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Everything posted by SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME

  1. (continued) I don't want anybody to think that the original pinned thread was deleted from "Canucks Talk". I just had some "housekeeping" to do and my mod powers only work in the sub-forum.

  2. The original thread "Canucks Fans Summer Reading Club (*The Game* by Ken Dryden)" was moved into the new sub-forum (Canucks Community> General Discussion> Discussion Groups> Canucks Fans Reading Club) so that I could move your posts into the correct threads. I've asked Stealth & Deb to move the pinned thread back into "Canucks Talk" to avoid confusion. Don...

  3. Hey BedBeats,I just logged-in after being out all day. Gonna read my PM from Stealth and then go see what the subforum looks like. Send me a PM if you're around and want to help set this up or give me some ideas. Wow! Stealth rocks!

  4. Loved your reply to my post in your "coaching" thread. I was worried that you might think I was being negative (since I posted right after your comment) but you got "the joke" right away and made a perfect reply. That thread was fun to read but I'm kinda sad that the "battle" fizzled out.

  5. Back to say "thanks" again for your latest comment. Glad to know somebody's reading my posts and actually enjoying them. ;)

  6. Ah 'Crunker, you sweet-talker! You're making me blush now. Thanks!

  7. If you got hit with my friending bomb tonight please read the comment three down from here. I admit that I wanted to bump up my lonely list but I did choose each of you because I really do like y'all. I'm hoping all of you will keep me but no hard feelings if anyone rubs me out. That cool with everyone?

  8. I started off the discussion in the book club thread. Anyone with any comments on what they've read please post in the pinned thread for now. Also, anybody who's interested in the Friday night or Sunday morning meet-up times please chime in with a comment here (or in the thread).

  9. types in this box to update his status.

    1. -DLC-


      Hope that status is "good".

      Hanging in there? Hope so.




      Yeah, I'm doing OK. Thanks for checking, Deb. I'll talk to you soon (just sent a PM).

  10. 'sup with yourself there "PLayboy"?

    did that VPL thing ever work out for you?

    if not, check the PM I'm sending you in a few...

  11. Hey everybody! BedBeats "friended" me which shattered my perfect zero friends record. Hope you all don't mind me adding you. We're either in the book group together or we've PMed in the past. So,let's be friends now! If you disapprove, blame BedBeats for starting it! (jk) ;) muhwahahahaha

  12. now you see me, now you don't--NINJA-stylezzz!!

  13. lol @ BedBeatsTM's "NINJA!" they should change the "sign-in anonymously" option to "sign-in NINJA styles" ;)

  14. yeah hfboards has its good and bad points. if there was a clearly superior board out there i'd be gone sooo fast from everywhere i'm posting now. pretty much make do with what's out there and that means that i'll be on cdc for at least the near future ;)

  15. Not to worry, I'm staying here--although I'll still split time with hfboards. Sent my thanks to Deb both in the thread and via PM. Hell, I'll say it again: Thanks Deb! If you read my more recent posts, you'll see that I'm in a good place now and very much over "Black Sunday" Can only laugh about what went down with those threads. Deb's trying to fix'em for us :)

  16. Saw you just checked my profile. I'm logged on anonymously but I'll be here for a while ;)

  17. Hey, thanks for having my back on Sunday. Hopefully that mess is very close to being cleaned up and none of us will go through anything like that again. It's pretty funny, especially given that the admin basically told me go ahead with everything I did (funnier still that he did so after the fact while unaware of the results) and yet people were telling me I need to consult mods, etc.

  18. Thanks 'Crunker for yer comment on my profile! Also thanks Deb, BedBeats, and again 'Crunker for helping out with the weekend fiasco. It's all good now. I guess "birthin' my baby" wouldn't come without some "labour pains" :) I'm laughing about it all at this point but thanks for being there when I was feeling down. Cheers to all!

  19. Thanks 'Crunker!

    I needed a little time there to get my mind right after what I went through this weekend but everything's good now. Most definitely gonna "Keep on truckin!" Cheers!

  20. Thanks! Getting "pinned" is a great step.

    I talked to Stealth and it looks like we won't get a subforum unless the group gets significantly larger. He didn't rule it out but felt it was premature right now.

    Details in the thread.

  21. I is also strange to me that so many people think that Salo is a broken mess held together by bits of string and old chewinggum. He gets injured, then he recovers, and then he comes back the same effective, high level defenseman that he's been for ages. I simply do not see the "obvious" decline nor the injury-ravaged, decrepit hockey player that many seem to think Sami Salo has degenerated into.

  22. I actually meant the comment that you left on my profile. Anyway, thanks for the +1 in the thread. Nice when you can get a bit of positive reaction after writing a long post/reply. Cheers!

  23. Thanks for your comment on my post in the Salo thread

  24. Burrows currently tied for tenth in the League in goals. 12 goals in last 8 games This all got me thinking: Right now, if you project the totals for the top scorers, one of Marleau, Crosby, or Ovechkin should finish first with about 55 goals for the season. IF Burrows continued his 1.5 GPG pace: he finishes with around 71 goals IF you take out the 2 hattricks: still has 6 goals/last 6 games, 1 GPG pace: then Burrows finishes with about 55 goals I know it sounds crazy, but what if Henrik (and Daniel too) keeps playing as well as he's been and Burrows can keep his stick on the ice and finish Hank and Danny's tap-ins/set-ups? How crazy is it to expect Burrows to keep potting goals from inside 3 feet and with an empty net? (no disrespect to Burr as it clearly takes talent, hard work, and great hockey-sense to get into those spots and to be ready to receive those passes) Maybe it's still crazy... So, if we say Burrows and the Sedins have to slow down and have some off games. Maybe Burr doesn't win the Rocket Richard, but does he get 40 goals? Scoring about once every second game, Burrows has a good chance of hitting 40. If the twins stay healthy and keep playing at a high level, and Burrows remains the "third Sedin triplet", how can he not flirt with 40 goals this season? It sounds crazy but, unless one of them gets injured or goes into a cold streak, we can expect Burrows to score around 40 goals (and Henrik to get over 110 points this season). At this point in time, the crazy optimistic predictions have Burrows winning the Richard. Conservative predictions are actually between 35-40 goals (which still sounds pretty crazy to me). I just can't get over these numbers. If Burrows can average close to a goal and game for a bit longer, you'll have to start believing that he'll have a chance at reaching these kinds of projections. I mean, at what point does it stop being luck and a hot streak and just become the reality of having one of the best 1st lines in hockey?
  25. Usually I hate threads that go "bump" in the night but I always get a chuckle out of seeing this one back in action.
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