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Everything posted by FramingDragon

  1. It's been a few days since I watched the movie and I let it stew for a bit before coming to any conclusions, and what I have reached is that Eastwood was very misguided with what he set to achieve using Chris Kyle's life. I believe (especially taking into consideration his previous war movies), he attempted to make Kyle a vessel for all the other soldiers caught in this messy war who lost a part of themselves just doing their job. The horribly cliched scenes of Americana, his catalyst for joining the Army, leaving behind his life and love until he can't enjoy it anymore all etc. all points to that. Ultimately, I think it was a really stupid decision because Chris Kyle was the exact opposite of the everyman in uniform. He loved to kill, the excuses he used to justify himself were never coping mechanisms for the war - he sincerely believed them, he took joy in being The Legend with the outrageous tally. It's no surprise Eastwood failed so horribly trying to jam this square peg into a round hole. Also, I couldn't help but feel like the Iraqis were portrayed like terrified cows in a barn that people broke into repeatedly. It was so ridiculous.
  2. Can't decide if American water or milk tastes worse

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Time Lord

      Time Lord

      ^100% Serious?

    3. believe in blue forever

      believe in blue forever

      Water in San Jose was disgusting

    4. Pears


      Water in LA sucked when I was there.

  3. most likely? son we don't make claims like that without proof to back it up all 2.5 of them
  4. American Sniper: 6/10 I had very low expectations going into this, despite being initially excited by Bradley Cooper and Clint Eastwood. I understand Eastwood was treading sensitive grounds with the topic at hand but he neither elevated a questionable source material or even do it justice. It half assed all aspects you'd expect from a war movie, be it the action, tone, character development or political statement. Don't bother wasting your time, watch the excellent HBO miniseries Generation Kill instead. It's the Band of Brothers of modern war.
  5. How do you plan on explaining it to your kids once they get older?
  6. I've given up on the hobbit after the first movie. Waste of time. The extended Unbroken trailer tells you all you need to know. Dear God, imagine watching War Horse and Unbroken back to back. Btw, I was going to consider watching The Counsellor after looking at the cast and crew but the reviews astounded me. How can such a talented ensemble produce something this obviously bad?
  7. There goes my weekend. Going to watch in the following order: Birdman American Sniper Imitation Game
  8. put it in > poutine > putin

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FramingDragon


      true, I only really like the cheese curds

    3. FramingDragon


      true again, Putin has some serious sex eyes

    4. Grapefruits


      only if it has braised beef on it. Otherwise, Putin wins

  9. As I was wandering the corridors trying to find the right class (the one listed on the site was wrong), a chivalrous fellow offered to guide me to what he believed was the right room since we both thought we signed up for the same course. Course codes were very similar, and by the time we both realized it was a mistake class had already started in a tiny room of 15 students. Would have been too awkward for me to leave. On the bright side, I got his number and learned a little about volcanology I guess? Not that I have any use of either
  10. It took four years in university for it to happen but I finally had the honour of sitting in the wrong class at the wrong time for a full hour.
  11. Brie Bri Braille I am going to stick with Anna
  12. ^ lmao ouch (@ TS's comment) how should we shake up White Noise?
  13. If you were a lemon, I'd put you on the shelf and cherish you like I cherish all our lemons

    1. Warhippy


      couldn't you just like...make lemonade out of me? i relish the squeeze

    2. EmployeeoftheMonth
  14. Memories of the Camps was actually one of Hitchcock's earliest works of putting footage/script together after the British troops liberated Bergen-Belsen. Didn't get released until much later on PBS. Follows in the same vein as Night and Fog but with a little more Allied bravado instead of poetic narration.
  15. Speaking of WW2 movies, anyone here seen Memories of the Camp and Nuit et brouillard ? Harrowing stuff but I highly recommend them.
  16. Yo I just downloaded it. Now you're telling me it's bad?
  17. This is the first movie I watched of PSH with a clear sober mind. I highly recommend it, if not for his performance then just the weight of the film itself. Impeccable, to be honest. Think European Homeland with no Claire Danes. He had a very small role in Ides of March, I honestly don't remember him being in it at all... anyway, thanks for these lists guys. I am going to rewatch Capote, and then go on to the Master, then I am going to check out the plot summaries of the other ones mentioned here. I am going to watch Synecdoche, NY just to have an opinion on it. I feel like it's the cool thing to do.
  18. A feel good Christmas movie I am kind of excited about (fantastic trailer eh?) I really enjoyed Clint Eastwood's Letters from Iwo Jima. Flags of Our Fathers was a little too gung ho for my tastes. Regardless, I guess I have high expectations for the movie given his track record. HOWEVER, the problem is that the person, Chris Kyle, was a legitimate bigot and sociopath who was a compulsive liar. His autobiography goes into it in detail and the initial reviews are saying this movie is portraying him as...anything but what he really was. I don't know what to expect anymore. I guess it can be a good action movie still.
  19. yeah I am not bothering either haha. question time. 1. is fury leaked on the bay? (directed at you specifically) 2. I want to go through Philip Seymour Hoffman's entire filmography this winter break. Capote aside, what are some of your favourites? (directed at everyone in the thread)
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