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Everything posted by SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME

  1. Glad you like the new profile pic. I've got a new saying to go with it: "We are all CDC Prisoners" ;)

  2. Hey there! Do I know know? I'm happy to be friends but remind me of who you are. Sorry if somethings's slipped my mind. I'm good with faces and names but not so much with usernames and avatars.

  3. Inmates in California all wear prison clothes emblazoned with "CDC Prisoner". CDC in that case means "California Department of Corrections". I just figured that, in my own special way, I'm also a "CDC Prisoner" facing a life sentence. I won't leave these boards until they carry me out in a pine box.

  4. is loving the new profile picture.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more


      @Bure who? Isn't it? We are all.... CDC Prisoners! :P

    3. -DLC-


      Ha, had to come and take a closer look.

      Love it.

    4. HiFiclub
  5. never knows what to say but thinks that his status looked out of date.

  6. What do you think of my new profile pic? I think it works...

  7. Wow! LOL at Carly!'s vv comments vv.

    Is she calling you a douche salad or a deutsche salad?

    Either way: stop picking on Royalflush2233 missy or I'll tell your Mom!

  8. Cheers! Hope you have a good weekend too. The sun just came out and if I had a real life I'd get off these boards and do something fun outside ;)

  9. Hello new friend! Figured I'll take you "profile comments" page's virginity while the gettin's good. Now we'll see if this pristine page becomes textually active...

  10. Hello new friend. I guess from my PM's I've answered the writer questions. When I first read your comment, I thought you were describing my writing as "sad" but it only took me a few seconds to realize you were referring to that other thing (probably read one of my last book club posts?).

  11. Looks like we're friends now. That was weird. I kept getting notifications that were marked "unread" by you but it was only some weird time lag because now they say that you've read the messages. Cheers!

  12. Yeah you're probably right about what happened. I don't really care when I get minuses but the random, unexplained ones drive me a little crazy trying to figure out a reason (futile waste of time because there isn't any reason). I thought that the first -1 might actually be a pretty funny joke (given what I posted) but the second one just baffles me. Anyway, I think my CDC rep is secure ;)

  13. Love your username and avatar!

    Metalocalypse rules! Dethklok! Dethklok! Dethklok!

  14. Lol. I made that post defending you for getting minuses in your [buy-out] Brendan Witt thread and now they are coming after me (-2 and counting for that post). Wonder who you pissed off and who, by association, I've pissed off now that they're coming after me? Crazy CDC!

  15. Love your comment in the tattoo thread ("A for Effort, E For Artistry")--very clever indeed! Actually made me laugh (out loud even). Couldn't post my appreciation (since I'd already taken great pains not to openly critique that guy's tattoo) so I figured a comment here was in order ;)

  16. Cheers! I won't turn down the +1 but I'm actually quite satisfied just with the comedic timing of those posts. I laughed pretty hard myself and that's reward enough.

  17. Yeah, I'm not kidding about listing it as one of my worst ever experiences. I'm no princess and I can usually handle bad smells (hockey gear, locker-rooms, bathrooms, changing baby diapers, whatever...). This was just crazy! Felt like my nose and throat were burning. I kept using the hand sanitizer (would put 2 pumps on my hands and hold them over my mouth and nose--the medical scent helped a bit). So glad it's over.
  18. Just got back from the ICBC Driver's Services office (or whatever it's called) and it was one of the worst experiences of my life! (Had to pay a speeding ticket that was due tomorrow ) The worst ever B.O. smell I've ever experienced. Worse than the smell of back alleys during summer garbage strikes. Worse than pavement vomit. Worse than any human waste or death smell. It was shocking and nauseating. People please shower and use deodorant during this heat. Just basic levels of hygiene would have prevented this. It was really busy and crowded but there's no reason that human beings should smell that bad. I tried to open the door to air the place out (much to the relief of many people) but this one old clerk (surely with long since dead nasal functioning) told me to close it. She claimed that I was "letting the heat in." I answered that I was "letting the stench out." Minor disruption resulted with many clients on my side but the staff (probably had been in there too long and were deadened to the stench) demanded the door stayed shut. Probably some safety policy also. I sat by the door (trying to gasp fresh air as people arrived) for 30 minutes waiting to pay my fine (had to look for my number on the board--the glass is one-way so you can't stand outside). People coming in the door had these comments: "Oh my God! Did somebody die in here?" "What the hell! What's up with the smell?" "I think I'm gonna puke. What is that?" "Is that B.O.? Smells like death!" "Why does it smell so bad? This is insane!" Not making these up. There were also many people gagging or smiling/laughing (nothing else you can do sometimes). Some people just gave up and left. It was hell. Please, everyone: bath/shower daily and use deodorant (especially when it's hot). Please. Sweating is natural and some B.O. is unavoidable but this was just so extreme.
  19. :) (tag, you're it) anyway, just wanted to say hi...
  20. Hey, no need for the edit. Reading this thread and adding your first post in it is a rite of passage on CDC. Being a part of these 200 pages is a far more important part of joining this community than reading the board rules or setting up a profile. You have arrived, young man. Welcome. Oh, and 200 pages! Woot!
  21. No problem. Saw that article this morning (think it's from his hometown paper).

  22. Nice job on the GDT!

  23. We have a subforum located here: http://forum.canucks.com/forum/50-canucks-fans-reading-club/

    I've been given moderator power over the sub-forum.

    More details in the original pinned thread (check my last post there and also the edited OP at the top)

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