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Erik Karlsson

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Everything posted by Erik Karlsson

  1. Why the hell is Schroeder not on the pp and why is Kass not on the first unit instead of Burrows. Sullivan sucks.
  2. I hope they play Kass and Schroeder together, they have good chemistry.
  3. Does any team miss more breakaways then the Canucks? I swear Higgins and Hansen have a breakaway every game and never score.

    1. Batmania


      yes. you just have to watch other teams more.

    2. Erik Karlsson

      Erik Karlsson

      Yeah I don't watch other teams that much.

    3. Brad Marchand

      Brad Marchand

      Islanders fans have been complaining for years about Grabner doing this exact thing.

  4. Then we just become the pushover Canucks again. Can't turtle like that after they went all out against LA. Plus still a good chance they get a good punch to the face which could result in a concussion if they just turtled. McGrattan would have destroyed any of those 3. After the last couple of games I don't think too many teams are going to try and bully us anymore.
  5. CDC super slow for anyone else?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ronalds.Kenins41


      it has been slower and slower

    3. -Vintage Canuck-

      -Vintage Canuck-

      The Board always crashes during the Game.

    4. Guest


      I think it's just Zettaboads. Not CDC

  6. Probably, so he didn't get kicked out too since he was our only tough guy left playing. He played like a beast after the Giordano penalties. Edit: except Sestito but he was in the box for a while.
  7. Haha I love Kass, O'brien is a pussssy
  8. Didn't watch the game, why didn't anyone go after Hanzal??
  9. Booth gets way too much unwarrented hate. This is just like after the Boston game last year. No consistency from this team at all. Also it's sad when our 4th line is our best line.
  10. Screw all you Booth haters, he always plays better then 90% of our forwards and actually goes to the net.

  11. I think his back injury hampered his skating a bit.
  12. Who got called up?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nicklas Bo Hunter

      Nicklas Bo Hunter

      My guess is it will be announced after the game tonight. My guess is on Jensen for the pure fact that Grenier is important to Utica and Gillis likes that he is thriving there and won't want to disturb his play there.

    3. Baka


      Utica is tied for last place in the AHL out of 30 teams. I don't think losing Grenier would mean much.

    4. goalie13


      Lain got the call.

  13. I don't see why we would need Ott, we need scoring...
  14. This. I think people are also forgetting we still have Stanton, Burrows, Schroeder and even Booth out of the line up. Getting them back should help boost our offense and defense. If they play that way with Burr and Schroeder in the line up, I think we beat the kings in a 7 game series. This was more of a statement game then anything. They now know they can play physically with the toughest teams in the league now, and that should help their confidence. Everyone has been complaining how the team has no push back and the twins get manhandled all the time, and then they take it to one of the toughest teams in the league and people still complain. No one wanted to go near the Sedins all game and they were throwing hits. That's what I've been waiting to see for a while. It's up to Gillis to get a top 6 forward now.
  15. If Kassian shoved Brown like Nolan shoved Kesler, he would have gotten a 10 minute misconduct for sure. He could have been called for the charge on Hank too.
  16. Weise gave me some good laughs tonight. Still don't understand how Kassian gets like 22 mins in penalties, Sestito gets 7 and kicked out of the game and Nolan doesn't get anything. This game just made me dislike Gillis more. It's time for him to do something and give this team some help.
  17. Why the f did Kassian get another misconduct??
  18. It's ridiculous how the refs can almost ruin a game so bad. 11 min pp, wtfffff.
  19. frack the refs are pissing me off. Can't wait till Kass is back out there. Would have loved to see Sestito keep playing, damn refs.
  20. Valk is right. Nucks better go after Brown and play a physical game. Glad that Sestito is on the 3rd line and will get some decent ice time. Kassian needs to pick up his physical play against these big teams. I'm sure if Kes starts to play more physical he will follow.
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