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Posts posted by Russ

  1. 1 hour ago, stawns said:

    They're thinking, now, that it might be mutating again and that it might be tough to develop a vaccine for it.

    It'll be like the flu pretty much.  Right now they look at the strain that Australia will get during winter and try to predict what it'll mutate to by the time it comes to North America.  Thats why the seasonal flu shots are hit and miss some years, theres only so much predicting you can do to try and avoid the flu.  I know some years I have gotten the shot, and not even gotten a sniffle but other years I could clearly feel a bit ill. Its going to have to be one of those, you try and get the current strain while continue working on other strains.  Even if we ended up getting it to a yearly shot thats not the end of the world unless you are one of thsoe anti-vaxxer people.

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  2. 1 hour ago, kloubek said:

    Honestly, with all the red tape in a Western country, it wouldn't be surprising to see an overseas nation be the first to come up with an effective vaccine. I would have thought China (oh, the irony) but Russia makes sense. They'd love to be the world's heros. Mind you, any power would.


    From what I understand (take it with a grain of salt given media bias) they are not exactly following proper protocol when it comes to testing the vaccine, and so far have released no data to back their claims as to how close they really are.


    What a collective sigh of relief there will be heard as soon as an effective and safe vaccine starts being distributed. I am not young, and this has been the biggest cluster-f I have witnessed in my lifetime.

    Yup.  They were talking about the vaccine in development in Quebec (I think, maybe Ontario), and they did their first round of testing, things looked positive but now theres another long step in it where its going to be months before they will do another trial, etc.  This is one thing where they need to expedite things, theres only so long the economy can suffer and if theres a vaccine that they feel has a chance at atleast helping the cause they need to do it sooner than later, even if its not a permanent long term vaccine where that can keep developing a permanent fixture. 

  3. Pink Floyd - the wall / animals 

    Linkin park - hybrid theory / one more light 

    Foo fighters - greatest hits (is that cheating?), pretty much all foo fighters songs are awesome 

    Redlight King - something for the pain 

    Beatles - 1

    Mike shinoda - post traumatic 

    Fort minor - rising tide 


    I listen to a lot of single songs but these are probably most of the albums I could play 24/7 and enjoy thourly. Probably have some others I can think of at this moment 

  4. 10 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

    So brutal. Get a real job that makes a difference instead of accomplishing nothing. If you can't see that that's why we're wasting away.


    It's stupid.

    Whats a "real" job in 2020 though?  Everyone is going to have a different definition.  It still seems weird to me that people make almost all their living off YouTube/instagram/etc but lots of the woodworkers I watch and admire do that as opposed to actual TV shows, etc.  Its sure not the idea I had growing up and still is strange to me.  But at the same time I will absolutely trash people that take stuff like "general studies degrees" etc. and still end up working starbucks after 4 years of wasting time at university and have no real direction or job to go to.  These days people realize social media can cause a stir and make them money by working very little but much bigger rewards than we every got doing office or trades jobs so its hard to trash them if they can make a good living and not have to work nearly as much.  Seems weird to me but to each their own.

    • Thanks 1
  5. 12 hours ago, Gawdzukes said:

    Clicks? OMG, can we get dumber as human beings? Like really, how dumb can we get?

    How do you think many of these people make more money than you and I?  They get the clicks and have sponsors in the background or ad revenue which makes them tons of money.  Its the new reality we are in here.

  6. On 7/20/2020 at 7:00 PM, Tortorella's Rant said:

    Gym session first time in four months. It felt like it too. My lifts sucked. Home workouts cannot replicate much of what the gym offers. 

    I went back last week for the first time since November, felt good but flipping sore after and my strength is bad now.

    • Cheers 1
  7. 5 hours ago, wloutet said:

    Try teaching a class of 30 when half are texting every time your back is turned!  If somebody needs some b**ls then it should be the school board that allows cell phones in the school. Mind you, now that we have COVID-19, cell phones can be used for online learning. Until the teacher's back is turned, and out come the texting and videos and games. Sigh....

    I was all over that T-95 calculator jump man game or whatever it was back in the day in math class.

    • Cheers 1
  8. 2 hours ago, Warhippy said:

    I PROMISE you that there is no way in hell that 1,000 people in the Okanagan that just hit 36 degrees today are self isolating.  Iike at all.

    At 36 degrees I would be self isolating lol, I would wait until it drops back down to about 30 degrees personally before wandering out.

  9. 3 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    What i find so peculiar about USA.   A country of 328  million..


    The top 2 political candidates are Trump and Biden....   really ?     That is best 2 people that could be found.....



    Thats the thing I find the funniest.  The Dems had 4 years to find a suitable candidate to appeal to the public to try and beat Trump in November, and you're telling me a 77 year old is the best they could come up with.  How they choose their leaders is so stupid, its almost whoever has the most money and can run their campaign the longest.  But seriously Biden is the best candidate half the country could come up with.... 

    • Cheers 1
    • Haha 1
  10. 9 hours ago, coho8888 said:

    If you don’t mind fishing for the fall chinook, there’s plenty of those.  That run is 5 times larger and in the coming years it’s projected to double because they’ve increased the production at the hatchery to provide more food for the Orcas in the Ocean.

    Nice only gone for Chinook a few times like 5 years ago on the Vedder, should try again.

    • Cheers 1
  11. 15 hours ago, Monty said:

    A.P. Bio - Season 1


    Alright, this might be the last great show on standard cable tv. Glenn Howerton (It’s Always Sunny) plays the main character, who’s a recently fired Harvard Professor who now finds himself teaching high school Biology in Toledo. It’s fantastic.



    Thats a great show, I really enjoy him as an actor.  I really need to binge Its Always Sunny soon.

    • Cheers 1
  12. 14 hours ago, coho8888 said:

    This is what I'm doing.




    Nice saw some guys on Sunday and couple said they had caught a spring each.  I gotta get my licence and find time to get out again, would love some fresh fish.  Then I have to remember how to fish spring, been years since I tried. 

  13. 9 hours ago, stawns said:

    then the government has to tke away the things that tempt those 20 somethings.......bars, gyms, boat launches, pubs, restaurants etc etc etc.

    I have never seen my gym as clean as it is now.  They got 2 extra staff on just to clean, everyone is actually wiping down the machines with sanitizer after each thing.  And you can't blame it on 20 somethings for gyms, no joke its 50% elderly (60+ year olds) at the gym now it seems, maybe its just the time I am going but theres just as many older retirees as younger people. 

  14. 7 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    With the Denmark model.


    Classes are split into 2 groups of 10. All day school for all K -5.



    Half days for kids?  Yea I guess that could work alright, kids 6-12 grades should be able to bus home (just get the buses to drive a couple extra routes during the day) and they should be able to stay home by themselves by that age for the most part.

  15. 7 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    With the Denmark model.


    Classes are split into 2 groups of 10. All day school for all K -5.



    Half days for kids?  Yea I guess that could work alright, kids 6-12 grades should be able to bus home (just get the buses to drive a couple extra routes during the day) and they should be able to stay home by themselves by that age for the most part.

  16. 4 minutes ago, stawns said:

    Because we're public servants, we don't work for a private business. 


    I put out over $500 of my own money every year for classroom things that should be supplied by the government........I shouldn't to pay for a mask to help save the lives of students and their loved ones, my colleagues and their loved ones or my loved ones.

    I am not getting into this with you again, we have both agreed that the budgets are too low.  Hell my dad was a teacher for 30+ years, I know all about how he had to work with PAC to get litterally 90% of his funding to keep his classroom functioning and how many hours he did outside of school hours just driving around burning gas galore to get stuff for his students.  He easily was spending thousands a year on fuel just getting supplies but he did it because of the students and knew it was part of his job unfortunately.  Districts are given budgets, now its time for the to pull money from one section, and go out and buy all the teachers reusable masks out of their yearly budgets. 

  17. 10 hours ago, Dazzle said:

    I've been in a really stable relationship for 4.5 years. Girlfriend is really similar to me personality wise. Chemistry is very strong. However, I can't seem to convince her to be more confident with herself, particularly with her looks.


    I think she looks decent without her glasses but she otherwise doesn't put much effort into her looks, and by this, I don't mean it in a good way. She says she looks ugly but she doesn't change anything on her own to fix this, though I have assured her many times she looks cute. I did my part already and I'm getting annoyed.


    I went into this relationship thinking I could help her be more confident. I love her personality. I admire her many good traits. But I don't like how she doesn't change the things she needs to be more confident. (I.e makeup). Nothing changes if you don't make changes. If you don't like your appearance so much, why not change it up? She also says she needs to lose weight but isn't doing anything to fix this.


    I understand that I'll probably sound kinda shallow but I love her for our compatibility. We get along really really well. But I didn't like how she just close the door on stuff and leaving things as they are. In the meantime she just keeps complaining about her looks in pictures, but makes no changes to satisfy herself. It's kinda frustrating.


    I sent her my first "drama" passive aggressive text message ever in our relationship. "sorry for bringing it up". Communication has been a strength of ours yet she doesn't seem to understand that I am getting frustrated.


    Need some constructive feedback. I don't care if I get negative comments because I'll have to re-evaluate myself and this relationship if need be.


    Story of every womans life.  You say they are beautiful and they say "oh your just saying that because you love me".  Wife asks why I don't say much anymore, I tell her I just get in trouble if I say the right or wrong thing some how lol.  Just get married, then she won't care as much hopefully, women judge themselves WAY to much, its one reason I was hoping to have a couple boys (ended up with 1 boy, 1 girl) just because there is so much pressure on women these days to look amazing in every photo, etc. when really they do look great normally but not up to their own standards unless they spend hours on makeup to doll themselves up and look picture perfect.  Its a weird idea that marketing and social media has gotten in their heads.

    • Haha 1
  18. 2 hours ago, kingofsurrey said:

    I think schools can reopen with safety protocols in place ....   but is BC gov willing to pay the extra costs is the real question. 





    Would that not be up to the school districts to get fit into their budgets?  Every other buisness has to buck up their own money for their staff, why would tax payers be on the hook for extra equipment when schools already get a budget?

  19. On 7/15/2020 at 7:24 PM, Me_ said:

    You are right. This is just starting for them.





    And those are the ones they catch out of 1.35 billion people, most of them without running water, jobs or masks, whereby self-distancing is impossible. 

    The Brazil of the East.


    WTF happened that one day? 

    • Haha 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Tortorella's Rant said:


    Are we allowed to get sick still or is it automatically assumed you have covid if you tell your employer you feel under the weather. I'm not sick - it is a hypothetical 

    Lots of guys at my work still take sick days, generally on Fridays though but I doubt they have covid.....  Our work is pretty good, they will just ask if you have any symptoms and to call and get tested if they feel they need it. 

  21. 8 hours ago, NucksPatsFan said:

    Every EV company is going public. Fisker the latest. Limit order didn't trigger at 12.84 yesterday had to get in at 13.40. Was pissed. Not so much any more lol.


    Also bought GRAF warrants this morning on the rumour they're bidding for Walmart deal

    Geeze why can't I seem to find their stock?  Whats it under?  I am about to start investing in the EV space I think.


    Ignore me somehow I was misspelling their bloody name like a nimrod

  22. 4 hours ago, Canorth said:

    My Mom was standing over the dead body of her brother. She could “expect” anything from me as she saw fit.


    What the Fcks you’re problem with that.

    My bad just seemed weird to me that she didn't just tell you he had died and had you come over. Definitely came out a lot worse sounding than I meant it to, didn't mean to be an ass. It's never easy to lose family members no matter what. 

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