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Everything posted by SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME

  1. Hope this helps Ben Hutton has been out of the lineup due to injury. Here's a quote from release on GoBlackBears.com (from Feb. 1st, 2013): http://www.goblackbe.../20130129aaw5w1 Not sure what the nature of Hutton's injury is, however.
  2. Jannik Hansen's inconsistent play--trying to do too much? or nervous about new role and expectations (after new contract) or just October Blues?

    1. marinated.pea


      I'd give it a handful of more games to actually assess his play but it seems to me so far that it hasn't really been inconsistent play but rather a slow start. He's been pretty fantastic in our recent outings, specifically (of course) the Capitals game. Let's hope he can keep it up...

    2. BananaMash


      He was pretty great in the Capitals game, the feed to (Lappy?) as he was falling down was pretty slick. I think it's probably just a bad october, like the rest of the team pretty much.

  3. Regret and apologies from not keepig up with friends on CDC and not returning PMs. SOrry to all. I've been very busy with life outside of the boards. Hopefully, I'll soon get my priorities right and I'll be back spending as many waking hours online a possible ;)

    1. -DLC-


      We miss you, but understand. :)

  4. Hey, thanks for the kind profile comment and friend add :)

  5. Puck drop today means (for me) turning the final page on last season. Time to move on completely...

  6. Young Stars Tourney on TV today!!! Can't wait :)

  7. Those numbers are pretty inaccurate and often prove quite outdated. For example, they have Justin Courtnall at 6'2, 185 (which, if memory serves, is about where he was when he was drafted in 2007), when the current college sites have him at 6'3", and between 205 and 210 lbs: http://www.goterrier...l_justin00.html http://www.collegeho...ayers/?pd=26623 Rodin looks to be bigger (in recent photos) than what that chart has him listed at.
  8. 2011 Stanley Cup Final:

    1. Show previous comments  3 more



      Still, have to be proud of our guys for pushing the series to SEVEN GAMES against all odds. The deck was stacked against the Canucks and we still almost pulled it out.



      Proud of this team. Proud of this city. I BELIEVE!!!

    4. SpinDrive
  9. Glad to finally have you added. The times we've had direct conversations in threads, I've always appreciated and respected your views and perspective, and I always read your posts when I see them. I was surprised I hadn't already added you as I have thought of you as a "CDC friend" for quite some time now. Cheers for your last comment. I'm honoured as well and glad it's finally "official"

  10. Haha! No, that's not me (but I feel like it some days). That's a guy in a "California Department of Corrections" uniform and sometimes, being a regular CDC user feels like being imprisoned by some nameless force ;). Yeah, I noticed we share the same friends too. I actually thought I'd "friended" you before, but if not, that's something I'd like to do now (if OK by you).


  12. What's on my mind? Other than the Cup Final, I'm thinking about Jannik Hansen's RFA status and hoping, once the playoffs are over, the Canucks get a deal done ASAP



      Wondering if he'll take around $1 million per to stay with this team? I'm hoping for a longterm deal with a discount. I could see him getting an offersheet in excess of $2 million per from a team that really needs a player like Hansen.



      How much do people think Hansen's worth? How much does he deserve? What will the Canucks offer? What would he get from a possible offersheet?

    3. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      i would think he should be offered 1.5 mil....if another team offers him 2 mil,....he'll have a decision to make...with the players needed to be resigned, they will have to sign for a little less to stay here, unless they move out some big contracts.

  13. Belated welcome back (as you've been a member since 07) to the CDC boards. I've only noticed you here during the playoffs. Are you gonna stick around next season or are you back to Sharks 24/7 once 2011-12 opens and won't be back here until the next playoffs? Whatever the case, I enjoy your posts and you represent Sharks fans very well. Kudos! :)

  14. It's all making sense now: First Round = 7 Games, Second Round = 6 games, so therefore we should get 3rd Round = 5 games, 4th Round = 4 games.

  15. Thanks for clearing that up. I'm Danish and that emblem looks remarkably similar to the Danish flag, especially when it's small. Cool pic :)

  16. Alberts AND Rome over Ballard? Hope it works...

    1. canuck_trevor16


      Ballard out again...Rome is responsible for the OT and he still allow to play...why?

  17. Sedins get their scoring touch back tonight! I believe!

  18. Just wondering if you are Austrian or Danish (or neither)? Noticed your profile pic/avatar and first thought it was a Dannebrog (Danish flag). I thought the Austrian flag was a stripe and not a cross. Would you mind clearing up my confusion? Cheers!

  19. Had to expect we'd see a bump tonight. While Burr has had some serious cold spells this year and isn't producing in the post season, I can't really blame him when the twins are playing like ghosts. Doesn't seem fair to expect Burrows to spark that line when he's already being asked to play so many PK minutes and the Sedins just aren't playing very well. It would be great to see Burrows step-up and ignite the top line but I think he's going to need some cooperation from Hank and Danny. The twins need to find their pride and show-up bigtime next game.
  20. “Look what I’m dealing with, man. I’m dealing with fools and trolls... I’m dealing with soft targets, and it’s just strafing runs in my underwear before my first cup of coffee..." -Charlie Sheen

  21. "Defeat is not an option. They picked a fight with a warlock!" -Charlie Sheen

  22. I've never heard of this "honour" before, but Alex Burrows was just named the "MeiGray Group ECHL Alumnus of the Month": http://www.echl.com/alexandre-burrows-named-the-meigray-group-echl-alumnus-of-the-month-p169157
  23. Officially joined the Cult of Sedin

    1. BedBeats™2.0


      I joined in my head a few years back (as im sure you did)...but now its official. Does the wife know?!

  24. Ham-Juice, Ehr-Sweatt, Ball-Tan--kinda almost makes the injuries worthwhile ;)

  25. Hope the ban is short term and gets lifted soon.

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