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Status Updates posted by Canuckletux

  1. Hey, don't you dare rick rolling me! ^^

  2. Know I could say you did the same. :P

    But more importantly, you didn't yet tell me what kind of lunch you found yourself yesterday.

  3. haha, don't worry about it. I already let it all out on Super19. XD

  4. Oui, la journée vas être très confortable.

  5. I actually go up late today, I just don't have to work. :P

    I'm surprised that you're still awake, hopefully you're not gonna regret it in the morning. Nice to see you, though. ;)

  6. Yeah, shame on you... I've been waiting for 2 hours. :P

    Don't worry about it, I'm just kidding, mon ami ;)

  7. I'm sorry for you :(

    I already spend as much time as possible on here... darn time difference.

  8. Yeah, tomorrow's probably not going to be so enjoyable as my driver is assigned to our quarters at the other end of the city. Hopefully my coworkers tomorrow will be nice (don't know them).

    How's your day going?

  9. It's been nice, although I just got a shock when I realized the "Say something about the user above you" thread is missing 23 pages... I used to have the 10,000th reply... XD

  10. He's hidden serving the community. ;)

    I've got a day off tomorrow, though.

  11. Sorry to hear that. :(

    Get well soon, buddy!

  12. Happy New Year, egatti! How are you doing?

  13. Happy New Year et bonne année, Super 19!

  14. Happy New Year, BW?!

  15. Happy New Year, Canuckette!

  16. Christmas was awesome, especially my little sister's glaring eyes (she's 4). I've got a night shift on New Year's Eve.

    How are you doing?

  17. I actually thought you were already on my friends list, lol. Anyway, nice to see you're finally on it. ;)

    Happy holidays to you!

  18. I don't really follow Austrian hockey that much...

    I've searched the Internet for any news on the jerseys you've spotted, but couldn't find any official information. Maybe those uniforms are just alternate jerseys, as the only difference seems to be that the shoulder patches are now the main logo and the logo is used as shoulder patch?

    Don't know, though, sorry.

  19. I would love to keep writing with you, but today was really exhausting... bye for now and have a great day! ;)

  20. Fan-k you. Do you want a signature?... Uh... I see... You meant the uniform. XD

  21. I really love the many bags the uniform has, it's possible to put tons of stuff in there. :D

    It looks like this:


  22. It's a great job, until we have to carry someone 5 storeys upstairs because there's no elevator or it's too small. :P

  23. Well, it's not that bad as we get enough breaks and I enjoy my work. :D

    I'm also looking forward to the weekend. ;)

  24. We've got a 40 hour week with shifts that repeat every 7 weeks, i.e. some weeks we work more days, some weeks we work less. This week, I had a 12 hour night shift on Mon (hence I slept on Tue), 8.5 hours on Wed and Thu respectively and 12 hours tomorrow. I'll have the weekend off, i.e. I'm gonna have more time for CDC. ;)

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