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Posts posted by thedestroyerofworlds

  1. This is why I laugh at people who push the conspiracy theory that the COVID vaccine will have a micro-chip in it cause Bill Gates.  They post this crap on social media, probably from a phone with all kinds of apps that track where they are, what they buy, who their friends are.  



    • Upvote 2
  2. 1 minute ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    Why not?  Pro choice fights for women's rights do as she pleases.  The health of the baby, the viability, and the stage of the pregnancy all get trumped by the women's choice as it's HER body.  So the numbers about when typical abortions happen is a moot point and adds nothing to the discussion.  I'm even sure why you posted that. it has nothing to do with the contradiction in logic that at 26 weeks it's "her body, her rules", but at 29 weeks it's all of the sudden "now it's ok to tell a women what to do with her body".    







    Life isn't black or white.  It isn't all or nothing.  There is a lot of grey and this thing called compromise.  Her body, her rules runs into the issue that after viability, the baby can survive.  Where you are actually killing what could be a "healthy baby".  That's why people have an adverse reaction to late-term abortions.  It's week  after week 20, not 26.  


    Banning abortions is not an option as is unlimited abortions.  The compromise lies somewhere in between.  The compromise actually is demonstrated by the numbers.  9 in 10 occur before week 13.  Typically when most women realize that they are pregnant and come to a decision whether or not they want the pregnancy.  By week 20, almost 99% have decided.  After viability is when the overwhelming majority would have issues with abortions taking place.  And very few abortions occur past viability.  Those that do, there are significant percentage that occur because of legitimate medical reasons.  That is why week 20 tends to be the cut-off.  And why arguing about "killing babies" is hyperbolic nonsense.  


    • Thanks 1
  3. 10 minutes ago, ForsbergTheGreat said:

    back peddling? or just realizing how dumb of a comparable you made and don't want to touch it.  Well I will.


    First abortion really has zero to do with women's rights, this is proven by the fact that only 13% of people believe that an abortion should still be legal in the final trimester. Which is fair because you'd have to be a sick human to think it is ok to terminate a healthy baby that is full term.




    Meaning abortion has less to do with telling a women about what she can do with her own body and more to do with the development of the fetus.   Strange how at 26 weeks it's "her body, her rules", but at 29 weeks it's all of the sudden, "yeah abortion ain't cool".  


    Second, take out the anti/pro abortion focus.  If a pregnant women has a miscarriage, the impact of that loss if far more than the loss of someone misplacing their face mask.  The fact that you thought it's a reasonable comparable is just pure stupidity.  


    I thought polls were B.S. and not to be trusted.  I guess only when you are making a point.  And just to be fair, the healthy baby part really isn't at play here.  


    Healthy babies really only coincides with the point in pregnancy called viability.  The point where the fetus can survive outside of the womb.  And BTW, the overwhelming majority of abortions take place before this point.  From the CDC:




    "91.0% of abortions were performed at ≤13 weeks’ gestation; a smaller number of abortions (7.7%) were performed at 14–20 weeks’ gestation, and even fewer (1.2%) were performed at ≥21 weeks’ gestation."


    That last number, is what pro-birthers call "late-term" abortions.  That last number represents possible "healthy babies".  Of that number, there is a significant percentage of these "late-term" abortions that are performed for valid medical reasons.  A lot of the mothers who fall in this category actually wanted their children.  Give this a read:



    Abortion In The Third Trimester: A Rare Decision Now In The Political Spotlight

  4. 20 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    Trump is bad though eh?

    Have I said JT is a Saint?  I think not.  Just because I defend him against baseless attacks doesn't mean I'm 100% team JT.  Just I find team Conservative revolting.  


    Whatever "crimes" you "think" JT has done, TRUMP has done more.  Way more.  TRUMP's lies and misleading statements should break 20,000 before the year is out.  I'd be surprised if JT has exceeded 10%.  If he has, surely you could post a source.  


    So yes, TRUMP is scum.   

    • Vintage 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

    Violated ethics, committed political interference during an election, has committed treason to Canada, interfered in a criminal case and has been accused of Sexually harassing a student many years ago. Also bypassing due political process to try and ban guns, paying 600 million to media for censorship, etc. 



     Probably the worst Leader in Canadian history of any party, Period.

    1) Violated ethics:


    Not a criminal offense.  At most a fine.  Boo hoo


    2) committed political interference during an election:


    Umm  provide specifics here.  This is a serious charge so you must have evidence.


    3) has committed treason to Canada:


    Umm  provide specifics here.  Treason is a serious charge so you must have evidence.


    4)  interfered in a criminal case


    Umm  provide specifics here.  This is a serious charge so you must have evidence.


    5) accused of Sexually harassing a student many years ago.


    Umm  provide specifics here.  This is a serious charge so you must have evidence.


    6) Also bypassing due political process to try and ban guns.


    Nothing illegal with the gun ban.  Other aspects of the plan will require legislation.   If your charge is true, then those parts of the plan would have been put in place now.


    7)paying 600 million to media for censorship,


    Is this a backhanded swipe at the CBC.  Nothing illegal here




    You got more?   That's debatable.  You barely got anything here thats supported with actual evidence, let alone charges that would warrant jail time.

    • Thanks 1
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  6. 2 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:

    Alberta Premier Kenney says he will not make coronavirus vaccine mandatory

    Alberta Premier Jason Kenney has said that he would not make a coronavirus vaccine mandatory.

    Speaking on a Facebook livestream on Wednesday night, Kenney said that "There’s been some misinformation that the government recently adopted a law requiring mandatory vaccinations. That is completely untrue."


    Of course he would do this.  I wonder what kind of percentage of his base subscribe to antivaxx or antivaxx leaning ideology. 


    Edit:  I know some people who vote to that side of the political scale who have anti-vaxx ideas.

  7. Let's re-open.  FREEDOM!!



    Live updates: Texas coronavirus cases surge as restaurants, gyms, bars, and childcare facilities reopen


    • Two weeks into the reopening of Texas, coronavirus cases continue to climb — along with tensions.
    • Shops, restaurants, nail salons, cinemas, barbershops, beaches, gyms, offices, childcare facilities, and personal care services are among the businesses that have reopened to the public.
    • Bars, wine tasting rooms, bowling alleys, skating rinks, and rodeo events will reopen on Friday so long as they stay under 25% of their maximum occupancy rate. Zoos can follow suit next Monday.
    • Professional sports leagues, including basketball, baseball, football, and tennis, can hold events from May 31, but fans are not allowed.
    • Regardless of the type of establishment, people are encouraged to maintain social distance, keep their faces covered, and wash or sanitize their hands frequently.
    • Cheers 1
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  8. There were some people up here in PG that were upset the snowbirds didn't come our way.  If this was PG, the crash could have happened in the neighborhood i grew up in.  There's an elementary school near the flight path going from the south into the airport here.


    Hopefully the pilot recovers without any lasting issues. 

  9. 9 minutes ago, Standing_Tall#37 said:

    Don’t Trust those high school people if they went to school in PG. high school there was equivalent to grade 6 elsewhere :lol: 

    especially if they went to Kelly Road (don't ask me what the "new" name will be) in the Hart.  

  10. 1 minute ago, Chicken. said:

    Go Joe.... trying hard to get the Bernie Bros on his side

    'Not paid later, forgiveness': Joe Biden calls for rent and mortgage payments to be canceled amid the pandemi



    What the heck is a 'Snapchat' political show ? 

    Well, he kinda has to.  Bernie has a signifcant percentage of Democratic and Democratic leaning support.  Biden needs some/most of them to have a chance in November.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ryan Strome said:

    I think it's funny you say that I don't provide sources when I always do. It's that you only trust CNN and belittle every other source. Everything politics for you, you're in the minority, if the sources you quote and you act as if you and your sources are so superior. 


    I find it funny, a page or two back you laughed at another member saying a specific firearm wasn't banned he then shows you from the government website it is and don't even apologize, admit he is right or even edit your stupid lol.


    I think when people see that it shows a discussion with you is pointless. 

    It took you all kind of prodding to get you to post a source.  I'd give you credit for it if you but then you just think discussions with me is pointless.   So it will be pointless to give ya credit this time. 


    And his example was some modern rifle, not a vintage gun like the bluderbuss.  I have mentioned his other example in 10 12 gauge shotguns.  



  12. 6 minutes ago, Ryan Strome said:


    Let's forget about what he said nearly 10 years ago let's look at when he was PM.

    Sorry Destroyer your messiah disagrees with you.


    He isn't my messiah.  Sorry.


    Just as I predicted, its political answer from after the CONS dismantled the registry, at the objection of police chiefs across the country.   My point was that if the moron inspired gun arguments from down south hadn't infected the conservatives here, we would still have the registry.  Bringing the gun registry back is an even bigger hot potato than banning a few guns that the majority of Canadians are for banning.   



    Nice to see you actually provide a source for your claim. 

  13. For those banging the gongs of REOPEN, there is this.  One night of clubbing.  Hundreds infected and possibly many more of the 11000 who also may have been exposed.  The difference between us and them, they have thorough contact tracing and testing.



    Over 100 Coronavirus Cases in South Korea Have Now Been Linked to One Guy’s Night Out Clubbing

    Now authorities are frantically trying to track down 11,000 people who might have been exposed, and prevent a second wave of infections.

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