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Status Updates posted by schlaBAM

  1. Luongo hasn't let in a goal in a month. Impressive

    1. Xbox


      Goalies do that every summer.

    2. MayRayDown


      Vokoun hasn't let in a goal this year

  2. game tonight = bush league. absolutely terrible.

  3. Classless, Vancouver, classless. Eddie's going to want out now too.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Baka


      Every real sports city as a fanbase that complains when things go sour. The only ones that don't are teams like the Yotes and that's only because no one cares.

      So take your pick as to what you want Van to be.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      There's a difference between complaining and jeering a rookie goalie for a decision made by the coaching staff.

    4. Mr.DirtyDangles


      ^ exactly dude !

  4. Daniel and Garrison are the only two 61GP this season. Stay healthy boys

  5. That's right Burkie, you can't make a team. A sincere f*** you from Bobby and Keith.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. schlaBAM


      I'm still waiting for a presser from Burke. Jesus what a dumbass he is, I bet he blames it on somebody like the Russian coach did with Ovi.

    3. DollarAndADream


      Bobby Ryan was the biggest wow. Dude is a superstar.

    4. Henrik Kesler

      Henrik Kesler

      I don't know that Bobby Ryan and super star belong in the same sentence, but he's a consistent 30 goal scorer, something Ryan Callahan is NOT.

  6. no goals for daniel even on the big ice.. this is getting embarrassing

  7. all aboard the daniel sedin's a breakaway plug train

  8. Dumba is obviously short for dumbass.

    1. Ghostsof1915


      ba doom doom...bang!

  9. I share the same birthday as Jack Edwards. Well, ****.

    1. TheTruthHurts


      I find his homerism to be quite entertaining most of the time.

  10. VAN has played 12, #1 in the league. 3 in the last 4 nights, and another tonight? WTF NHL?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tom Sestito

      Tom Sestito

      every team in the nhl goes through stretches like this. the next couple of weeks are going to be more relaxed for us.. st louis has to catch up at some point in terms of games played.

    3. King Heffy

      King Heffy

      I don't mind this. It's kind of nice to have the longest roadtrip early so the team can bond a bit on the road. Obviously we're going to have play more frequently on the road. I'd rather a light schedule at the end of the season anyway.

    4. goalie13


      Agreed. Good to get a few extra games under the belt and a big road trip out of the way. This is not a bad thing.

  11. damn, does optik TV ever suck.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. goalie13


      Then why did you switch?

    3. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Both providers are complete wastes of time. Shoddy equipment brain dead techs, terrible costumer service....

    4. Warhippy


      I loved Optik until this morning, switching everything around was complete and utter garbage. Now I have NO idea when and where my shows are.

  12. i miss dave chappelle.

    1. Newsflash
    2. rampage


      wish he never left

    3. Rick Grimes

      Rick Grimes

      Check out the video he did this year on inside the actor's guild; He explains pretty much everything.

  13. I see I missed an eventful night. Damn.

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles


      mildly entertaining

    2. Peace Bond

      Peace Bond

      I ALWAYS miss them :(

    3. naslund.is.king


      I miss you tiger..

  14. so are we ever gonna see the crazy posters (wetcoaster, BB, etc) back, err...?

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. LeanBeef


      I miss Sully2cool and canuck_trevor16 :( their input was the best

    3. schlaBAM


      nobody ever explained if they got perm bans or what! it's been quite a few months now so that's what I'm beginning to assume.

    4. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      What happened to guys like Flinch, UncleBob, TDW?

  15. front page of reddit is pure gold tonight

    1. c00kies


      BUTT STABBER!!!!!!!!!

  16. VC has nearly 42 posts a day. Wow.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lil B From The Pack

      Lil B From The Pack

      That's pretty much a VC day for ya.

    3. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      What does he do? Job? School? Anything?

    4. Brendan Gaunce

      Brendan Gaunce

      woah simmer down wellwood ^ he just has to check often it's not bad or anything

  17. calgary offered all 3 firsts for first overall and got rejected.. price is high

  18. just jumped out of a plane. that was interesting

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Xbox


      ^ You won the internets.

    3. goalie13


      He mentioned that he jumped, but not that he landed. Anyone hear from him since?

    4. MANGO


      no schlaBAM's heard on the Island.

  19. I knew I stayed out of Canucks Talk during the off season for a reason..

  20. can't believe the negativity towards lu. show your team some support ffs

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BananaMash


      Yeah, but you're on CDC. Everything here is ridiculous.

    3. JensenFan2011


      he let 7 goals in last game against one of the worst teams in the league. Yes he had a bad team but he still needs to make saves. Idc who you are that game is going to haunt him and screw with his game tonight

    4. schlaBAM


      7 goals yes, after his AHL defence crumbled in front of him and gave up. Not the way to play in front of what was supposed to be his last game in Vancouver. And he played incredible tonight, so you're obviously wrong.

  21. exam in 7 hours, on 4/20... challenge accepted

    1. Gooby


      I swear, if you fail...

    2. Mr.DirtyDangles


      Stay hydrated man...

    3. schlaBAM


      this shall be interesting

  22. trade ALL the players!

    1. crime911


      with offense like this nux won't even make it to 2nd round.

    2. schlaBAM


      they miss tanev and bieksa.

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