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Everything posted by ESP77

  1. Re-read what I said. The minority I was talking about was gays. There's always going to be idiots out there that don't like minorities. You're never going to change that no matter how many announcements people make. I'm in an inter racial relationship. There's still people out there that don't like that and discriminate against people for that. You don't see me making a press statement about it...
  2. There's always going to be some morons that don't like a minority. You're never going to stop that. And I'd say gays are pretty damn well excepted these days. I just see no reason for anyone to announce their private sexual preferences. It's no one's business.
  3. I'm sure there have been plenty. Public announcement about what you're into isn't nescassary.
  4. Baumgartner. In other words, another wasted season next year because our defensive system is so horrible. This alone should be reason enough to fire Benning and Green on the spot.
  5. They should rename themselves to the Edmonton Eskimos.
  6. I win. Edit: and Arizona got 2nd so it would be a redraw. Very realistic because you know that's exactly what would happen if we got 1st.
  7. Why should the NHL do anything for a racist group?
  8. When did I say I was comfortable with getting covid?
  9. I'll get it once we know the long term side effects, or if I have to in order to visit family in Japan. I'm not comfortable until there's at least 1-2 years of data on the side effects.
  10. Not going to until I absolutely have to. Y'all can be the guinea pigs.
  11. I don't like the red buttons. Doesn't fit with Canuck colours.
  12. Aaaaaaand that's the season. Shouldn't have had one in the first place this year if not doing the bubble again.
  13. Yep, my wife is Japanese and she couldn't be less offended by Dr. Suess and all this "Asian stereotype" crap. Seems the only people getting upset are woke white people.
  14. So guys, I hear Vesey wasn't able to go tonight. Have the announcers mentioned this yet?
  15. WTF is going on with these announcers? They've mentioned Vesey wasn't able to get in like 20x.
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