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Status Updates posted by schlaBAM

  1. aaand the start of semester 2 begins.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. schlaBAM


      oh very unexcited. so unexcited, I skipped my classes today!

    3. BananaMash


      I get to start tomorrow off with a healthy dose of "I'm only in this class because I changed from sciences to social work and needed a humanities course and this was the only one open still". Yay!

    4. schlaBAM


      hahaha sounds like my econ class. gotta love university!

  2. all nighter round 5. finals are almost complete, thank god.

    1. Denguin


      Yep... Been pulling many of those lately...

    2. JHansenFan


      Did that for a week until just this weds. Been sleeping until noon everyday since !

    3. schlaBAM


      5 exams down, 1 to go. thank god i got a few days before this one!

  3. another all nighter.. gotta love university!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Denguin


      Yeah, get used to it just being one thing after another...

      Eventually you'll get a little better with time management and study techniques... But you'll usually be behind on sleep!

    3. schlaBAM


      well i'm trying to manage it pretty well.. third year will be easier as I'll finally be able to specialize but for the meantime, I'll have to manage studying, ski season, and a social life! what's sleep?

    4. LeanBeef
  4. snow is finally here woo!

    1. -Vintage Canuck-
    2. schlaBAM


      kelowna! although I hear the island got some today too. There's about 3 inches on the ground here!

    3. TACIC


      Nice I'm going to Osooyos next weekend and Penticton after that. Something to look forward to

  5. so long, season

    1. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      Why? That chance of a season is higher now than it was a week ago.

    2. schlaBAM


      chances are still extremely low. i've resorted to the whl

  6. golly gee, i love how stupid the owners are.. keep puppeteering bettman, i'll continue to use him as a scapegoat

  7. moving back to kelowna! second year lets go!

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      I have been trying to move back to BC for over 20 years. Alberta has trapped my soul :(

    2. schlaBAM


      never hurts to move back now that the rats are beginning to infest the province!

  8. 100% warn status.. ugh go away i dont need to be banned

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. GodzillaDeuce


      who're you lol

    3. wtpasc


      0% It isn't hard to never get warnings let alone avoid that last one to be banned. Just change your behavior bro!

    4. schlaBAM


      lol it's not from my comments recently.. and two of them are from images (damn spiderman)

      last time I got a warning from a comment was almost 2 years ago.. and for people wondering who I am, I've been around longer than most of you hahah

  9. new board thing wooah. i don't like the rep thing without the minuses!

  10. noo they just get so dirty. if this wasn't for a good cause it'd be gone!

    on a side note, nucks are finally turning around :D

  11. oh i know. I can't wait for them to bounce back! plus its the start of movember. so its time to grow out my facial hair as much as possible! :D

  12. twitter! @schlaBAM.

  13. i agree, the slow starts really need to be fixed. same with the luongo bashing though, everybody knows he doesnt have good octobers! i'm hoping to make it out to van for a couple games this year but i moved to kelowna for school so it's a little further than just an easy drive there and back! how have you been!

  14. getting stoked for the season or what?!

  15. lol everytime i was logged on cdc for like the last 3 months was in performance mode and i wasn't able to see what anybody's messages said. stoked for this season?!

  16. lol the loss or the riots?

    its pretty brutal both of them.. i'm still so upset. im kinda glad i wasnt downtown van though.. probably woulda got arrested for just being there! :P

  17. 2 chances to bring home the cup too?

    loving the odds. its finally coming home! i can't believe we're one win away!!

  18. i know! i'm soo stoked!!

    trying to get potential tickets for game 7 if it goes that far.. but i mean who's got the cash for those!

  19. soo.. one win away? :D

  20. so stoked after tonight! boys finally clinched.

    very respectable moment right there.

    im so stoked! can hardly wait for friday! kings sounds really legit too!

  21. so jealous! i havent been to a game since game 6 when they played the ducks in the second round of 07.. im hoping to go see them play phoenix though! hopefully the streaks still going then too :D

  22. lol i'm hardly on anymore, i joined back in like 08 and have like 300 posts.

    hoping for 6 straight tonight!

  23. so strict! i'm kinda tempted to just go for the 100 percent warn status.. hahah just because the people that run this place are soo stupid. at least the canucks are winning? :P

  24. "i always knew the faggy trolls would be back when we lost a game..

    go get a life. "

    - personal attack

    apparently im bad? hahah

  25. so my 80% warn status prevented me from viewing my own and anybody elses profile for a month.. lol.

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