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Hindustan Smyl

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About Hindustan Smyl

  • Birthday 01/04/1981

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Canucks Prospect

Canucks Prospect (5/14)



  1. My guess is that they don’t want his lackluster attitude to negatively influence the kids. Once Roussel returns, and if the Canucks have a 100% healthy line-up at some point during the year, then I think you’ll see Eriksson get sent down.
  2. Calgary will not trade Matthew Tkachuk to Ottawa unless Thomas Chabot is coming back the other way.
  3. I can’t see the Rangers making this deal. They trade a good roster player for an expensive injury prone cap hit, a prospect that is headed towards bust territory, and a complete question mark? I don’t see it happening. I also don’t like the idea of playing Pearson on his off-wing. He’s far more effective as a LW’er.
  4. I teach business 101 lecturers to Chinese students in China, and use Russian escort services. Other than though, yeah.......you’re pretty much right. :-p
  5. [proposal] Troy Stecher + a forward for an upgrade on right defense I think the Canucks’ defense would be considered elite if they had the following set-up: Edler-[NewGuy] Hughes-Tanev Benn-Myers Tryamkin (when he returns). (maybe Tryamkin takes the #6 spot while Benn becomes the extra). You’d have great depth, and also 5-6 guys that wouldn’t look out of place on the top 4. In this regard, our defense would be at or near our 2011 levels. Up front, the Canucks do have a glut of forwards even with injuries. with this in mind, I think the Canucks could atleast explore the idea of packaging Stecher and one of their forwards for an upgrade on defense. Pettersson, Bo, and Brock are obviously untouchable. Guys like Eriksson, Beagle, Sutter, Baertschi, Ferland, Roussel, Leivo, Motte, and Schaller are either unmovable or would peak little to no interest. Moving the developing Gaudette would be downright foolish at this point. So that all this in mind, Virtanen would likely be our best bargaining chip as far as forwards go. Stecher + Virtanen for an upgraded right side defenseman. Two defensemen that come to mind are Tyson Barrie and Rasmus Ristolainen. Barrie would give us two very dangerous offensive defensive pairings, while Risto would give us some size back there. I think the Leafs will hold onto Barrie for now since they’ll try and see if he fits in better with the new head coach’s system, but maybe a guy like Risto could be had? I’m personally not a huge fan of Risto, and am not sure if he’d fit well with Edler on a top pairing, but perhaps I’m wrong. I would absolutely do a Stecher and Virtanen for Barrie however. Barrie likely won’t sign in TO after this season anyways, and Barrie would fit our system well. Hughes and Barrie on different pairings would give the Canucks a significant jolt on offense. I haven’t checked the cap, but would a Stecher and Virtanen for a Barrie swap + sending Eriksson to the minors, keep us cap compliant? Anyway - that is what I would try and do. If Barrie continues to struggle in TO for whatever reason, make the pitch.
  6. Stecher+ for Barrie would give me a 4.7 inch woodie, but that “plus” would likely have to be massive from our end. Barrie would fit our system well and I think we’d see Barrie return to his Colorado-esque form if he came back here. Only thing we can’t do is move Tanev for Barrie since Tanev is our top 4 defensive defenseman option. Perhaps Stecher + Virtanen gets errr done?
  7. Lots of hurt feelings towards Kesler still (if this thread is of any indication). I’m honestly over the whole Kesler leaving Vancouver thing. In his prime, Kesler was a beast for us come playoff time. It’s not uncommon for players to request trades if they are no longer happy. Bure did it in the 90’s and we all still love him. I look forward to hearing this. And yes - since Schneider isn’t doing anything these days, perhaps he can reach an “oral agreement” of some kind with Bieksa and Kesler so that he can make a few appearances on the show.
  8. Lol, no. Just me trying to be funny (and likely failing as usual with my attempts at humour-:-p).
  9. Did anyone else besides me think of Bane when reading the title of this thread? “Now’s not the time to panic.......that comes later!”
  10. The last thing I want to see is Mike Babcock coaching the Canucks while Mike Commodore slobbers all over his balls on his Twitter and then starts trashing Vancouver by association. No to Babcock. His style is outdated and his coaching style would have a negative impact on Quinn Hughes.
  11. 2021-2022 is the year that I have circled: -Boeser, Horvat, and Miller will still be on cap friendly deals. -One or both of Podkolzin and Hoglander will be impact players. -Hughes will likely be on Zack Werenskish bridge deal (similar cap percentage not cap hit) -Edler, Myers, and Tanev will be older, but won’t be old enough to the point where their games will be noticeably worse than it is now (Edler and Tanev will sign short term deals). -Pettersson will get his 8 years and big money, but we won’t be in any cap crunch. -I think Eriksson and the Canucks will to mutual termination either after this season or next season. After July 1st 2020, Eriksson will have pocketed 31 of his 36 million. -Gaudette will be an impact player and will give the Canucks three good scoring lines. 2020-2021 will be our return to elite hood. these next two years will be us being at or near wildcard contender status, followed by narrowly missing the playoffs or swallowing man porridge in the first round.
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