mclachlan
  21. Pretty sure if he was a detriment to the team we could just trade him. He isn't playing awful, just not great. He is no where near our worst player.
  22. Played very well obviously wasn't enough to at least break even. He sucks, i try give him a chance but he makes me want to pull my hair out everytime he's on the ice. 3 years now, where's the light at the end of the tunnel?
  23. I still believe, just watched some douche on Tim and Sid rip on Vancouver. Time to shut them up. Get er done.
  24. Who doesn't hate Van these days, Florida?
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