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  1. Wheeler and JVR stated they will kneel during the anthem. Source: TSN

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    2. Cramarossa


      Hoping Kessel kneels or just skips the presidential visit entirely. That would be great. 

    3. DoughtysCheck


      @goalie13 I think they would be kneeling if they were on the starting lineup on their blueline while the anthem plays

    4. goalie13


      @DoughtysCheck  I agree.  I just had this image in my head of all these guys kneeling at the bench with their faces sticking up along the boards like Timbits players.

  2. Take the knee. Censorship will only make the message louder

    1. Show previous comments  38 more
    2. JM_


      @VanGnome "and just how well has protest worked out for us over the course of time?"


      when's the last time you saw a segregated school in the US? 


      I think you are off on your own somewhere on this one. I really don't know what point you are trying to make. Maybe explain what this better way is with a worked example. 

    3. VanGnome


      @Jimmy McGill the point I'm trying to make is that there is no example because it hasn't yet been done. The point I'm making is that every time we have had the desire to affect change, it's always been done through conflict, throughout the course of our history, pre-existing to even the most rudimentary of societies.

      I've pointed out that while we have achieved results through protest and conflict, it's messy, often violent (even if it begins peacefully), takes a long time but almost always results in bitterness persisting on one side or the other. The actual problem never goes away, it just goes dormant until it resurfaces.

      Our entire concept of progress as a society, is a fallacy. We haven't enacted real change in quite some time, only surface level change. Things are just done differently, our opponents concede on certain things like segregation, like women having the right to vote. These things have all changed, but the underlying issues have never been dealt with. They've just been pushed further away, left for the next generation to deal with.

      There are still people in the world who have anti women sentiment, there are still people in the world who have issues with people of other race, there are still people in the world who have issues with differing theistic ideologies.

      The one common denominator in all of this is conflict. In one way or another everything we've ever done, and continue to do is rooted in conflict. I am definitely out on my own on this one, because I am a contrarian by nature. I don't believe that things have to be done a certain way just because that's the way they've always been done.

      I have the unfortunate circumstance of being just like everyone else, not special, not remarkable like so few people have been throughout time. Since I am unable to elevate my standing in the world to such an extent, my views are looked upon as naive, met with scorn and derision. I also don't have the luxury just like everyone else to have been born into the financial means to make a significant difference appropriate to my way of thinking, so I do the best that I can with the circumstances both given to me through birth and those that I create for myself.

      The problem is, doing things the complete 180 degrees of how they have always been done is hard, especially when they don't have a lot of support. We often don't have as much time as we would like in life to do all the things we'd like to do, so we settle on doing what we can and disregarding things we feel we cannot control or have impact on.

      If enough people really change the way they think, and view the world then a more enlightened path forward can be travelled. Yes, effectively what I'm suggesting is for people to completely change their outlook on life, and to disregard basically everything they've ever been taught with respect to conflict resolution. I'm not so naive as to think that will ever happen in my lifetime, but if enough people put forth the effort to do so, this world will eventually be left in a better place from when we individually inherited it.

    4. VanGnome


      Well, let me be the first to say that what the hell do I know. If this dude shares the outlook maybe I need to adjust my perspective on the matter:


  3. nice work! Always remember its not about the number on the scale. It's about body composition. You can be maintaining the same weight but be losing fat and gaining muscle mass! 40 pounds is incredible!
  4. The ratio shouldn't be between bench/squat/deadlift but between your bodyweight.
  5. easier to pull with bad form than to press with bad form
  6. Just competed in the BC powerlifting meet last weekend. Competed in the 74 kg division 179 kg squat 120 kg bench 215 kg deadlift deadlift needs to go way up. my grip is so bad
  7. Can't believe I trusted cdc and started palmar over stafford
  8. Defensive injuries and the lack of knowledge of the playcalling of the patriots d led to the poor play of the patriots d. Score 25+ on kc and you'll win all the time
  9. textbook drive by the patriots. makes kansas look inferior
  10. start palmar, stafford, or newton? Play kenny britt or tevin coleman?
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