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Status Updates posted by Sully2Cool

  1. Hello there How u doin.:)

  2. It's going pretty good thanks.:)

  3. I'am doing pretty good thanks.:)

  4. Hello There how's it going.

  5. I'am doing pretty good thanks.:)

  6. Hello there How u doin.:)

  7. Hi there How's it going.:)

  8. nice profile pic you got there of Dan Cloutier with a giant puck behind him LOL.:)

  9. We can now look forward to the NHL Draft and the NHL free Agentcy and see what MG dose.

  10. Hello there nice profile pic you got there it is Awesome and cool

  11. Hi there How's it going nice pic you got there there of Rypien.:)

  12. Hello there How's it going. Can't wait for the NHL Draft tomorrow and see who MG drafts or Trades hope he makes a good pick.:)

  13. Hello there how's it going.

  14. The Flyers made a Huge mistake by Tradeing Mike Richards and Jeff Carter just so they can sign Bryzgalov.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Wizard of AZ

      The Wizard of AZ

      goaltending wins championships.

    3. Niloc009


      yeah, but so does leadership, grit, and goals, trading Richards and Carter took a huge step back in those two areas.

    4. Master 112
  15. Hello there Ricarda How u doin.:)

  16. Hello there How's it going.

  17. Hello there How u doin.:)

  18. your welcome.:)

  19. Hello there How's it going.

  20. hi there how's it going you got a cool profile pic of Raymond.:) looks Awesome

  21. Hello there how's it going How u doin you got a nice pic on your profile.:)

  22. I'am doing fine thanks.:) cant wait for the NHL awards tomorrow.

  23. Hello there wishing you an early Happy birthday wishing you all the best on your birthday.:)

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