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Brad Marchand

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Everything posted by Brad Marchand

  1. It didn't even have any meat in it. It was just old-fashioned tomato soup, and I had one helluva time trying to chug it all down. If you're going to have soup, stick to regular. Actually, this could apply to most foods.
  2. Needs to develop an iron constitution. You'll never survive in the real world if you're this sensitive.
  3. Yeah, should've learned my lesson the last time. All the low-calorie soups I've ever had sucked. God, I suck at this game.
  4. From now on, I'm sticking to regular Campbell's Tomato Soup. The low-calorie version tastes like crap.
  5. You jumped off the dock about 10 minutes after the boat left. Congrats.
  6. You could've done so much more with what you were given. I'm ashamed of you.
  7. Wow, double post. Pretty much setting myself up for a ribbing.
  8. Is slow-witted (when responding to me, at least).
  9. Had possessions stolen from him by a 30 year old Italian gangster who happens to make millions every year by stopping pucks in a crease for a blue-jerseyed team.
  10. Wow! I didn't know that. How in the world did you find out? You must be a super genius or something.
  11. Happy "Birthday"! ;)

  12. Didn't get to see that SNL episode on TV, so I had to watch some of the bits on YouTube. Gotta admit, Taylor's quite funny.
  13. Something to light up my otherwise boring day (apart from the 3 hours of golf).
  14. Any updates on whether Shaw has obtained the rights to carry Sportsnet One?

  15. Is a more lethal global threat than Kim Jong-Il with a stockpile of nukes.
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