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About Rubik

  • Birthday 12/31/1992

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Canucks Rookie (6/14)



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  1. I've passed my "Introduction to Canadian Culture" exam at my university, I've got an "A".


    Pretty good, eh? :P

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    2. Rubik


      @Alflives it was a mishmash basically, little bit of everything; we started with geography, talking about the provinces/territories, how the population is spread out (around 35% of the population lives in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and stuff like that) We also talked about aboriginal people (focusing on the Inuit people), different ethnic groups etcetc. Then we moved on to politics, how the Canadian government looks like, how it operates. Also a quick overlook about the country's history, the process how she became independent. There was also a class about Canadian English, typical phrases that are only used in Canada, also how it differs from British/American English (spelling, pronunciation). There was another class on literature and the last class was about Canadian-Hungarian relations. (i'm Hungarian)


      here's a slide from the Canadian English PPT and our syllabus, but I can also send you any the PPTs if interested.





    3. Alflives


      Thanks @Rubik

      Thats a great course!  Hopefully all Canadians get to explore, by car, much of the country at least once.  It’s the best country on the planet.  It’s pretty much the world within one country.  

    4. Rubik


      @Alflives ahhaha yes, all the teachers praised Canada throughout the course, one of them even lived in Calgary (booo :P) for a few years I think, and she said it's just wonderful.


      Before I was born (very early 90s), friends of my parents wanted to move to Canada, trying to find a job there and settling down etcetc, but the couple didn't want to just go alone, so they asked my parents to accompany them. They were thinking about it hard and long, but in the end they turned it down, so everybody stayed. But you can imagine my reaction when I was first told this story: "huh?! you had the chance to move from Eastern Europe to Canada and YOU turned it down? what are you, morons?!" :lol:

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