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Everything posted by SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME

  1. You know, these past couple weeks, CDC has had some pretty terrible threads and generally poor posting all-around. Makes me miss those six months when I had my own forum on CDC and had moderating powers. Ah, the things I'd do to these boards if I had my mod powers again :P

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      Why BedBeats, you make me sound like such a tyrant with all those permabans--not really my style (I like the "make invisible" tool where you can functionally erase posts without their writers knowing that everyone else can no longer see them ;)



      I miss those mod powers--I've felt so empty and ordinary ever since I lost them. :(

    4. ThePolishCanuck


      at BB: Freshnews: liked or disliked the C'Edge will be back before the weekend NHL AllStar game.

  2. Zenon Konopka? Available? Give up how much (if available)?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SStamkos91


      Islanders Player? No? N/A?

    3. Phil_314


      4th rounder... or Perrault? :D



      Could he maybe be had for a 5th rounder? Isn't that what Eager just went for? But I'd expect Konopka is worth a bit more than Eager so maybe offer them Stefan Schneider plus a late round pick? I'd be OK with giving up more but I expect MG to win trades...

  3. Sedins and Kesler cooling from their white hot pace. 2nd line can't buy a winger who can produce alongside Kes. Dman injuries. Not getting the bounces. Not getting the calls. No 4th line centre.



      ...but still 1st overall!!!

  4. This profile needs updating.

  5. Watching TUF finale. Again. Can't sleep. Can't write (need another 4 pages to finish my work).



      Go Brookins. I think he's gonna win... lol

    2. -DLC-


      The wee hours thing...Poker After Dark used to be my best friend at night. :)

      I was in bed by 10. Trying to shake this cold...think I'm winning.



      Both my wife and are, oddly, big UFC fans. We don't seem the type (we both are artists/writers/teachers/intellectuals but we both just really love the sport. Go figure...

  6. Thinking of doing a name change. Wondering if you can change back or still have to wait 180 days?



      Toying with shortening to SISMIM. I use that anyway.



      Or maybe SISMIM2233? JK

  7. Vancouver Sun article (Brad Ziemer) on Burr (and some other Canucks tidbits):
  8. Spørgsmål: Burrows? Ønsker vi virkelig ham?

    Svar: Ja

  9. is predicting that the Canucks get their first preseason win on Saturday versus the Ducks.

  10. I like this game. May I play? Burrows Equals Totally Awesome!
  11. HAHAHA. Nice one! Don't dare me, or next time I have a free morning I'll fill the entire first page of "Canucks Talk" with threads on Nucks articles ;)

  12. I play synth... we all play synth... do doot da doot do

  13. Those guys who made the vid are East Londoners who apparently didn't think that it would catch on beyond their community. When it went viral/global they were surprised that "****heads" (of the type they're describing)existed worldwide! :P

  14. Glad you enjoyed it! There were so many things in that vid that reminded me of how I used to be. The "fixie bike" bit made me nearly spit out my drink (after holding it in through most of my first viewing). Then all the +1 stuff and the "I got in... you didn't get in..hahahah" part made laugh very, very out loud.

  15. Have you seen the vid link in my latest profile update yet? Thought you might get a kick out of it! ;)

  16. (made me laugh because I used to be one of those people--glad I've changed... mostly ;)


      Winky smilies all around (if not clear already).

    3. BedBeats™2.0


      OMFG!!! That is sheer brilliance! Funny...some of me, benevolently, crosses over with some of the silly stuff....but im pretty self aware about it all.

  17. Soooooooo excited to the Young Stars tourney! Hockey's back! It's like the night before Christmas and I can't sleep!

    1. -DLC-


      Life is good...hockey makes it that much better, right "Sid" ;)

      (I'll hit ya with a pm soon...a little slow these days)

    2. BedBeats™2.0


      Im just as stoked...Hockey all afternoon for this guy...some KHL then some future NHL! WooooT!

  18. Belated congratulations to Avelanch on fulfilling the one week haiku challenge!

  19. I'm still awake because of your Peter Parker comment. Everyone I meet tells me I look like Tobey Maguire--everyone! I'm officially freaked out! Well, not really... but it was kinda weird since you've never seen what I actually look like (or have you?)

  20. was thinking that the boards seem different this week. Oh yeah, BACK TO SCHOOL!!!! Three cheers for school starting again!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Hip hip hooray . now if we could just get rid of these dam school zones lol :P

    2. Bruce Boudreau

      Bruce Boudreau

      Screw you man stop dumping on kids you grouchy geezer!

  21. Halpern signed with the Habs for only $600,000! (according to: http://www.fantasysportsdish.com/canadiens-sign-veteran-center-halpern-2/). I posted it in the TRS thread.

  22. I'm gonna stop now. I should've said: Amigo, me likee posts. You smarty kind guy. Me think like you think. Me likes. Me feel good. Me wish you nice day! Bye bye!

  23. bah- remove the "I" between "times" and "you"--I hate not being about to edit these things

  24. ¿Qué pasa amigo? Just wanted to say how much I appreciate being your CDC friend and reading your amazing posts (especially the long ones). So many times I you save me from writing something because your post already covers the thing I felt NEEDED to be said. Makes my life easier and makes me feel less like I'm a voice from the wilderness when someone else shares my views. Have...

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