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Everything posted by Goal:thecup

  1. Waaaaa...?? (Watching 2 Canadian juniors and 1 Russian on the ice in the same game made me really, really appreciate JB; I don't think we have ever had even 3 Canucks prospects in the junior tournaments before, let alone 3 in one game: Podkolzin, Woo, and Focht. Thank you Jim Benning.)
  2. I agree with you (but Miller at 6'1" 220 lbs and Horvat at 6' and 215 lbs have good size and skill themselves). Not having 'softies' on the roster (Ericksson, Goldie, Leipsic, etc.) is addition by subtraction as well. Coming soon: Motter and Rouss; later Tryamkin. Then we will have a team built for the playoffs.
  3. That would be good. Graovac looked good in preseason; lots of skill and size. Also, I do not think Baer has shown that well. His speed is ok but he is mishandling passes and his shot is off. Sutter is probably out and Louie could go back to the press box (imo). The more this year's team looks like last year's, the less I like it.
  4. Lines may change before game time. Wasn't Beagle just given the practise off? When he suits up for the game, all lines may change from the 4th to the 1st.
  5. So much better depth this season it is actually quite pleasant to call players up. Looking forward to seeing the fanman replace the tanman. Tanev was a really good fit for Hughes though.
  6. I really don't know what to think about Brown, he's been hired and fired a few times but seems to land on his feet; he must be somewhat appreciated in the league. And like many on here said, most teams (not just NHL) use some variant of the drop pass on the power play at least some of the time. Most leagues (that I have watched anyway) seem to use it as well, whether it be KHL, AHL, SHL, CHL, whatever; there is a purpose to the drop pass. Maybe we just didn't have the horses before Quinn; there is no doubt almost everything Canuck is better with Quinn Hughes in the lineup. Baumgartner only played one full NHL season (and that one was with the Canucks) and spent most of his time in the AHL. His career was a bit like Biega's in that he was in and out of several different teams and had his most success with Vancouver. He was a 10th overall pick like Quinn but obviously Quinn is a much better player and there is no doubt Hughes will play in the NHL as long as he wants to and as long as he is healthy. Baumer did not have what it takes to stick with one team and secure a lengthy career in The Show. It makes me wonder if he is really capable of coaching the defense of a "great team like" the Canucks; can he take us to the Promised Land (and keep us there? I know there are lots of coaches out there with varying degrees of success as players that still do great jobs; but I am only concerned with Baumgartner here. As always, I don't know squat, but that's how I think I feel about these two coachs' extensions; probably ok with Newel and still wondering about Nolan. Management is forging a pretty decent track record of rewarding success and staying loyal to the players and coachs they employ. I have no problem with these extensions and even if things change and management wants a change, it can be accommodated without too much angst. It's Frankie's money after all and there ain't no salary cap except on players' remuneration.
  7. You get to play with Bo, and then you get to play with Bo, and you get to play with Bo.. That is a good looking line though, I'll bet they put up some points.
  8. Podz has worn a bunch of numbers that I have seen watching video this year alone. 91 92 19 21 11 I think those are the ones I saw. I think we should just honor jersey numbers and not retire them; I think Montreal does it this way. Also, I don't think 99 should be permanently retired; again, just honored, but I guess we'll not see that rescinded. If the NHL was going to retire 99, they should have also retired 4, 9, 66, 21, and so on. Same with that "greatest leader of all time" bs and naming a trophy after that pos that took Maki's number.
  9. xereau: great GDT thanks, but it is a double-header today. Can we include Podkolzin's game in your GDT? QMJHL (or, in French: LHJMQ) vs Podz and Sodz 4:00pm Pacific Time Shaw Ch: 118 Sportsnet. (Starts in 2 hours from now.) Russia has a lot of good and physical players. Podkolzin is awesome.
  10. Different strokes for different folks; sorry for the complaining, I don't even know if 'rap' is the right word for the genre. You're right, I am an old timer, and I have been playing music for just about 60 years. I've seen a lot of musicians live and am quite opinionated about what I like and think is good. And there's nothing wrong with looking your age, in fact it is preferable.
  11. Didn't bother to read the thread before this question? Answered and answered and answered.
  12. The early seventies were much better; i.e. Pink Floyd, Moody Blues, Zappa, Jethro Tull, Beatles (at their peak, imo), Stones, the Tubes, Cheech and Chong, the Who and the Guess Who, Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Creedence, Dylan, the Doors, Led Zepplin, Joplin, Hendrix, Cream, Traffic, the Kinks, the Hollies, I could go on. Most of these I saw at The Gardens, the Colosseum, and/or UBC War Memorial Gym; (saw George Harrison, but not the Beatles, with Ravi Shankar). [There is no comparison to that crap they call rap with its moronic couplets, two-bit 'gangsters', and juvenile prurience.]
  13. Tryamkin had a 'no-AHL' clause; why Desjardin thought he could push him around is beyond me.
  14. Tarasenko out w/injury = Good news. Petey, Petey, and more Petey. "Lias is our idol, Lias is our idol, Lias scores so many f&*^ing goals, Lias is our idol" (Please, fans who attend the games, please start singing this song; delete the expletive if necessary, but let's steal this song from Sweden.) The 'old' girlfriend looks so much like Stecher...maybe the 'new' girl should be named Hughes. Two cool cats.
  15. Also the team colours from that era: New teams wanted to stand out on "new" Colour TV! So they chose complimentary colours*, like orange and blue for the Coil and the islanders, green and red for the Devils, etc. The Edmonton Jive Turkeys in orange and blue! Canucks were (rightly) above such nonsense. *
  16. I wanted EK big time; thought it would fill the hole at #1RD. I have also wanted about a hundred things JB did not do and am very happy he is GM instead of a rabid fan such as I. This team is so good and so entertaining now and we have a very nice crop of yutes chafing at the bit to make the team. So many good moves that I did not understand at the time like cementing the 4th line, filling the roster with middle sixers and letting them battle it out, etc., etc. Restocking Utica such that they are now a contender for the AHL Calder Trophy all the while developing prospects and a winning attitude playing the same 'right way' as the big club. Phenomenal. GM of the year candidate (even though the good work has been going on for a few years now).
  17. 1. Without a doubt; sucker punch; roundhouse (but not much power; more a push); Lucic has no "Off" switch; all previous infractions to be considered. 2. Yep. 3. Savard. Did a nice job too. I was hoping he would do the Three Stooges routine and crack their coconuts together just for a laugh. 4. Lucic is worse than a goon; a goon has a place in hockey; no place for Lucic in a professional league; NHL and NHL-PA need to remove him before the courts step in. 5. Keep it dry; cover it up; Calgary is a hole run by Texas oil and Alberta is an ecological disaster spewing its ruin all over the world.
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