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  1. Or a PGT after a big loss. Lots of engagement from posters who barely ever post!
  2. Thanks for doing this. I think they are also vastly underestimating the engagement by lurkers and otherwise silent members of the community that don't post very often. That was me for at least the first 5 years or so of still going on these message boards and engaging with Canucks content. Some of the most prolific posters are the message boards equivalent of influencers. Fans log in to see what they have to say, whether for educational purposes, or entertainment. Either way it serves the Canucks purposes.
  3. Joined the new site. To the people who made the decision to shut this forum, you clearly don’t realize how important this is to those of us fans who don’t live in Vancouver. No one I know in real life is a fan here in Ottawa so it is through this forum that I sustain my fandom and keep spending loads of money on this team. I hope the new forum succeeds but if it doesn’t, I hope the financial losses resulting from diminished sense of fandom of Canucks fans across the world come from your personal salaries you absolute twats!
  4. I hope you will join. You have been one of my most appreciated posters over the years. Initial bias no doubt due to your username from my favourite books, but you always seem to have intelligent things to say and are appreciated. Same with @SID.IS.SID.ME.IS.ME Hope you both migrate to the new site.
  5. I have a cat and 2 dogs. The cat and one of the dogs will be watching the game with me while he recovers from knee surgery. I find it hilarious that my cat watches the games but I think the motion is what draws her attention.
  6. Nice to see that Sean Bean is not so mean after all. Take care of that kitty and just watch out for @Alflives and lock your doors if there are any sightings of him.
  7. Sens fans are so sick of seeing their best players leave that they would way rather take the risk of an overpayment than see the cycle continue. I think it makes sense in the context of that team and hope they turn it around.
  8. I should take this opportunity to apologize for the Church of Virtanen thread. It was misguided to make lazy Jake into a messiah like figure and encourage binge drinking as a form of worship. It figures it was ultimately brought down by a sex scandal, considering what I modelled it after. Hopefully this is just a minor website issue, so I don't have to consider making similar formal apologies for my love of Matt Cooke, Todd Bertuzzi, Zach Kassian and many other similar players before them. Also, if this is the end, I will truly miss you all. My enjoyment of watching Canucks games in good times and bad will be greatly diminished without a PGT to focus the anger and/or celebrations.
  9. DEMKO for Captain! ;-)
  10. Big Mac in Ottawa is awesome news. My second team picks up a player I really liked. Not a guy who sets the world on fire but love his grit and hard work.
  11. Honestly that truly disgusts me. It’s insane. Like all the morons commenting on “Alvin and his Chipettes” or whatever. I for one am thrilled that we are getting access to some of the best minds in hockey by being a bit more open minded ourselves. Keep it coming.
  12. Someone needs to post the Pass it to Bulis “we need Bonino” video.
  13. So I wonder how much more it will take for the naysayers to accept that we finally have a competent front office. This team is turning a corner here without hobbling the future. Excited again to be a Canucks fan.
  14. Why do people just assume everyone will sign with us? He will have a way better opportunity there than he would have with us.
  15. Not to mention, with our injury luck, the young guys will get plenty of opportunity anyway. Key is to have enough depth that we aren't playing the guys that shouldn't even be in our future plans.
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