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Canucks First-Line

Canucks First-Line (10/14)



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  1. If the NHL were to expand to 32 teams, which 2 cities would you like them to expand to. My two choices - Seattle and Kansas City

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    2. Slaytanic Wehrmacht

      Slaytanic Wehrmacht

      Amsterdam...name the team the Stoned Crows. ;)

    3. Pears


      Québec City and Seattle

    4. 19Canuck66


      I am tired of expansion talk going to the US. The cities that deserve it are Hamilton and back in Quebec. It's time to put more Canadian content back into Hockey to cities where Hockey is loved. If Buffalo and Toronto lose fans because Hamilton fill their own building then maybe both teams should try putting a winner on the ice. Quebec like Winnipeg deserve a chance to ice another team especially now with Payroll Caps which make it an even playing surface for all teams. Carolina is strugg...

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