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RetroCanuck last won the day on May 2 2018

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  1. Any advise for someone buying their first house?

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    2. coastal.view


      how about you hire a home inspector

      who was a contractor

      you have a fairly narrow view of the inspector

      get a good one (i have used good ones)

      they are worth the money

      not sure why you need to disparage an entire industry


    3. luckylager


      Because technically home inspectors can't actually move anything and can only assess what they can see. 100%

      I doubt there are former contractors that decided to get into home inspection, but maybe? I dunno. Could be wrong.


      The bank will require a home inspection from a certified "Inspector", but again, they can only inspect what they can see. 

      So yes, you definitely need to hire a home inspector to get the mortgage, but if you want to actually have a proper inspection bring in trades people that you know, or hire someone.


      All I'm saying is that on an investment as important as a home, be diligent and go further than just the home inspection. 

      We had $25k knocked off the price because of the need for asbestos remediation and rewiring, neither of which were noted by the "home inspector".

    4. goalie13


      I know this will sound absurd, but try to think about things you might not be thinking about.


      For example, with the second place I ever rented, I didn't consider what a pain the driveway would be when it snowed.  For my current place, I saw it on a quiet Sunday, and had no idea that people use it as a short-cut during rush hour.  Is the home in a flood susceptible area?  Is it under the flight path to the airport?  Does it have septic or sewer?  Check what the available internet speed is.


      Super important - If it's in a strata, make sure you read the strata docs.  Find out all the rules.  What the common complaints are.  Are there any special levies coming?  Are the people running the strata asshats?  Are there pet restrictions?  Are there rental restrictions?


      Go talk to some neighbours.  Find out what the neighbourhood is like.  Is there a block watch?  Are there any problems in the neighbourhood. 


      Those are just some examples, but try to get to know the place as best as possible.  It's one thing to buy a house, but you also need to live there.

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