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Everything posted by davidgoliath

  1. Very sad. Thinking of Jason Botchford and family too.
  2. He’s still growing. Late bloomer. Actually, I’m good with this. The extra year is not the end of the world. I imagine Tyler Myers had some input as to character etc.
  3. Once again the power of great goaltending is demonstrated. We are very fortunate to have Demko and have him on a friendly contract - assuming he plays consistently to his potential. Makes me wonder why there was such drama about the Ian Clark contract. We all knew it had to be done and the Canucks management looked either mean, cheap or stupid in risking him leaving. The Leafs series was the dullest of all the series being played so far. Very little hitting, very little passion. Dull and uninspired. That worked in favour of the Habs. The Leafs would get absolutely hammered by every other team that is still playing. They are waaay too soft. I don’t know who hit Muzzin and put him out but that guy, and Perry who took out Tavares, could have had the biggest impact in the Habs win.
  4. That had to be the dullest Game 6 in NHL history - no fire, no passion, no attitude. Most preseason games have more excitement. They might as well have played with their pyjamas on and had their warm cocoa on the bench.
  5. Disagree. Three top centers are essential to being a contender. Teams with only two good lines are road-kill in the high paced game of today.
  6. They’re too scared. Simmons might take offence. Pathetic. We’ve had lots of losing teams but these guys are the softest losers of all. Soft as baby poo.
  7. He has size, maybe get him some boxing lessons and some cage fighting experience so we won’t be so soft to play against. Could extend his career a bit. Otherwise I agree, say goodbye.
  8. Cuthbert is the worst play by play guy in television and Simpson is the worst colour guy. You can’t get into the game because they are always yapping about some meaningless statistic or gee-wiz fact. They never shut up. Just call the damn game ffs!
  9. I wouldn’t give Eriksson anything. He’s been a complete bust at his salary level. He should be donating most of it to Canuck Place for kids, or giving it back to the Aquas. I wondered if it is taxed as “unearned income”?
  10. Thanks for digging up the old scouting report. I think you analyzed it correctly. Only thing I would challenge is that Roussel and Virtanen are are third line quality wingers. I would describe their quality level as fourth liners on a last place team.
  11. Exactly! And what makes it maddening is the belief that he could be Tom Wilson if only he had the heart, fearlessness and conditioning. Sadly he is a cheat who gives only half an effort to an employer who pays him well. On the rare occasions that Jake shows truculence it’s against someone smaller. He never fights in his weight class - too scared of getting his pretty face messed up. He’s the home-town version of Loungin’ Louie Erickson. If no one will give a 3rd round draft pick for him then stick him on waivers. His presence here is a bad example for our young players.
  12. Virtanen has to be the dumbest player on the team. Very little situational awareness, doesn’t read plays, reacts slowly and takes stupid penalties regularly. Unless he hits more and gets more gritty I see no purpose in having him on the team. Trade him on draft day for a 3rd rounder.
  13. Another enigmatic hockey player whose biggest claim to fame is his refusal to play for two consecutive NHL teams who held his rights. Has had skill at the college level but generally a disappointment at pro level. So it remains to be seen: is he plug n play or just a plug?
  14. Hats off to Miller taking on a bigger guy and landing a couple of dandies. He led but no one followed. Must be very frustrating for him to stick his chin out, literally, for nothing. The rest played without effort like a team of Ericksons. These guys play the hockey equivalent of flag football. What the hell is Roussel? He can’t even be a disrupter, hitter or fighter - a total waste of space. Waive him through to the minors. Jake again a sleepy passenger.Trade his ass for a third rounder. Also it is now exposed that Bo is not a leader. There are major character issues with this team.
  15. Let’s bring in Halford and Brough as assistant coaches. Obviously, the most important quality in coaching this team is a good sense of humour.
  16. Regarding Erickson, it seems to me that he has just been doggin it ever since he became a Canuck. Lacking in effort and unwilling to get physically involved. Benning’s mistake was in being a poor judge of character. Erickson has been very skilled in doing the absolute minimum to avoid a breach of contract lawsuit. I would be surprised if Canucks did not have their lawyers carefully study video of Erickson’s “efforts”. However, they should have fired his butt down to the minors after the first year of this bs. I wonder if Erickson ever feels the least bit guilty in cashing his paycheques? Basically, that contract has prevented us from having a true top six player in his place and that is a crucial defect in this team. Add in the overpaid mediocrities of B, S and R and it is no surprise the team is where it is. And to cap it, the top players know this and it has to affect their commitment.
  17. To get Manson add a sweetener, Jake and a pick - 3rd or 4th round, maybe in 2022. I’m not keen on Heinen for Jake. May as well keep Jake and put him in psychotherapy to find out why he’s so lazy. Some childhood trauma? Or does he need to go on a diet and stop eating so many potatoes? He looks bloated. Find out what Hoglander eats and feed him that. Really, he’s mentally sluggish and after one sprint down the ice he’s done. It’s a cry for help.
  18. I nominate Halford and Brough as co-coaches. They probably know as much about the game as Green and their pressers would be a lot funnier. Sekeres and Price to replace Dim Jim. It about time to activate Defcon 4 and put in some pro armchair coaches and managers to replace these amateurs.
  19. I have been disappointed/disgusted with Virtanen’s recent “efforts” but have to admit he’s giving it a go here tonight. So why is he a passenger so many nights? Maybe he has some emotional issues to deal with. If so he should have the courage to confront them like Tyler Motte. Huge respect for Tyler in doing the video about his mental health issues. It is so important to acknowledge that this topic affects millions of people and everyone needs to feel comfortable about getting help. Ironically, depression and anxiety issues affect many of the hockey “tough” guys, and those who do not deal with it (or deal with it through alcohol and drugs) are often doomed to lives of unhappiness if not misery.
  20. Just heard Anaheim interested in Virtanen. Awesome. Just get rid of this lazy clown. A third round pick? Yeah whatever. Out. Out.
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