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Everything posted by FramingDragon

  1. I know how to say it. I thought to say it properly. I just didn't type it. I was tired. I don't know. holy batman.
  2. Yeah. The sappy ones stood out the most this year, but holy batman that insurance commercial with the dead kid was weird
  3. That was one of my favourites, what was so offensive about it? The only one I thought was in poor taste was the Nationwide Insurance one with the kid dying. But this one gave me the chills:
  4. Speaking of TV, just how depressing were this year's Super Bowl commercials? I was supposed to laugh, not die inside.
  5. That's ah, I might have to check it out for that alone. Campier than True Blood? Anyways, watched Birdman. 9.5/10. Riggin's scene with the critic at the bar was amazing. The whole movie works on so many levels and about so many things so it's a stupid thing to nitpick about but
  6. That was one of the worst trailers this show has released. Is it just me or are they getting formulaic? - Obligatory quote about protecting the ones you love - Obligatory quote about the upcoming war (5 seasons now) - Obligatory Dany clip of her promising to do something as a ruler - Obligatory Varys quote about the big picture of the game of thrones The fade in and fade out is getting tiring too. I feel like I should be more excited, by all accounts.
  7. too much bad sex. I thought it was stupid and Amelie's eyes freak me out. pretty much what was outlined in the post above. Her hit me hard though, if that counts.
  8. Waltz with Bashir: 9.5/10 I had no idea what to expect going in, never saw an animated documentary before particularly (from the perspective of a side I am not too empathetic of in the IDF). After the $&!#show of American Sniper and all the buzz surrounding it and it's examination of PTSD (lol) I decided now is a good time as ever to check out something I am bound to hate if done wrong. This movie is one of the most visually striking films I have ever seen, and the flexibility of it being animated allows it to convey much of the mood through the outlandish colour palettes of the scenes alone. On top of that, Max Richter's mix of 80's techno and string quartet makes it as if you're watching an immaculate music video with interviews interspersed in between to make one story transition to the next. The animation style itself was so strange, there were scenes in the uncanny valley where it was difficult to tell apart if it was CGI cartoon or live action footage. The uneasiness of it was exploited to full effect in the last five minutes or so where you would THINK the transition would be jarring, but instead it packed a powerful punch of moving from half formed/ half remembered cartoon stories of guilt to the real lives of the victims of the tragedy. I can't see this movie working at all if it wasn't animated, the medium became the message in many of the scenes. It's an amazing testament to the director (and protagonist) Ari Folman that even in a film where all the individuals are defined by their political alliances and identities that it can transcend finger pointing without stooping to condoning crimes. I can't recommend this enough, if you haven't seen it already.
  9. 420 fake internet points. Best number ever

    1. Horvat


      422 huehue...

    2. Tearloch7


      it's all downhill now .. until 666 .. :G

    3. Crom!


      See I was going for 80085 but I've ended up with 808.

  10. You said the dialogue spelled everything out for the audience (which I agree with) but you still found it moderately challenging? I thought the concept was ultimately sunk by trying to make it as concrete as possible so that it reaches the greatest number of people. Heavy handed filmmaking that only really serves to make people whose usual intake includes 2 Fast 2 Furious feel smart for "getting it". But that's just my opinion
  11. Before, there was Tangelos and the Walking Dead. THE LEGEND continues with Dazzle and American Sniper. Come one, come all.

    1. Warhippy


      yay entertainment!

    2. FramingDragon


      most spectacular spastic mental gymnastics you'll see in a while, even for CDC

  12. Are you a tampon or pad kind of person?

  13. My cat sometimes forgets to be a cat. This is her favourite way of cuddling
  14. I smashed a beaker out of anger in lab today. Thankfully I was alone.
  15. The dvd is out too, if you know what I mean. No it's not a cam rip
  16. I make alla dem swallow

  17. The Imitation Game 6.5/10 I was really confused by this movie. Cumberbatch was outstanding but everything else felt at odds with the troubled and dark character he portrayed (especially Joan Clarke and her ridiculous lines that sounded as if it was straight out of a Disney movie). The dialogue was awful. The flashbacks made it appear as if the movie would spend more time on his personal life but it just halted after the war ended. I don't think the only pacing was right
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