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Everything posted by 5nothincanucksohno

  1. Miller signed a seven year deal (eight at $7.656M per year if you include this years contract - not real but I am sure was a consideration when the team agreed to the deal), so an eight year deal for Bo could potentially lower AAV
  2. I assume he wants eight years so likely some flexibility on total dollars...so likely willing to sign for lower AAV but probably wants same total dollar amount.
  3. If it was me, which means nothing, I would be shooting for a team that looks a little like this next year: Kuz EP Mik Garland xxx Podz Hogs xxx xxx DJ Aman Lazar (or any other combo of fourth liners) QH xxx Xxx xxx OEL Schenn Demko/Martin I would try and trade everyone else at the deadline/offseason for solid returns (relative to the player and their contract). Some big holes to fill but any TDL trade, 2023 draft pick, and/or UFA singing should be focused on center and defense prospects and young up and coming roster players. Hopefully mgmt can find players to fill two or three of those spots next year. In the meantime, someone like Boeser might have to stay on until prospects move up, etc. Next year should be about playing the young players, clearing some cap, being competitive, and seeing if EP can lead. The following two years should be about establishing a solid team and hopefully some playoff success.
  4. BTW mgmt should do everything they can to trade Myers and Miller at the deadline as well (along with a bunch of other +25 year olds). Some desperate GM will bite with some salary retained on Myers.
  5. Hurts my eyes reading that but I did pick out that we are counting the bubble as a legit playoffs? Hilarious...you appear to accept mediocrity like BH does. He should have put his foot down and demanded better line mates, he should have pushed the team harder to improve their individual skills, he should be better 5v5 and on the PK to lead this team forward but it isn't in him. Again,, Bo is a good Canuck but this team isn't going anywhere with him and are better off selling high (before he regresses in a non contract year). Teams like Detroit have solid pieces that would impact the club in the next couple years as well as add to the number of picks in the cupboard (which can be flipped for NHL level upgrades if needed)
  6. I would argue that they would have made the playoffs with Crosby instead of Horvat. Crosby is the hardest worker in the league, and he demands the same from his teammates...as Captain BH has the potential to yield a huge return...Lebrun wrote that even non-playoff teams will be interested. First swing at signing him. Miller is much slower and more of a long-term risk in my opinion. BH fills a clear role...he just isn't a the Captain of a playoff team type of player. Will fit really nicely on a team with strong leadership already in place
  7. Damn, try some punctuation. No playoffs in how many years as Captain? Yaaaaa... I don't think there are any fans that dislike Bo, the problem is he can't get this team over the hump, and wants $7.75M per...why would should the team compound last seasons mistake and not trade him for a huge haul? Talk about clueless.
  8. And losing games, giving up high danger scoring chances, poor on the PK, and hasn't been to a legit playoffs his entire career. At a certain point a Captain has to be accountable for the team's performance.
  9. I would much rather see Bo lead by example and start preventing high danger chances and goals against than keep pushing his goal total...that right there illustrates his poor leadership. Contract year results over what is best for the team. He hasn't and can't lead this team over the hump and will never have higher trade value than this year (after he regresses next year in a non-contract year). Mgmt need to correct last year's mistake and trade Bo, Miller, Boeser, Myers, Stillman and Pearson at the TDL...individually they should have some value to contending teams (especially if salary is retained on Myers and Pearson). Get a tonne of assets for Bo and get whatever 2023 draft pick they can for the rest (draft or use as trade chips)
  10. Good, that means mgmt has to trade him...hopefully along with Miller, Boeser, Myers, Stillman and Pearson at the TDL Bo is a good Canuck but his time is done...he can't get them over the hump and his value will never be higher (after he regresses next year in a non-contract year)
  11. Would prefer Bo start preventing high danger chances and goals against rather than scoring 50 goals in a contract year...team might actually start winning more games. The team can clearly produce offence but without improved defense/PK, they won't finish above a wild card spot and/or be successful in the playoffs. Improved defense comes with the right leadership, Bo is the Captain. Good Canuck but he is not going to lead this team to the next level...a big trade return is the best value (rather than a long-term contract during which Bo regresses to his normal results)
  12. Strong defensively, actually works hard, and has 15 points in 12 games...plus he makes the players he plays with better. He could do well with a more competitive group of players around him. End of the day, if they can't extend EP long-term, they will be trading him as well anyways.
  13. Ya hard to see them pull out of this. They really have to go on a run for the rest of the year to even sniff the last wild card spot. Wish they were better but as much as it hurts to say, some changes are needed to reset this team. At least they have some attractive pieces that should yield good returns come the TDL.
  14. PASS the torch to Pettersson...and that can't happen unless they trade Horvat, Myers, Pearson, Miller and other veteran dead weight at the TDL. Get it done Mgmt...they actually have the pieces to turn the ship around quickly if they make smart trades and acquire assets to support EP and crew. Bo is a good Canuck but he can't and will never carry this team to the playoffs, let alone a SC. Like the players on this team but it just isn't there, time for mgmt to go all in on Pettersson...make it his team and encourage him to stay.
  15. You sell it to Pettersson as his team now...previous leadership group couldn't get it done but mgmt believes EP is the leader to win this team it's first SC. Keep the Russians, have a big TDL/offseason and mgmt has two full seasons to keep/make him happy. But they need to get serious work done this TDL to acquire assets - either younger to follow the new leader or to be used as pieces to acquire support for EP. Trade Bo, Boeser, Pearson, Myers and other veteran dead wait for assets at the TDL.
  16. For sure, agreed it has to be the right trade (ie has the potential to shift the culture get the ship pointed in the right direction). I still need to do some research but would a deal such below be in the right direction (based on a the hockey writers article): To Det: Horvat with extension in place To Canucks: - William Wallinder (potential Hughes partner with Hughes moving to the right side) - Marco Kasper - center - 2023 1st round pick - maybe even Zadina if Canucks throw in a 2nd/3rd (he has fallen out of favour in Det Detroit might lose Larkin and need a center like Horvat
  17. But if they trade Bo for a young D, a grade A center prospect, and a 2023 1st round pick, are they really worse off? Especially if the two prospects are expected to join the team in the next year or two? Bo is a good player but sometimes the torch needs to be passed to a new leadership group that will drive performance in all elements of the game...PK, PP, 5v5, etc.
  18. You don't think Bo could fetch a solid haul including a top six center that just happens to be younger or a prospect? This year would be down the tube potentially...not much different than where the team is at currently. Further trades at the deadline, in what could be a sellers market, and they could have room to target a FA or a trade in the summer.
  19. I like Bo but I would rather see him create more wins...that would suggest he is rounding into a more all around game. If Bo can pull the team to wins, then maybe he is worth $7Mx8. I just don't see him having a significant effect on PK, 5v5, etc. to do that or be worth that contract. Given his early results, I think his value is much higher as a trade chip.
  20. Agreed, wouldn't assume those numbers to continue in non-contract years.
  21. If EP can continue at this rate, he will the man. Mgmt just needs to surround him with gamers (mostly young but a couple FAs) and allow him to lead by example. Bo is great but he has been unable to pull this team into the fight...would much rather spend that $7.5+M on younger up and coming players. Especially if mgmt can free up additional cap space at the TDL.
  22. Ya for sure...a lot will depend on individual performance between now and the deadline. I have nothing against those players and would love to see them succeed but I just think the torch needs to be passed to a new, younger leadership group. - Miller has not been playing well but he still has 10 points in 11 games (6G, 4A). There is value there for teams that feel he can supplement a stronger leadership group. Could very well be a challenge but I think there will be interested teams. Plus, I believe the last two years of his deal are buy out friendly no? - I think there will be quite a few teams competing for playoff spots this year. Hopefully it is a sellers market and Mgmt can take advantage of it. - I think Myers will get more interest than people think, especially with $1M retained or something along those lines.
  23. All the more reason to trade like crazy at this TDL to remake this team and show EP the potential. Keep the under 25/26 year old players and Mikheyev.. By trading the rest, the team could hopefully re-set the culture and trajectory of this team so they show real potential over the next 2 to 3 years. Bo for example is a good Canuck but has proven he can't create a winning culture - it is time to maximize his value while he is playing in a contract year - don't expect this same level of performance once he signs a $7.5+M x 8 deal. A new culture and new team leaders is/are needed: Kuz EP Mikheyev Xxx xxx Garland Hogs xxx Podz Joshua Aman Lazar Hughes xxx Xxx xxx OEL Schenn Demko/Martin Extras: Burroughs, Rathbone, etc. Trade: Bo: grade A D/center prospect, grade B+ young D/center roster player, 2023 1st and 3rd round pick Miller: 2023 first round pick, solid young D/center roster player Myers salary retained to help with 2023 bonus: Grade B+ prospect, 2023 2nd round pick (or whatever the team can get) Boeser: 2023 2nd and 3rd round pick and hopefully a B+ prospect/young roster player (I am not optimistic on the return for Boeser) Pearson/Stillman/Bear/Studnicka: upsell at the TDL and get whatever the team can get. OEL likely can't be traded. 2023 Draft: draft defense and center prospects only (unless a can't miss winger is available). Sign a top six center and/or top four d-man in free agency. In short order this team could be in a very good position if the right moves are made. Mgmt really messed up at last year's TDL - they can't make the same mistake again. Flame away but you know I'm right
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