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Status Updates posted by BedBeats™2.0

  1. Cool beans! Its been a rocky few months for a few of the patriarchs in the family, bad health issues. So all the kids will be together this year. Including my newly preggo sister who i havent seen for a long time. I think we will all be in N.Van this time. You have a PO box #? I have a Canucks x-mas gift for you.

  2. Cheers mate (PGT). Took in regard about me and my potty mouth and what you mentioned about it. Whatcha doing for x-mas?!

  3. That was a great GIF siggy. Loved seeing that at the start of every game.

  4. Holy crap..Susan Boyle's voice just gave out on live TV. Trippy.

  5. "Pat was a great coach, he always made players accountable, which is everything a player ever wants out of a coach."-Ray Bourque. Sounds like another coach we are familiar with here in Vancouver..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Correction...he was not Patty's assistant for that long, only for a brief time, then he succeeded Pat in the same regional teams they worked for.

    3. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      I knew you were gonna bring up AV. FIRE AV

    4. BedBeats™2.0


      Of course! Good coach, even Linden's ringing endorsement cements that.

  6. Hey Ben Kuzma: Why do you always write such crap??!!!

    1. The Situation

      The Situation

      I find his articles to be amusing. He is not quite the calibre of Iain MacIntyre though.

    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Hahaha...the calibre of crap. Y'know..both those guys used to be decent...now they just write in morbid amusement to stir things up.

  7. YAYYYY! Burlesque night at the Biltmore, and i met a wonderful woman named Marina. Seriously, all you Britney's can bite it.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      good luck with marina......treat her good

    3. :D


      Biltmore? Heard that was a hipster hangout now.

    4. BedBeats™2.0


      @ Joe, yeah..Burlesque had a few different resurgences in the last few 15 years...sort of depends what coast you live in. Here theres like over 5 crews competing with each other. I would have loved to have seen the real deal back in the day..especially in Berlin!

      @ :D Yeah...it was a virtual retarded hodgepodge of CITR want to be cool kids. I just drank cheapo PBRs and made fun of them. Thats the best things about those crowds...you know they gather and judge amongst themselves...

  8. ARRRRGH!!!!!!! Please do not be sooo darn lazy with R.I.P. SAY something for chrissakes..

  9. Right??!!! Yah...fire AV and trade the Twins. Cheers mate.

  10. Much obliged! and yes...cant believe people thought that i thought those photos were real...kinda makes everything that much more funnier.

  11. Ahhhh..one of the good users here! You used to have that Rheos siggy, looong ago right?!

  12. The captain one?! Im rotating them now, i HAD to make one with Sammy doing his jig. Nice to see Juice with a good goal, eh?!

  13. Wow Botchford, you couldnt grade a piece of beef.

    1. -DLC-


      Oh God, just read it.


  14. Loved your post about AV. Very well written. And quite possibly the longest reply you have made!

  15. Welcome to CDC, really enjoyed your posts in the Sammy thread. I noticed the exact same things. And they are things that can be adjusted. Cheers.

  16. So very frightened to go into Canucks Talk.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DLC-
    3. Ashleigh


      Yeah, stay out of there if you can. :P

    4. BedBeats™2.0


      Looked thru the recent threads that stayed. The AV one is full of folks that do not even know what the hell they are talking about. The Lu ones are about the same. It will just be a matter of time until someone writes a "Henrik sucks as captain" and blames the uncharacteristic losses on him and Euros. Dont the panic folks realize how moronic they sound?!

  17. All my Rider freak friends are going nuts, sooo who are you cheering for?! And do i dare venture into CT?!

  18. HOLY CRAP! What a play! Good one on you!

  19. Indeed frenemy! the Leos are taking it to them. I need a drink!

  20. I will not gloat about my awesome standings in the Elite CDC'ers Hockey pool. Im a bit awesome.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. -DLC-


      yea BB!

      I am rather proud of my CDC NFL Survivor status as well (only 3 of us left)

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      your elite BB....and thanks for not gloating.....i'm in 2nd place in my pool of 34 people, 12 points out of first....semin is killing me....

    4. BedBeats™2.0


      @CanuckEdge, i was going to tease/trash talk you...we were close for 2 weeks, switching off position. Its funny...im only leading because of the +/-. Wait...Royal...who are you in the Pool (kinda dumb question.). @ Deb only 3??!!! I understand NFL pools are difficult. @ Joe, 2nd place!!!!! What round did you pick Semin, if i read that correctly.

  21. Im predicting a window of 3-4 days before all the debbie downers start calling for Burrow's head. Of course the AV Tea Party will follow suit with water gun ammunition to blather on about.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sultan of Sarcasm

      Sultan of Sarcasm

      Apparently my namesake is a lost art. Sigh.

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Lol ^ I get it and love it because you are still positive with a twist :)

    4. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      AV can't win, if they win the cup, they will say they won in spite of him....kind of like tony gallagher on pat quinn. for some fans, the grass is always greener in the recesses of their minds..

  22. Welcome to CDC....watch out it can get silly in here.

  23. NOOOO!!!!! Okies...PM me the posts!!!! And its possibly the same schtick?!!

  24. How was it to be a day Rider fan??!!

  25. Welcome back to Canada!!! How has the transition been?

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