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Everything posted by coastal.view

  1. well i think you choose to ignore that when he was with the canucks his fitness level was below the other players he has had to lose weight and become fitter and faster so diet change must have occurred and this more "pro level" fitness is now being noticed he is faster and the talent see by the scouts prior to drafting him is starting to show again so yeah he is getting in shape finally
  2. tony gallagher comes to mind heard another diatribe from him on the radio yesterday made me ill he is such a waste of time i do not know why he is given air time
  3. you covered it all read my mind i guess when i was sleeping and my guard was down
  4. i am utterly baffled by your logic but i will cry uncle and say you win i give up i will no longer message you regarding ee you have some sort of fixation here that blocks your logical reasoning so i now state for the record that i agree that wonderboy was screwed by the entire mlb who conspired to keep his contractual value low in the face of historical contracts made to other players of approximately in the same talent range as ee i'll send him some quarters so he does not starve happy now ?
  5. so you resist change? you do not like to see a new landscape appearing in the economics of baseball? you appear to have too simplistic an approach to this player value issue and baseball economics and sports economics players are paid what they are worth and when the pay scale for positions change, that tells you the revised value of that position it is not static.. it is dynamic and the revised value becomes the current value for that position look at the nfl position values have been altered drastically over the last number years most notably the running back position the value of that position has plunged running backs used to be the most highly sought draft picks after quarterbacks no longer their pay scale has been adjusted accordingly there are so many capable running backs they have short careers they have become plug and play assets get them young, cheap, use them for 3 or so years get a new one do not waste high draft picks on them (except for the really special ones) and do not sign them to long term contracts (but for the nfl this is a bit irrelevant since no contract is guaranteed so less of an issue in that league) in baseball we have seen in this off season a glut of players who can fill the dh position veteran players can extend their careers if they are still capable hitters but can not longer play a fielding position if they are prepared to dh there are more and more veteran players with hitting talent transitioning to dh their value will fall and is falling the position in baseball that is presently increasing in value is bullpen pitchers long relief pitchers, especially the ones that can pitch more often on shorter rest so no, i do not think ee got screwed if he really is the wonderboy you suggest he would have been paid or the managers of all the other baseball teams must be stupid for passing on him if he was such good value they are not all stupid so he must not be worth what you believe historical payment for that position is interesting as a historical fact it does not determine the present business model for baseball teams and i know that because we all saw what happened this past off season in baseball
  6. i know jb said the team would play the younger players more and they have been played more but i have no problem with boucher playing more limited minutes this guy better work on his fitness and skating this summer and come to camp a bit more fine tuned or he is in danger of not making the nhl roster say what you want about wd on boucher boucher has been with 3 organizations this season as he regressed from last season and was waived by new jersey, nashville, and new jersey again 3 management teams cannot be that wrong about this guy so put the onus on him to take a step up he appears to be heading in the right direction but this team has little invested in him and will not have much patience with him
  7. i don't agree that ee got screwed and despite my wish that ee was still a jay i do think in my head that the jays will be better without him for the reasons posted by others on this site.. the ability to get 2 others prospects and mostly replaced ee as well makes better sense for the team unfortunately
  8. man i totally get that and agree with that sentiment i'm a fan at heart but the problem was the business stuff. and it could not get sorted and ee and his agent made their own bed.. and now we all just have to move on
  9. i lied i will post once more a good remedy for on field lack of discipline is to single out the offender and make it clear that as a result of the offender the entire team is put through additional gruelling training once all players realize the whole team will suffer from their conduct the leaders on the team will sort out the offenders that correction can take place away from the team or in any fashion the other players may choose
  10. i am a huge soccer supporter, have played at higher levels competitively for years managed and coached but i'm done with this team and will now take a break who the hell wants to watch a team so undisciplined over last season and so far this season to see them almost willfully ensure losses and destroy the hopes of fans and all entertainment value i lay this at the feet of robinson he now must go .. he was unable to correct this huge problem from last season this is a fundamental coaching issue... on the field player discipline he has completely failed in this regard and the caps now are not worth watching they are not a professional team presently just players paid to perform too much as they simply wish time for a hard nosed no nonsense coach for this lot they have earned the need for a high degree of discomfort for their disregard for the brand, the team and the fans until they can show they get what it means to be a true professional i was so pissed off after the san jose game which i spent the time to watch i will no longer waste time on this lot as it is currently structured this is my last post on this thread until something significant happens i hope at the very least bobby will face the media and let us all know this will be addressed immediately
  11. caps have added too many new players recently and there simply has not been enough time (and in game time) for these players to gel and sort out how they can be most effective together i don't think we will really see what the quality of this caps team will be till june sometime they'll either gel in a manner that makes them quite good.. they seem to have the right pieces and talent level for mls or the chemistry just will never happen and it will be a another disappointing season
  12. working a lot eh ? you do know that jb has a bonus clause in his contract should the jays attendance reach certain thresholds i also heard a rumor that he is entitled to half of your income over a certain threshold can you please let us know what that threshold is? the reports i have read are a bit sketchy on that point
  13. it is not offensive it can be viewed in a complimentary manner as well you are just reading it negatively i am a huge burrows supporter . ,. always have been posted in the preseason that he needed to play with bo that happened.. and it was all good for a couple months i think if burrows read this post title he would simply view it as another challenge and use it for motivation it is actually a good title when referring to burrows.. since he was so underrated by fans here
  14. Olerud had a brain aneurism that was operated on and as a result his skull was a bit more fragile so he always wore a protective helmet
  15. provided you accept that what you are being told is accurate the counterpoint to the boras view of life is the jays position that an increase was rejected and they were left with no other option boras just wants the jays to do things his way .. and they are unwilling.. that is the conclusion to be drawn.. not that boras' client was being lowballed
  16. i agree with this the contract end of things is just business every team has its own business models as do agents boras is particularly prickly and tries to create emotive reactions from fans to bolster his client's position i find him irritating as he generates a lot of empty noise this stuff should just be dealt with quietly in the back rooms and not in public but that is just not how boras rolls
  17. yes they have the money but spending it on price was just so unwise he has never been a playoff performer and he proved that again last season
  18. don't be stupid there was nothing to talk about he want 30 million over a long term he is not worth that but some other team thought he was 5 x 20 - 22 million would have been worth talking about but he would have been insulted
  19. i'm pretty content with the new management you think jb is justified in being angry because he should have a say in management? cuz AA was moved on? or what is it you are saying ? jb has done well as a jay financially i still have no idea why he should be justifiably angry at the jays do explain
  20. and the team was correct for refusing to do so and EE (i assume you meant him) and JB were both proven to be incorrect in their views so let's just accept reality now
  21. anger towards managment for what ? they both .. he and management .. signed a contract that contained risk he was unproven still and got a longer term deal for good money he just managed to out perform his contract (this happens less often than it should in my view) if he did not perform to his contract he would not be offering a refund to the team (the failure to perform to the contract level happens more often than it should) he got rich being a jay.. and yes.. could have earned more if everyone could have forecasted the future accurately that does not entitle him to another long term deal at his age and the dollars he was seeking was crazy i do not see any reasonable basis for jb to be angry.. it is just his ego
  22. i kinda would like a jb with a bit more loyalty and a little less "me first" persona so let's see what he dose after this season if he in fact plays well.. ..
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