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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. That's the often what people do not comprehend,there are consequences that stem from your actions/words.
  2. Great post. However most dictators started of with good intentions. As John Dalberg-Acton stated power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely One study I read stated that power does not corrupt hower it heightens pre-existing ethical tendencies.
  3. As I stated he was the catalyst. I stated on this board years ago young Aussie and Canadians wasting their lives in a futile war (WW1) after centuries of futile wars in Europe fighting over the same pieces of territory was a terrible waste if life.
  4. I too prefer writers,scientists and musicians however apart from the scientist's the others do not shape the world politically as do politicians and Military leaders.
  5. Both Germany and Japan lost WW2 however they "won" the peace afterwards.
  6. I agree the Mao had a lot of influence within China however they were very inward looking under his rule. Apart from the Korean war his policies had no great effect on the world outside of China. I believe Xi Jinping will probably be the most influential person of the next few decades.
  7. I know that there was an assination attempt the previous day and Ferdinand was just going home from visiting his injured guards at the hospital when he took a wrong turn and Princip a member of the blackhand just happened to be standing at the intersection the coach stopped at. It was more the world wide political ramifications I was talking about. My claim about Heydrich was more about his power in the thirties and early forties in Europe and how feared he was. I am conversant with those Russians and their story and the Norwegian weather rocket. You make a good point nuclear war screws nearly everyone.
  8. I was listening to a lecture about some of the most influential people of the 20th century. Most of the historians involved claimed that Gavrilo Princip the man who assinated the Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand was the most influential person of that century. The ramifications of that act are still reverberating around the world to this day. I would love to hear other members of this board opinion on this subject. Going back to my claim that Reinhard Heydrich was one of the most feared men in Europe from the late thirties to his death stem from the fact that he headed up the secret police-security service-SD 1931-42 the Gestapo from 1934-36 The German security police from 1936-42. These units were classed as intelligence as well as security units. He had accumulated information on millions of people his fellow Nazi's included. Knowledge is power and everyone has something they wish to hide. As I have already stated he was the main architect of the holocaust. He was ruthlessly efficient and some regarded him as a future leader of Germany.
  9. Nice use of antediluvian in relation to the thread topic.
  10. The big positive that comes from this virus is how so many human beings have worked together to overcome it. Also developing vaccines for this virus can help with other afflictions,health problems.
  11. I think we went 60 odd days with no new community spread infections after one of the world's longest most severe shutdowns. Now we had just reached 28 days of no new community spread before a new case from hotel Quarantine broke that run. He was a worker in hotel Quarantine who had been out in the community before testing positive. As far as I am concerned I agree with you,we cannot put a date on when we have this virus contained.
  12. To quote a wise man It's funny how some fables became historic When the authors clearly wrote them to be metaphoric Just because millions of people are stupid enough to believe something is factual, that does not make it so. The people who wrote the metaphors/allegories that the Christian metaphors/allegories are based on were smart enough to know they were/are metaphors/allegories. Anyway the point of my post is that I like many others believe that is it is easy to see through the control mechanisms and predejuices built into those beliefs and in this day and age they are outdated. Duterte panders to those people's religious beliefs to maintain his popularity.
  13. I totally agree in fact it crossed my mind to bring up the Roman and British empires. All that post was meant to state was maybe China is trying to copy the United states in the way they went about it.
  14. What has the colour of CBH's skin got to do with the content of his posts ? I find CBH well informed and his posts are on point. As for Duterte he is a murdering POS wannabe dictator. With 86 percent of the population hanging on to an outdated fable/ religious belief,I am sure his policies pander to those beliefs accounting for his popularity.
  15. You could say that China might be copying US strategy of the last 2 centuries. First the Monroe Doctrine then the addition of the Roosevelt Corollary. Keep your opponents as far away from your front door as you can,so can think about offense rather than defense.
  16. We get sent a bowel cancer testing kit here in Aus every 2 years. Second biggest cancel killer.
  17. If I could I would post up satellite images of China's new carrier that is under construction. I dunno about my dumbass government but I am aware of the size of China's military. I know there have been skirmishes on the Indian- China border however India is a nuclear power and comes in at 4th in military power just behind China according to global firepower. War between the 2 largest populations on the planet is doubtful IMO. You never know though.
  18. Great post. Highlights the hypocrisy of politicians and that one in particular.
  19. It will be interesting to see if Biden rejoins the TPP after trump withdrew from it in 2017.
  20. With the Hong Kong example they have ramped up their game as well since trump came to power. Locking up more people not even pretending to look like they are going to stick to the handover agreement they made. Sure Putin has always been Putin but when there is no POTUS pressuring him to change his ways rather one that blatantly likes him there is even less hope of change.
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