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Everything posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. The fact this exchange happened should be enough for the officer who said it to lose his job. What????? "I'm honestly afraid to get out." "Yeah dude, you should be," one officer responds.
  2. In need of some good news. What is possible. Gonna take a while here in BC. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-56682716 Covid: Deaths in England and Wales fall 92% since January peak
  3. It kinda depends on the person. My Grandmother passed and my grandfather didn't last much longer. Kept saying he was going to meet her at an important spot to them.
  4. I'll be a walking talking mobile Wi-Fi Hotspot. Password is : 00000000 (Hopefully some of us will get the password joke)
  5. Got my appointment today for 5G implantation. Will happen later this month. Hopefully fully vaccinated summer some time.
  6. Let's hope they all recover without suffering "long Covid". That would suck.
  7. Some good news. Lockdowns and having just over 60% of the adult population with at least one dose. BC has a long way to go. https://apnews.com/article/pandemics-england-coronavirus-pandemic-london-coronavirus-vaccine-384f50d678bdcb355ecad77aa43b5da1 UK infections drop about 60% amid vaccinations, lockdown LONDON (AP) — The U.K.’s COVID-19 vaccination program is beginning to break the link between infection and serious illness or death, according to the latest results from an ongoing study of the pandemic in England. Researchers at Imperial College London found that COVID-19 infections dropped about 60% in March as national lockdown measures slowed the spread of the virus. People 65 and older were the least likely to be infected as they benefited most from the vaccination program, which initially focused on older people. The study also found that the relationship between infections and deaths is diverging, “suggesting that infections may have resulted in fewer hospitalizations and deaths since the start of widespread vaccination.” The positive news came amid renewed scrutiny of vaccinations that followed revised UK government guidance Wednesday that it will offer people under 30 an alternative inoculation to the AstraZeneca shot where possible. The change followed studies that the shot may be linked to very rare blood clots. Health Secretary Matt Hancock told Sky News that the public should reassured by the abundance of caution demonstrated by authorities to make sure the vaccine rollout is as safe as possible. “What we’ve learned in the last 24 hours is that the rollout of the vaccine is working, we’ve seen that the safety system is working, because the regulators can spot even this extremely rare event — four in a million — and take necessary action to ensure the rollout is as safe as it possible can be,″ he said. “And we are seeing that the vaccine is working. It’s breaking the link between cases and deaths.” Some 31.7 million people had been given a first dose by Tuesday, or just over 60% of the country’s adult population. But Imperial researchers also urged caution, saying that infection rates leveled off at the end of the study period as the government began to ease the national lockdown and children returned to school. Future rounds of the study will assess the impact that further easing of restrictions has on infection rates. The next step in lifting England’s third national lockdown is scheduled for April 12, when nonessential shops will be allowed to reopen, along with hair salons, gyms and outdoor service at pubs and restaurants. The findings are based on data gathered by the 10th round of Imperial College’s Real-Time Assessment of Community Transmission study, which conducts swab tests on a random sample of people across England each month. The latest round tested more than 140,000 people from March 11 to March 30. Even though Britain has had one of the world’s fastest vaccine rollouts, its death toll from the pandemic is the highest in Europe at over 127,000.
  8. Thanks. I kinda did something similar in a comment war with an anti-vaxxer acquaintance of mine. I compared the case fatality rate of Civid in the US and even massaged the data by dividing their deaths by their overall population. Then I got the associated deaths due to the vaccines as reported by the CDC and divided it by the number of vaccinated (at least one dose and fully vaccinated). Even massaging the data fully in their favour, Covid was far and a way more deadly. Not even close. EDIT: Just to add I rounded the numbers, but provided links to the sources them. There are around 330,000,000 people in the US. https://www.census.gov/popclock/ They've had 30,600,000 cases of Covid-19 and had 555,000 deaths from COVID-19. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home Almost 110,000,000 people have received at least one dose and over 64,000,000 have been fully vaccinated. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations There have been 2,794 deaths associated with the vaccines, but the CDC warns that not all of those deaths are actually due to the vaccines, but lets give every one of them to the anti-vaxxers favour. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/safety/adverse-events.html "Over 167 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines were administered in the United States from December 14, 2020, through April 5, 2021. During this time, VAERS received 2,794 reports of death (0.00167%) among people who received a COVID-19 vaccine. CDC and FDA physicians review each case report of death as soon as notified and CDC requests medical records to further assess reports. A review of available clinical information including death certificates, autopsy, and medical records revealed no evidence that vaccination contributed to patient deaths. CDC and FDA will continue to investigate reports of adverse events, including deaths, reported to VAERS." Case fatality rate is number of deaths divided by number of cases x 100%. 555,000 / 30,600,000 x 100% = 1.8%. If we massage the data in the anti-vaxxers favour and divide the deaths by the US population. 555,000 / 330,000,000 x 100% = 0.168 % Now, lets try the vaccines. 2794 / 110,000,000 x 100% = 0.00254 % for at least one dose. Let's go and say 2 doses is the problem. 2794 / 64,000,000 x 100% = 0.0044 %.
  9. I like the line that appears between read and unread replies that used to be just a slightly larger space in the past format.
  10. Excessive speed https://www.sportsnet.ca/golf/article/sheriff-excessive-speed-caused-tiger-woods-crash/ Sheriff: Excessive speed caused Tiger Woods crash The golf superstar was driving 84 to 87 mph on a downhill stretch of road outside Los Angeles that had a speed limit of 45 mph, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said Wednesday.
  11. Excess speed https://www.sportsnet.ca/golf/article/sheriff-excessive-speed-caused-tiger-woods-crash/ Sheriff: Excessive speed caused Tiger Woods crash The golf superstar was driving 84 to 87 mph on a downhill stretch of road outside Los Angeles that had a speed limit of 45 mph, Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva said Wednesday.
  12. Some info on some of the rates of various effects you may have from the mRNA vaccines. These solicited reactions do not include allergic reactions or anaphylaxis; however, v-safe does allow participants to enter free-text information about their post-vaccination experience and asks about adverse health events (eg, received medical care). Medically attended events are followed up on through active telephone outreach; future analyses will address these adverse vaccine experiences. This report describes information on solicited local and systemic reactogenicity reported to v-safe on days 0 to 7 after each dose of vaccine from December 14, 2020, through February 28, 2021. Responses were limited to individuals who were vaccinated by February 21, 2021, to allow a 7-day reporting period after the day of vaccination. Preliminary data from v-safe through January 13, 2021, have been previously reported.7 This activity was reviewed by the CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy (see Additional Information). https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778441#jit210021t1 Reactogenicity Following Receipt of mRNA-Based COVID-19 Vaccines
  13. Not looking good for that petri dish of a home opener for the Texas Rangers. I wish I has seen this article when the game happened. I've seen a number of Covidiots share video of the opener with one saying "God bless Texas". Like, anyone who isn't braindead sees that opener with a packed crowd and COVID raging as a bad idea. This isn't Australia or New Zealand. Even the Rangers admit having full crowds isn't a good idea as for subsequent games, there will be social distancing. https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=3805754 COVID-19 Incidence Following Fan Attendance: A Case Study of the National Football League 2020-2021 Season From the abstract: The results of this primary analysis of COVID-19 incidence levels in the context of mass gatherings at sporting events provides compelling evidence that the presence of fans at NFL home games during the 2020/2021 season led to increased levels of COVID-19 cases and rates both in the counties in which the venues are nested within, and the surrounding counties in which fans likely travel from to attend. The increased spikes in COVID-19 cases and rates among those games attended by fans, particularly for large crowds of over 20,000 suggest that return to sporting and other mass gathering events should be handled with extreme caution and may indeed be premature. Within the context of large-scale sporting events, a more moderate, phased-in approach may be required to initially limit crowds until a sufficient level of herd immunity is reached. Still, even then, professional sports leagues and related large indoor/outdoor events need to continue to monitor public health data especially as variants circulate and data from the long-term effectiveness of vaccines emerges.
  14. Hopefully searchable so we can get a tl;dr https://www.newsweek.com/ghislaine-maxwell-prosecution-reveals-nearly-3-million-pages-jeffrey-epstein-evidence-1581342 Ghislaine Maxwell Prosecution Reveals Nearly 3 Million Pages of Evidence
  15. So according to CDC data, suicides were DOWN for last year. I thought that the opposite was supposed to be the case, according to people who complain about the lockdowns. https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/2778234 https://www.axios.com/suicide-decreased-in-2020-pandemmic-mental-health-26196eaf-a245-4d21-85eb-eeb864a24449.html CDC: Suicides decreased in 2020 Suicides in the U.S. decreased in 2020, according to preliminary data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Why it matters: Critics of lockdowns and other coronavirus-prevention efforts have suggested throughout the pandemic that those measures would drive the suicide rate higher. But that hasn't happened. Yes, but: The nation's mental health crisis is far from over, and experts are still concerned about the long-term effects isolation and economic turmoil will have on Americans' mental health. "The general reaction is 'Great, but let’s not do what we did with opioids and see only a small decrease and claim victory," Benjamin Miller, chief strategy officer of Well Being Trust, tells Axios. Deaths of despair, he added, "are made up [of] not just suicide, but drug overdose deaths and alcohol deaths. Both of the latter two we know we are still on the rise." By the numbers: From 2019 to 2020, deaths by suicide declined by 5.6%, from 47,511 to 44,834, per the CDC. It was the third consecutive year of decline. Suicides went down in April and May of last year, a different trend than in years past, Farida Ahmad, health scientist at the National Center for Health Statistics, tells Axios. COVID-19 became the third leading cause of death in 2020, bumping suicide down from the tenth leading cause of death in 2019 to the eleventh. "In terms of the rankings, it’s the eleventh leading cause of death, so it’s still very important that we pay attention to that," Ahmad said. "Even if numbers are lower in 2020, it doesn’t mean the issue has gone away or it’s no longer a problem." The bottom line: Feelings of isolation, depression and anxiety are still very high, especially for young people, and advocates are pushing for stronger crisis and intervention services in the U.S. "We saw the number of calls to the national mental health crisis hotline in March 2020 was 891% higher than the year before," Miller said. "People were reaching out and using those services, which is a positive thing and likely made a difference for some."
  16. I see it as a counter to the anti-vaxx talking point that the vaccines make you sick. I do agree that there is enough ambiguity that there are a number of ways the statement can be taken, some of which are not how they intended it to be taken.
  17. The reactions of all the CONservatives and Christians who were lamenting about cancel culture to the Lil Nas X controversy shows that their positions on cancel culture and political correctness:
  18. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/mlb-pulls-all-star-game-georgia-wake-restrictive-new-voting-n1262930?cid=sm_npd_nn_fb_np&fbclid=IwAR1QMV_7YVB9eNGvhsE-AmLyjlNgR5UppjZDo3yxWKRIZtv_Yitoj9JTWYQ MLB pulls All-Star Game from Atlanta in protest of restrictive new voting law The "Midsummer Classic" was going to be played July 13 at Truist Park, home of the Atlanta Braves. A new site was not announced.
  19. From a few days ago. Facing new charges. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2021/mar/29/ghislaine-maxwell-new-charges-jeffrey-epstein Ghislaine Maxwell faces new charges, including sex trafficking of a minor New indictment also adds sex trafficking conspiracy charge as US prosecutors expand criminal case
  20. My mom's getting hers in a couple weeks because she was limited to getting it on a Tuesday. If she wasn't limited, she could have got it early next week.
  21. Look at that. Something happens to them, and they suddenly change their tune. Interesting. https://nypost.com/2021/04/01/sarah-palin-reveals-covid-diagnosis-encourages-mask-wearing/?utm_source=reddit.com Sarah Palin reveals COVID diagnosis, encourages mask wearing
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