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Everything posted by Kragar

  1. Saw Grand Budapest Hotel recently. it was OK. To caveat, I'm not a huge Anderson fan, but Tenenbaum's was good. I don't feel worse for having seen it, but I have no need to watch it again. Definitely some funny parts. 6/10, I guess.
  2. At first glance, I was thinking Dunc Wilson (not sure if he was #30 or not), but looking at the end of his name, I gotta to with Cesar Maniago
  3. Thanks.. I was going to look things up, just to see who else had done something similar. Looks like some nice company there.
  4. Bummer. My other choice was Tallon. If it ain't him, I'm stumped. Basically I'm working from old images of hockey cards dancing in my head. Images getting more old and worn each day as work squeezes out the good ol' days. In any case, thanks to all to those who post pics in here. This is a fun thread.
  5. Think I have it narrowed down to two, but I'll go with Pat Quinn as my first guess.
  6. That's one I can get first try, although not sure if I'll spell it correctly if I don;t look it up. Dennis Vervegart. Funny story, first time my parents got seats in the reds in the Colliseum, my mother yelled something derogatory towards him, for playing soft in her opinion. he turned around and said "F-you lady". Mom was uses to yelling from the blues seats and not being heard by players, so it was a bit of an awakening for her.
  7. Thinking this is Lidster, but I remember him looking different. Maybe just the ugly jersey he is wearing
  8. My bad, Tim Hunter. Should have gone with that first, given the face. Would have been easier if it was a profile, but it's not your job to make it easy!
  9. Bure for sure. Was gonna say McLean until I saw the jersey. Can't think who might've worn 30 back then. I'll take a stab at Whitmore, seems around the right timeframe.
  10. He's before the Orca's time, but just looking at his face, he looks a bit like Rick Lanz. I know it isn't him, but no idea who he is.
  11. CBGB 8/10 Stars Alan Rickman, and was a very interesting movie. Didn't know anything about it going in, but was just flipping channels, and it looked so good I found out when it was on next and DVR'd it. Supposed to be a fairly factual account of the origins of the CBGB club and the owner, Hilly Kristal. Lots of good 70's and 80's punk/alternative, if you're into that at all.
  12. Bobby Schmautz? Looks familiar, but that was a while ago.
  13. Shaky, FYI you also posted a link on Tommernes. I never would have gotten it otherwise.
  14. I figure that has to be Willie Mitchell. He sure has a distinct smile. Of course, if I'm wrong, then I guess it's either not that distinct, or I am easily confused. Either way, glad I could finally contribute to this thread. I remember seeing the thread months ago and thought I would be good at it, given my many years as a fan poring over the team pics in the Shopper's Drug Mart calendars each year. Sure are a lot of them in this thread I don't recognize though.
  15. There have been many comments blaming Torts for Edler's play last year... comments I am on board with. Did anyone pay attention to him in the Olympics? I didn't watch much so I can't comment, but it would be interesting to see how well he did compared to his teammates under a different coach, presumably one who can appreciate his style and skill set. Just a thought... I don't know either way. I just thought it could give an interesting perspective to how much impact the coach has on him and the style he was asked to play. I've got my fingers crossed for a bounce-back year for a number of the guys, especially Edler. If he returns to what he can be, and Garrison figures out how to put shots in the net rather than too many feet away from it, our D would be quite solid.
  16. If you remember Bure & Mogilny, you should remember '94. IMO, the way that series went, the Rangers don't deserve a Cup until Vancouver gets one!
  17. I'd be happy to see him get signed, but not for over 1.5. We need to see more of him before committing more money and longer term. His injury may have contributed to the decline last season, but Santo being out of the lineup is only one piece of why we stunk in the second half.
  18. The trade history is what it is, and GMs did some good things for the team with the resources they had from that shameful period in our time. But bringing in that bald-headed ugly SOB appeared to have killed Linden as a player, while he was in his prime. And the horrible play Messier provided while on the Canucks made me think he was still playing for the Oilers/Rangers. He sure set up enough goals for our opposition with weak passes in his own end. Just plain ugly. Sure, I cheered when he scored, but I can't imagine any other Canuck more hated by Canuck fans than Messier.
  19. I didn't think that was possible... thought we had to get in the top 5 for the lottery. Did some digging now and saw that the rules changed. For some reason, I thought that change wasn't coming until next year. Yay! Did some more digging, and saw that all the spots are up for grabs. I like it... really messes with tanking. I agree about the quality of the loss. Still want to see a good game, with some nice goals by our guys. Just one goal short! And, if they win, that's ok too. With the way the lottery goes, it's not that big a difference. Of course, it would suck to drop too far down. No love for the Oilers here! Edit: changed browsers... much better! Edit again: Self "duh". Can only drop one place.
  20. Crap, I was getting excited looking at the overall standings, thinking that we could get passed by Calgary if we lost both and they won both. But we win the tie-breaker, so no dice. Cards fall right, we can get 6th, I think. I agree, WIN/WIN. It's been like that lately... I want to see them play well and I cheer when they score, but if they lose, I remember that it helps the draft. OP, I thought during the Avs game they were talking about sitting different vet D's. Are you sure Garrison isn't playing tonight? Edit: not sure what the problem was, as there were paragraphs originally. Hope there are some after the edit.
  21. I don't recall anyone here mentioning Luo's "awful" cap hit. Yes, 800K/yr was retained in cap, but with him gone, $4.5M was freed up. Knock off 1.2M for Markstrom's cap, and there is net 3.3M to spend on another player. (Note that Matthias' cap is deliberately left out of this calculation, since its a separate roster spot). There is one big contract with an NTC gone, and the freed cap money could improve our free agent hunt this summer. Don't get me wrong, I'll miss Lu. He did a lot of great things for this team, and I hope he is happy in Florida. Sad that odds are even further against him getting a Cup now, though. Anyone know much about Matthias. Not a lot of PIMs... does he play as big as he is? Is there power forward potential in him? His stats last year weren't bad, especially considering playing for Florida.
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