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Posts posted by Canuckfanforlife82

  1. 1 minute ago, 24K PureCool said:

    Those two need to learn to play responsibly if this team is even going to have a sniff at the cup and it will probably take Petey 2 years to get it through his head that he needs to play like Selke Petey all the time like last playoffs and for Hughes to learn to defend properly. The real window is 2 or 3 years away from now anyways. 

    So you think Benning should get two more years to improve this team? That's almost ten years. Craziness!!!

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  2. 2 minutes ago, 24K PureCool said:

    Really? Their play this year would like to disagree.

    I meant that when people say oh money will be coming off the books in a couple of years, don't worry it seems as if they are ok with wasting a couple of their years. It's hard having that much wasted money sitting there and they can't improve the team because of it.

  3. Why is everyone willing to give Benning a pass on his tenure so far? He's been hear almost 7 years. He's drafted well. His trades have been 50/50 but I think he gets a fail in free agency. The cap hell we are in right now is his fault and everyone keeps saying wait a couple of years and everything will even itself out. It will come off the book. Its wasted time for Pettersson and Hughes here. It's his fault we have to wait a couple of years and people just want to sweep that away likes it's no big deal. It's a big reason we couldn't bring anyone back or add anyone now. He shouldn't be let off so easy.

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  4. 2 minutes ago, Convincing John said:

    JT Miller doesn’t need a coach to motivate him, he needs to pull his head out of his .@$$ so he can see where the puck should go. 

    How many times have we seen canuck players just throw it into the middle of the ice? Puck management has been brutal. Especially on the pp. It's so frustrating to watch them make dumb passes that almost always get picked off.

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  5. Honestly who is out there to get on defense? I hear people saying trade for defense but you don't just want to make a trade just to make a trade. I don't think anyone of impact is on the trading block. I think this is it for a while. They just don't have the defensive system/defenseman they need and its almost impossible to acquire. 

  6. 6 minutes ago, Moe Knows said:

    Listen..that sound you hear are the fickle fans jumping off the bandwagon..wait a game or two they'll be climbing back on...til next loss

    Have you not watched the games this year? Their defensive system is awful and is no where near a playoff defense. You can't be giving close to 40 shots a game and expect to win. I hate when people bring up people jumping off the bandwagon when they lose. People are concerned for their overall play this year. At times uninspired. The top line has been MIA, disinterested and being out scored by every other team. So don't come on here and say fans are jumping off the bandwagon. They are concerned with the overall play of the team in most of the games this year and have a right to complain. We have allowed a terrible amount of goals. Who is to blame for that?

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  7. 1 minute ago, Dazzle said:

    Whining about ownership and GMing after losses is so old. Yet coaching is not as often brought up. There's something lovefest going on when the accountability isn't spread so evenly.

    Green (and his assistants) has always been inconsistent with his team's performances, regardless of his roster. When does his role come in? There's ALWAYS an excuse about how he's "doing the best he can".

    He literally just said today that he doesn't care about shot totals. Where's the wisdom coming from? Look at these blowout losses. I said in the Ottawa game that if you allow that many shots, some of them are just bound to go in.

    I agree as well. You can't be giving up that many shots per night but in reality, who is there amazing shutdown defenseman? We don't have one. The defensive system Baumer has in place is awful. I don't get how he has a job right now.

  8. 1 minute ago, HannibalSmith said:

    This all day. Now how, who and where can they get just 2? 
    Jimbo has his hands full. Should be working the phones tonight. 

    You really want him to? He's terrible at making deals when under pressure.  He will likely give up too much. The clubs hands are tied right now. They decided they were good enough and have to live with their bad decisions.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Silky mitts said:

    This team will continue to suffer as long as jimbo is in charge

    I agree. I just think they are built wrong. It's a mismash of we are rebuilding, to retooling, to we are a playoff team and we are all in. It's just the wrong way to build a team and it has the owners finger prints all over it.

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  10. I just don't think our defense is built well enough. There are no physical defenseman at all on this team and teams aren't scared at all to get in the scoring areas. This is where I think Jim Benning fails in management. He didn't see this coming after losing Tanev who at least is a defensive defenseman. They are too soft back there. Can't our team ever be a fast, skilled heavy team? Nope. They need to be nice on this team to play here.

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