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Everything posted by SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME

  1. You are in the home stretch. Let's see some more haiku posts!

  2. just took some hypnoitic Rx sleep aide and also a couple valium derivitives. Hoping to nod-off soon and get into bed. If I'm stil up in a while, tell me to go to bed, please?

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      Thanks Deb! Things appear to be good with my niece so that worry is ended (for the most part). I'd still like to have a good heart-to heart with her (but not in this state). We'll see if she decided to reply to many many messages. Looks like she's fine and just a normal, popular, fun, and interesting teenager and that she has lots of boys in the palm of her hand. I was worried before but now I feel really at peace with it. I trust her and I know she'll come to me if ...



      Well, worry not totally over my worries: beers on friday and now tranqs for my insomnia tonight.



      oops--need to edit those

  3. checked on avalanch's status with the haiku challenge. Avalanch will post only in haiku form for one week. Almost half way and no signs of quitting. Let's keep him honest and be there to congratulate him if he succeeds!

  4. Friended you--if that's kosher?

  5. Came to check how the haiku challenge was going. Looks like you've been keeping up your end. Sorry I've been a little less good at mine. I'll try to be on here more for the next couple days and see how you're doing. Congrats so far!

  6. Hi Deb! You're such a night owl and you missed out on my sloppy posting night! Haha, it really wasn't much--pretty much as soon as I noticed how I was sounding I straightened out my act. Too self conscious to be very entertaining. Planning a PM soon (to add to our ongoing conversation). Hope you are well and that you have a great long weekend!

  7. I don't think I'm gonna do too much drunk posting tonight (at least that I'll regret in the morning). I just noticed I was teetering on the edge and had to pull myself back a bit.

  8. Cheers! I was wondering when you'd get around to reading that. I honestly thought it could be something I hadn't heard of yet and went as far as typing "Le Motorhead" into Google--just to be sure. Nope, no Belgian teenagers with trendy haircuts, just Lemmy and the boys doing what they do--and thank goodness for that!

  9. has been drinking tonight. Check out the posts--not up to my usual standards! Oops! Sorry to all :)

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      Yeah, I think I'm through the woods now. The bed's calling. Unless someone makes a terrible thread in the next five minutes there's little chance that SISMIM (in his best embarrassing drunk uncle style) will come in a let loose with some epic rant.



      Ah, going to bed now (for sure this time). Some easy targets out there and I'm still feeling a bit feisty but nothing worth the headache in the morning.

    4. -DLC-


      Damn, missed all the fun.

      First time I've gone to bed early in months. No, maybe years.

  10. OK, good to know. Thanks again for the comment. That Bieksa thread (in Trades, Signings, Rumours)has some really great posts and discussion in the last 5-6 pages. I felt like I needed to throw my own two cents in.

  11. Hey, thanks for the comment (and the continued support ;)! Were you talking about today's posts in the Bieksa thread or just in general?

  12. And, out of tradition, Andrew Lee must be followed by this (on my playlist): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ctVmNbVu2KA But then I'll put this on (the whole album) before I go to sleep tonight: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQN4T34K820&feature=related Goodnight you princes of CDC, you kings of Rainbow Noise!
  13. Media links never work from here (so you have to click). I promise it's safe (for your computer at least): http://tv.fooyoh.com/fooyohtv_videos_viral/6715259 "Most Beautiful Song of All Time" Honestly, I'm listening to this right now (for the third time tonight and about the twentieth time ever). It seems I've become addicted to it. Something about the mustache, I think...
  14. That should make me feel old but it doesn't.

  15. I'm a lonely old man. A girl can talk me into almost anything. (Good thing my wife's sleeping or she'd give me a dirty look right now). I'd better stop talking before I really get into trouble.

  16. Because I fear the wrath of RoyalFlush2233!!!!!

  17. And yeah, I chickened out on the grand scheme.

  18. Uh oh... RF2233-I'm just kidding, don't hurt me!

  19. Not that old. Slightly more than half what you said. More like I'm old compared to you but not old compared to Smithers Joe (unless he's faking it). I just like saying that I'm old.

  20. Don't try to get me mixed up in your schemes! :o I'm very impressionable (for an "old man"). I can't get away with calling him that! From you, he'll probably think it's adorable... from me, it won't go over well and Flushie and I will probably have to throw down e-styles to settle the score(and I have limited skills). I'm a pacifist anyway!

  21. Yeah, you should keep calling him that! It'll teach him to not change his name and confuse all of us ;)

  22. If you guys are talking about Singapore Style Rice Noodles/Vermicelli (with the shrimp, peppers, and bbq pork) then ChenWei should try them--they're amazing! I just had some yesterday from Beijing Noodle House in Richmond (very good).

  23. OK, glad we're cool :) I was trying to do my best "angry old man" imitation with that comment on Flushie's (I guess my new nickname for him?)

  24. Wondering when you'd see that comment on Flushie's page. You know I was just playin', right? :)

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