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milk and honey

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  1. Anyone else super scared to sneeze or cough in public now. Sneeze while shopping and felt like all the universe was staring and angry. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -AJ-


      My allergies have been acting up, but I feel you. I work very hard to keep sniffles to a minimum while out shopping.

    3. Roberts


      i felt that exact way while walking outside today, my seasonal allergies have been acting up the last few days, I managed to delay sneezing until no one was around :lol:

    4. Phil_314


      The cough thing is likely a reasonable but mildly overdone worry.

      I'm more scared that people don't cover up their face or avoid crowded areas.  Trout Lake was packed today esp. in the dog section.  I get it gets boring at home but do things that don't require you being close to others, and don't gather in numbers reminiscent of pre-Covid days, because that's what got the States and Europe.  

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