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Everything posted by awalk

  1. Huge fan of his work, his take downs of Andrew Walker will live on in infamy. No one in Vancouver sportswriting writes like Botch did. Just the other day was looking forward to subscribing to the Athletic come September for the Provies-- er, Athleties. Will be sorely missed.
  2. Rough list, but the outbound players on the left side should be categorized just like the inbound players on the right side.
  3. Metal Gear Solid V (PC) Total War: Warhammer II (PC) [oh gawd this game... my love/hate relationship with it...] annnnd NHL 14 for PS3 I bounce back and forth.
  4. I always somehow manage to start playing Skyrim again ... le sigh ..
  5. Metal Gear Solid V is on for $11.99 on humble... reviews look pretty solid so i bought it and excited to play a MGS game for first time in like.. a decade lol ..
  6. https://twitter.com/NoLore granted she is getting some horrible messages
  7. I certainly hope that all costs are covered and whatever is left over is donated to hockey organizations that need it.
  8. This Nora woman is having a complete twitter meltdown.
  9. They really salvaged Survivor Series at the last minute Brand Warfare , although kinda cheesy, actually pretty interesting. I get that they wanted to put RAW over as deadly but if AJ had come out at the end of SD, and then Lesner came out and they had a toe to toe, roof woulda blown off.
  10. Nakamura looked really deflated throughout the match don't you think? Totally unmotivated. I wonder if he's frustrated with the way he's being booked. I felt Summerslam, with the pop he got going out, was 100% the time to give him the belt. Would have been huge. We could be enjoying Nakamura v Owens right now ... instead got Nakamura v Mahal and Owens / McMahon :/
  11. Thought HIAC was mostly a flop. Jinder... sigh...
  12. I'm a big Corbin fan, but only bc he's a bruiser, and I like his move-set; however, I readily recognize he is awful on the mic, paces way too much when he talks, and generally has a lot of work to do to get to top level. But mannn that went from being an exciting moment at the end of SD to being a ... what??? moment
  13. Didn't see it but seems like a good way to give Jordan a rub and have American Alpha be managed by Angle
  14. If there's anything as sure as rain in Vancouver, it's that people will be pissed about the Canucks' first round selection in the draft, every year. Usually it's a good sign, if people are mad. Means it'll actually be a good player.
  15. Gradin has been the Canucks best scout for the better part of the last decade, if not more (not sure exactly when he was hired and frankly I don't feel like googling it :D ) This was his pick all the way, and I really trust his vision. Benning has also well-proved throughout his career that he is an excellent scout. Lot of positive factors going into this pick, and they selected a pure skill guy. Not a bad move at #5 at all.
  16. Not for me. Bayley is boring because she is super flat on the mic and not a very good actor.
  17. They film that in my neighborhood in LA -- well, I just moved a little further away, but yeah been trying to get tickets forever and it's impossible... Been to some of the low-budget Lucha Libre events around East LA and they are awesome!! Saw Blue Demon Jr. recently.
  18. Ambrose - Miz match was real good from Xtreme Rules. So was the fatal 5 way, thought that was really well mapped out. I thought I had spoiled it for myself earlier in the day, and went in thinking Balor was going to win, so Joe winning was quite a nice shock for me.
  19. Yeah poor Bailey....she's just so boring...
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