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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 12 hours ago, skategal said:

    I don't think they lied to you, either they don't have the capability or the person you spoke to may not be aware.  My understanding is that it requires a blood test (serology).  I remember Dr. Henry talking about having labs in BC adding a serology test to blood samples that were provided I believe for other testing.  I recently completed a test for a university study, I was sent a kit, had to do the finger prick and provide blood dots on a piece of paper and mail it back to them.  In 3 - 4 weeks I should get results on whether I had COVID this past summer.  

    I really want to get that for a friend who swears she had it in November when she was really sick at one point and keeps telling everyone shes already had COVID at the beginning of it and now doesn't believe in it.  Somehow claims she got it November or right at the beginning of December when it was barely even known at that time, I don't remember hearing about it until later to mid december.

  2. Problem now is rumor has it they are moving AHL to Canada for the year (same with everyone else in Canada) so he would probably just have to commute to Abby or something.  Should move the team to like Ft St John and demote Loui, see if he wants to stay and if he doesn't promptly move it back to Abby :P

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  3. 2 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    How is providing consisent clear daily covid information to BC citizens insulting BC citizens.? 


    This is what every Canadian provides does in case you don't have the chance to follow how things work in other provinces.....


    Well done bud..... 

    But how does daily numbers change anything?  You could put out weekly numbers and get the same results, if it was every saturday-friday and numbers came out Fridays then we would all know them going into the weekend and that number would look much bigger.  Why does daily numbers matter so much to you?

  4. 11 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    I think most citizens would prefer to see covid number each day.  consistent methodical approach.

    Every CDN province agrees with me.  BC 's approach makes no sense.  Just confuses people.

    Typical arrogant BC approach.   

    Who is it confusing?  Come Monday (or Tuesday this week) we will just see what the weekend was like and go from there.  Getting it daily doesn't change much, you can still figure it out and more people are probably less likely to pay attention to this stuff on a weekend anyways as they don't have radios on or have news on the TV, etc. Only reason I ever know what the numbers are is because Sekeres and Price go over it every day at 3 when I am headed home so thats when I hear any numbers, I would be completely clueless on the weekends if they did it.

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  5. 4 hours ago, wloutet said:

    It's like the electrons in computer networks don't work over weekends. I can pay on a credit card on Friday, instantly the money comes out of my account. It doesn't show up on the credit card website until about Wednesday of the following week. Who is doing what with my money for those 5 days!!???


    Its amazing how things that are all done VIA electronics, have no need for humans, also seem to shut down on Saturdays and Sundays lol

  6. 4 minutes ago, Boudrias said:

    Canada needs a fast and accurate Covid testing regime and after 9 months we still don't have one. Kids are going to school and bringing what back into the home. How many families were relying on grandparents to provide daycare for their kids? Society has to have a way of functioning with Covid. Shutting down the economy cannot happen. It is one thing to rely on other countries to supply PPE and hopefully a vaccine but maintaining a functioning economy another.   

    Still frustrating how places like South Korea (I believe it was) had drive thru testing stations within a month or so of the outbreak where you were getting results back within a day or so.  Here its still 2 days and then they only let you know if you're positive (what if they screwed up and missed out on your number proper, etc.).  Canada was SO slow off the line and continues to be. 

  7. Ok so couple scenarios. 


    1) Guy at work last week wasn't feeling well on Monday, let the admin know and they told him he had to stay home and get a covid test.  So he wasn't able to get it until Wednesday, and his results didn't come back until late Friday.  So he missed 4 days of work without pay with no way of getting composated as you only get money from the government if you test positive.  He's the main source of income for his family as his wife stays home with the kids and only works part time so now he's only going to collect 6/10 days of pay the upcoming payday and we don't even have sick days at our work to try and cover some of the lost wages. 

    Whats to keep people from just pumping themselves even more with ColdFX, DayQuill, Buckleys, etc. just to mask any illness because they aren't getting paid.  From reading my union contract it doesn't look like having a cough or anything is grounds to send you home and not let you back as unless you are violentally ill no one has ever been sent home as far as I know, so it'll be interesting to see what they can forcefully do to send you home and not have it grieved and have to be paid out as lost wages, etc.


    2) I was reading on Twitter last night there was a positive test at some school in Vancouver or somewhere and they are sending kids and teachers home to quarantine for 14 days.  

    The debate I was reading among people on the thread (can't find it now as it was retweeted and I can't remember the news ladies name apparently)

    - 1) Are they doing remote learning now because everyone is home or do teachers/students not have their gear, etc.

    - 2) If they aren't doing remote learning and going to try and go back in 2 weeks, are all the teachers just home now on sick leave - do teachers have to use sick days or do they just get sent home and paid but don't do teaching?  (all the parents of those kids have to use sick days too themselves to care for the kids as it was elementary I believe).  

    Now this is going to be an interesting battle potentially between the government and union, is the government going to force sick days or just pay them out as is? 


    Now I say that as some companies like mine, we won't get a dime as far as I know if we are sent home sick or as a precaution, while others companies (like my old work years ago) will force you to take sick days and then you'll go unpaid from then on or have to take vacation or something. 



    Personally I know I will be keeping away from most people (still ugh miss friends) and eating up all the OT at my work that I can for the next few months if people do start going down and sent home. 

  8. 7 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    BC was in a great spot after the spring lockdown.


    We wasted our position with both  poor government policy and poor individual behavior over the BC summer. 


    Over confidence set in, and the results will now be a consequence. '


    Covid is highly contagious and airborn so Dr. B anti mask  / anti social distancing persuasion really never made sense. Of course it kept the economy going in the short term.... but the next lockdown is soon on the horizon. 


    The economy was crippling with debt, hell look at the Feds right now, they are talking about bumping CPP back up to 67 again because they have maxed out their spending and can't fund stuff anymore.  Why the hell can the Feds change the rules on OUR money they forced us to give them.  Crap like that makes me hate the government even more and still stand on my stance that the government should NEVER be in charge of our retirement money.  God damn bull$&!# if you ask me, I can only imagine how many people are going to pull it out early now and get dinged just so that they don't loose that ability over the next couple years potentially. 


    Its a crap situation, you had to get economy moving again.  The government doesn't have unlimited money to just toss around, all the money they toss around is our tax dollars, eventually theres no more tax dollars for them to piss away.  Happened when Harper got in, he start spending because of the 2008 downturn hit them at that time and that set us back, Covid is here and now the Liberals are spending more, theres not unlimited money coming out.  Not everyone is fortunate to have jobs minimally effected by covid either unfortunately so at some point you need to get them back to work.


    Now we probably should have implamented a mask rule earlier but for the most part until recently our numbers were pretty low so its hard to convince people and justify when we were down to under 20 cases a day. 

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  9. 4 hours ago, Robert Long said:

    I don't know that I trust any of them. I trust my own critical thinking skills. 


    E.g., I enjoy Joe Rogan, but sometimes he doesn't really know what he's talking about. But other times he's excellent. Same with his guests. 

    Thats what I love about Joe Rogan.  Sometimes I am listening and I am like "yea thats awesome, great conversation" then other times I am thinking "dude how hammered and high are you, you are making no damn sense"

  10. 50 minutes ago, coho8888 said:

    Yep, I hear yah.  A frequent cross border shopper myself.  Some deals are good enough to absorb the extra to have it sent into Canada.  Most Ebay purchases have the import fees already listed before you decide to pull the trigger.  I've still done some but certainly not as much as before.  But no way do I want the border opened right now.   

    Thats virtually all I want is that 2 minute hop over and back :P  But oh well not the end of the world.

  11. 24 minutes ago, kingofsurrey said:

    In many cities, schools are capped.  Only students in boundary can attend.  No out of catchment students can transfer in.  This is pretty routine policy for lower mainland.   Russ - do you even have kids in the school system ?

    Not at the moment but another couple years 

  12. 23 minutes ago, stawns said:

    you don't actually get to choose your school unless you're wanting them to go to a school that focuses on fsl, montessori etc etc

    You can get transferred schools if you don't have certain sports teams or if simply you don't like the school you're going in.  My parents had me go to a different school right off the bat in highschool because they didn't like the kids in my Elementary school and didn't want me going there.  My buddy transfered out to another school and they litterally said he wanted to play football which we didn't have at our school.  Lots of ways to transfer more than just the FSL or Montessori reasons.  But I do understand your point, for the most part you are placed via your address and have to have a reason to get out.

  13. 1 minute ago, CBH1926 said:

    What was your entry point?

    Recently, not a good time to buy when a couple days later Epic started this pissing contest with them.  I will be holding for a good 5+ years probably so not really worried long term, I am not looking to buy/sell on the weekly, don't have the time for that as I am always working while markets are open, etc. and don't have time to dink around comparing what to and not to own.  

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