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Everything posted by Ilunga

  1. Happy Festivus to you my friend I have missed you My grievance is the family law system here in Aus The one that took the person I loved the most from me for 9 months then made me pay 200 dollars for 2 hours a week for the next 6 months to see him in a supervised situation all on the lies and allegations of a person I loved for 14 years. 3 years later ,10 court appearances , 70k and I am still fighting Meanwhile a complaint was made to child protection about her filming our beautiful boy self harming while denigrating me in the background. Not much was done about this even though the ICL- independent child's lawyer _advised that I should have custody . Hope you are healthy and happy
  2. I am sorry I have not been around the last month or so I have had some heart problems and have finally won the battle to see my son and have the system recognise the fact the my Ex lied to exclude me from my son's life. I still have a lot on my plate but I will put some effort into my team in a few weeks To those who have sent me PM's I will get to them ASAP
  3. I have read that many of the people who are described as terrorists joined groups like ISIS because of reasons like this. 3-4 years ago air force personnel wrote a letter to Obama stating that targeted drone strikes were a recruiting tool for ISIS. Revenge..... The circle of hatred continues unless we react Zack de la Roche
  4. That is so unlike you brother. You are the most on the ball GM I know.
  5. Watched the highlights of the Finnish - Kazak game. Have to agree with your last statement.
  6. Happy Saturnalia to all in the CDCGML Seven days before chissie last year my ex and son disappeared,three days later I found out they were safe,the next evening the cops came and kicked me out of my home. Appreciate all the little things my friends,your kids smiling and unwrapping their pressies,the love of your life beside you. I hope you all experience the love of those closest to you.
  7. We are living in trump time where mysogynist's feel emboldened to display their mysogyny.
  8. Weaponised lies by Daniel Levitin. Title says it all today's world.
  9. The Detroit Redwings thanks Jack for his contributions to our club. This was a hard decision to make however Washington's GM had his mind set on aquiring Jack and we felt by moving him we could give Dylan a chance to cement a spot on our senior team Detroit recalls Dylan Strome from our minor league team Detroit assigns Danny O'Regan to our minor league team.
  10. The Detroit Red wings would like know if we have not followed the correct procedure to activate James Van Riemsdyk from injured reserve. In our last post regarding this we assigned Dylan Strome to our minor league team to make space and activated James from injured reserve.
  11. I believe you are a musician Rupert ? The gamelan performance was incredible. My girl told me it was experimental,there was only a piano player,a Bundegan,Rantok,Gule Gending player and a singer called Peni Candra Rini whose voice was at times mesmerising. All three did a percussion piece with wooden poles and a big wooden casket that are used for pounding rice. I will remember parts of this performance for the rest of my life.
  12. Thanks so much for posting this I was aware of the golden record but unaware of what music was on it. My girlfriend/ new partner is Indonesian and plays in a gamelan ensemble. On Friday evening I am going to see my first gamelan performance.
  13. Voyager 2 has left our solar system and is in the Heliosheath. It is the second man made object to leave our solar system Voyager 1 being the first. I equate these achievements with man's first steps on the moon. Too bad it is drowned out by the BS going on in the world
  14. I am following my team on pickup. I have been waiting to see how my team performs before I do much with it. I am still finding it hard to get my Sh!t together. I had some bad news in late November,my time with Lachie will be supervised until March the 14 mainly due to a clogged up court system. In some ways my life is getting better,I have pictures that Lachie drew on my fridge beside photos I had printed off my phone of him and also Ellie. Rode my downhill Bike yesterday for the first time in over a year and was pleasantly surprised at how good I felt on the bike and how focused I was. It is really hard to shake off this malaise though, the pain I feel when Lachie asks me why I do not visit him,why wasn't I there on dad's day and his birthday is like nothing I have ever felt.
  15. After rereading Sapiens a brief history of human kind by Yuval Noah Harari I am now reading his follow up book Homo Deus a brief history of tomorrow. He does extrapolate a bit with a minimum amount of data however in his first book he presents history in a way not many historians do. Well worth reading if you are a history buff.
  16. We landed another rover on Mars a few weeks ago. I remember the wonder I and many others on this forum felt when we landed a rover a few years back. There was a thread that existed for months that many people contributed to. Now all we seem to be concerned about is trump and shootings of one sort or another.....sigh.....
  17. I've been called an oxymoron because I question which drugs our war's on Why is there more drug stores Than liquor stores you can score on When the healers have become the harmers They're just pharmaceutical farmers What we used to call dealers We now call doctors I might be a CDC cynic Cause that crackhouse is now called a clinic They oughta change the name of their oath to the hpyocritic or the parasitic It is Adderallturistic by over prescribing How can we fight them in a Suboxone ring I'll throw a Prozacuation With a Sub-ketamine-ing They'll say my gears are Quaaludacris They should be Ativanashing With every Demeroltercation They'll have a good Xanaxplanation You're just cialistrated cause we made your dick deflated It's oxymoronic It's oxymoronic It should be doctors getting busted For their Klonopinions we trusted We're not the sinners They're the ones that served us the Vicodiners I don't want to be an alarmist But in that harmacy there's a harmicist And those scripts are making us Paximple minded pacifists Don't think that I AmBein crazy The medical industrial complex that keeps us Viagravated and hard to come because of Percosex How can we Hydrocondone their blatant misconduct They don't care about patients they care about pushing product Are you oxymoronic for wanting your daily chronic For making your mum's house hydroponic You're oxymoronic I've been called an oxoron for getting my mataphor on Linoleum is a Floron I'm an oxymoron It's time to be alarmed We're not being healed we're being harmed Our countries being factory pharmed It's oxymoronic It's time to sound the alarma We can't put our faith in karma We've got a common enemy and they're called big pharma Mike Burkett
  18. I remember reading somewhere that it is not the big events in life,weddings,birthdays graduations,rather the small everyday things that many do not take the time to appreciate that are the really enriching parts of our lives.
  19. Why don't we put pads on the kids Helmets and gear and mouthpieces And then we can pad the floors and walls Put cameras inside bathroom stalls Mike Burkett And why do we fall Bruce ? So we can learn to pick ourselves up Thomas Wayne
  20. Thanks Brother,really appreciate that tip. I really love the way they mix the bagpipes in their songs. AC/DC used to do this in their early days when we used to see them before they became popular,playing with bands like lobby loyde and the coloured balls.
  21. The John Pilger is one of my heroes. His books and films are a legacy that will define him as one of the greatest investatagive journalists of all time.
  22. You are totally right about the anger Deb. For starters it solves nothing and only damages oneself and impacts on those around you. My friends have stated that I should not defend my ex after what she has done to me and lies she has told and continues to tell. What any of us can take to the grave is being true to oneself, in my case that is treating others in the manner that I want to be treated and even though she is not doing that it makes it even more important for me to hang onto my ideals and treat her the way I would like to be treated.
  23. Saw Jello Biafra and the Guantanamo School of medicine at the corner hotel about 2 and a half years ago, at the end of their set they played about 6 Kennedy classics,took me back years. Love DOA,good Vancouver boys that have been playing punk rock for a while now.
  24. Cheers for the tip Brother will check out drummer boy. Just got Spotify and Boom Ultimate Ears so I can listen to music from my phone. Blows me away the quality and volume of sound from something so small
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