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Status Updates posted by schlaBAM

  1. looking at the GD kesler vid on youtube, he's got a tattoo! wonder what it is.

    1. schlaBAM


      something overtop of the superman K I'm hoping. lol

    2. AppleJack


      I think its the symbol for his clothing line or something? K17? I think....I could be wrong.

    3. Newsflash
  2. did the board just crash? lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AriGold


      Been happening all morning, just terrible right now. Not expected with 412 users online.

    3. topbananas


      I posted that on the Canucks facebook page about an hour ago and it was removed immediately....curiouser and curiouser ;-)

    4. AppleJack


      Its not loading right for me as well.

  3. chicago is 9-0 in the central, 9-1-1 in the pacific, and 6-2-2 in the NW. And we just collect the free points hey?

    1. The Brahma Bull

      The Brahma Bull

      Northwest is obviously the hardest division in the conference based on this.

    2. schlaBAM


      exactly. if CDC has taught me anything, it's stats mean everything!

  4. proud of Edler. I don't care about the major, that's BS, Smith's a diver. Ex: 2012 playoffs vs. Chicago.

    1. Wilbur


      But...but I was lead to believe from the media, the Los Angeles Kings, the Chicago Blackhawks, Claude Julien, Edmonton Oiler fans, and Calgary Flames fans that the Canucks are the ONLY team that dives. Therefore, there is no way that's a dive.

    2. schlaBAM


      this is true, you make a very valid point.

    3. MayRayDown


      Smith should just stay in his net instead of blocking the whole back of the net so noone can get by him, then dive

  5. oh look, we're winning 3-0. forecast calls for 90% less negativity in CT tonight

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      the nucks could win the cup and there would still be 90% negativity ..who cares.

    2. schlaBAM


      you aren't helping. CDC is a better place without the negativity, is that too much to ask? probably.

    3. mau5trap


      Not if I can help it!

      Luongo sux and AV threads incoming!

  6. I can't count the number of times I've been an idiot and pressed quote instead of edit and double posted. Oooops

  7. just started watching the game, how has pinizotto been?

    1. Mr.DirtyDangles
    2. susraiders


      A fight in his first shift. A couple decent hits. So far so good for a fourth liner.

  8. booth may not be producing, but damn he's looking good out there.

    1. Ossi Vaananen

      Ossi Vaananen





      and lol.

    2. schlaBAM


      might be overpaid but at least he doesn't give the puck away like it's cancer.

  9. hey, the jays start the season soon!

  10. i'm calling it now, washington columbus finals this year.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Aladeen


      go put 5 bucks down in vegas if it happens you could probably retire.

    3. Tearloch7


      Flames are on a roll .. :P

    4. AppleJack


      you guys crack me up

  11. had the opportunity to fly out to the game tonight, but my passport expires today :( so choked.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. schlaBAM


      Was actually good, it made me renew it today! But they were decent seats too, sucks I had to give them up!

    3. Ilya Mikheyev

      Ilya Mikheyev

      You can use it to enter the states up to 6 months after it expires.

    4. schlaBAM


      are you sure? I don't think this is correct. The guy at services-canada seemed to feel my pain and didn't mention anything about that.

  12. going to the game tomorrow, row 1 centre ice upper bowl! so stoked!

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. schlaBAM


      ahaha i didn't buy them, we got them from family that can't go to tomorrows game!

      you'll probably see me, i'll be wearing my retro morrison jersey

    3. Please Call 911

      Please Call 911

      I wanna see St. Louis so bad....Pietrangelo, Shattenkirk...and best of all - Tarasenko

    4. Dazzle


      Have fun, Schlabam! :)

  13. 2nd all nighter in 3 days, my body must love me.

  14. might as well throw it out here. do any admins actually read the "Bugs!" thread? I'd have to say they're being pretty useless with everybody's problems.

    1. AriGold


      Stealth does and usually does a good job about it. There are so many little problems on this message board and babysitting that needs to be done that things do get missed. More mods are needed IMO.

  15. hahahaha thomas is an islander. clutch

    1. SterlingArcher


      hope he comes back and beats boston in the playoffs

    2. :D


      Greasy move

    3. allkill326


      Would he go to the White House, when the Isles win the Cup? I bet he says, "Yes", because he knows the Isles will not win the cup for a long time.

  16. 4 more points until hank is the leader. how many more games?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. schlaBAM


      i was thinking 3, to be honest. I think we're going to see alot of points out of the 2nd line against calgary.

    3. Heretic
    4. Master 112

      Master 112

      7 unless they start playing up to standard.

  17. fire ALL the management!

  18. it's good to see back-up Olympics Luuuuu in net. He's really fighting for this spot

    1. Zoolander


      If he finishes this game without letting in any 'soft' goals I'll be happy....that includes any goal within the last 10seconds of a period

    2. schlaBAM


      i wouldn't classify that goal as "soft", but it wasn't great

    3. CanucksHockey11


      can't blame that goal on Luongo, Garrison made a weaj clearing attempt

  19. trade ALL the players!

    1. smithers joe

      smithers joe

      early in the season.. eat some garlic.

  20. i dislike the new font. the f*** is this?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. mau5trap


      112, this is dope.

      Thanks brotha

    3. schlaBAM


      merci señor

    4. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      I've tried IP board and could never get comfortable with it.

  21. a wild goalie controversy appears! go, luongo!

  22. DJ Dave needs to realize Gangnam Style is overplayed and horrible. To think people wanted it as our goal song earlier in the year... Sweet jesus

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tortorella's Rant

      Tortorella's Rant

      People suggested that? wtf.

    3. schlaBAM


      riight here. somebody even took the time to post a canucks version of it on youtube

    4. schlaBAM


      and then people have quoted that post underneath to further disappoint..

      thank god dave also turned it down a few posts later but still

  23. CDC during the lockout was a much more sane environment. Amazing how idiotic some people are during the season (can you say.. bandwagoners?)

    1. Where's Wellwood

      Where's Wellwood

      I know. I thoroughly enjoyed my time here during the lockout. Now everyone comes back and the repeat threads and the trolls come out to play.

    2. Xbox


      yes, yes you can!

      So many more members online lately. Hopefully the site doesnt get any slower

  24. on capgeek, looking at van's roster the only player with their name initialed is burrows, everybody else has their full name. odd

    1. BananaMash



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