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  1. so i was looking at nba salary info

    top players get 42 million per year

    so got me to thinking

    how big is each pay cheque they end up receiving?


    assume it is paid over 8 months and paid monthly

    so they are getting gross pay of over 5 million each month


    many huge deductions for sure

    but can that player take his net pay cheque of $3 million

    and cash it at moneymart? :P



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    2. Ghostsof1915


      $3 on $100, and it's open laaaaaaate. 

    3. Ghostsof1915


      $3 million cheque at money mart:


      $2,291,000 cheque. Money Mart get $9000. Pretty sure Money Mart would want ALL NBA players to cash cheques there. 

    4. NewbieCanuckFan


      Last I checked (I managed to see one of Sandis Ozolinsh's paycheques once, don't ask my sources as alot of Melmacians had gave up their lives to supply me with this information, Alf is forever giving me the evil eye because of this....)...


      Their salary was paid either biweekly or bimonthly (it WAS a LONG time ago afterall and I'm going by memory) and divided up over the course of a season.  By the end of the regular season, the paycheques stop (players get nothing other than playoff bonus money and/or specific incentive clauses written into their contract).  Reason why playoff revenue is where the owners REALY make their money.

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