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Everything posted by 5nothincanucksohno

  1. Would be interesting to see a more detailed comparison of the two pairs from a defenisive stand point. Plus / minus is a flawed metric - I expect this years + / - numbers do not reflect reality but could be wrong. I think EP is by far the best with Boeser coming in just above, equal to, or just below Marner/Matthews. I expect it isn't even close in the playoffs when teams don't allow players to skate around as freely.
  2. If one year for Edler and 2 / 3 for Hamonic at decent AAV I am all for this. D struggled last year but I think it had a lot to do with the forwards, if Benning can put together a stronger four lines and Shaw can help establish a better defensive scheme, I think there is a lot of room for improvement. Some value buys at forward available - likely on short term, show me deals.
  3. I like the idea of Miller in the middle to form three strong pairs (Miller/Boeser, Petey/Podz, Bo/Hogs) but it would be interesting to see Petey freed up on the wing: Petey Miller Boeser UFA/Trade Bo Hogs Pearson UFA/Trade Podz Motte Graovac Lind/Highmore/Bailey Even if they do nothing on defense it could look like below but hoping they are able to trade for one or two d-men from teams looking to avoid losing players to expansion draft for nothing: Hughes Hamonic Rathbone Schmidt Juolevi Myers
  4. No doubt Tampa is an extremely well run organization...their creativity with respect to keeping and acquiring players is top notch and the Canucks need some of that if they are going to get to the next level. I view a core as being made up of four pieces: 2 forwards, 1 d-man and 1 goalie (i.e. the guys you won't trade for any reason and will build around - rotating complimentary pieces in and out depending on team needs). 1) I agree they still need a game breaking, core foward. 2) I also agree they need an improved defense but that takes time and often does not occur just through the draft (unless you are Nashville). Using Tampa as an example: - Hedman drafted 2009 - Sergachev traded for in 2017 (for a former #3 draft pick in Drouin) - Cernak was traded for in 2017 (for a #1 goalie in Ben Bishop) - Mcdonaugh was traded for in 2018 (gave up a first round pick but also received JT Miller!!) - Rutta was traded for in 2019 - David Savard traded for at deadline (1st round pick) Canucks have not drafted enough d-men in the later rounds and I hope they do so moving forward (if it was me I would only draft d-men and centers the 3rd round and after (maybe the odd goalie). But more importantly they need to be more creative in acquiring pieces - it is crucial they use the rare opportunity of the expansion draft to acquire one or two key d-men (maybe two or three if the Schmidt rumors are true).
  5. Hence why they still need to hit big on a forward. EP and Demko are in the core no debate. Hughes needs to improve his defensive work but his offence is top end - I am not ready to discard him because he had a bad sophomore campaign. Some of the defensive improvement can come from internal growth (better positioning using his speed) and some will come with overall team improvement. With that being said, as I mentioned, they still need to hit on one or two significant d-men from a draft perspective. Boeser, Podz, Hogs, Horvat are all strong complimentary pieces. Context is important.
  6. It is not an exception to a rule in my view, the mechanics of tanking are given way too much weight by many in terms of that being the key to success (i.e. a SC win). Yes, a team needs to draft a few core pieces in the first round but late round drafting, UFA signings, trades, and cap management all play just as key a role in actually winning a SC. For every team that tanks and wins, there are more that tank and fail. If teams can draft 2 core forwards, 1 core goalie, and 1 core d-man (d-man usually in the 2nd or 3rd round), they are in good shape (picking number 1 helps but I don't view it as a determining factor). Pit (Crosby and Letang in 2005, Malkin in 2004, Fleury 2003) - Cup wins in 2009, 2016, 2017. Chigago (Toews 2006, Kane 2007, Crawford 2003, Keith 2002) - Cup wins 2010, 2013, 2015 LA (Brown 2003, Kopitar 2005, Quick 2005, Doughty 2008) - Cup wins 2012, 2014 Washington, St Louis, & Tampa were slow builds Canucks Demko 2014, Boeser 2015, EP 2017, Hughes 2018 - Cup window (typically four to 8 years after last piece drafted) 2022 - 2028 1) Drafting Core - Grade A - they have done well in drafting EP, Boeser, Hughes, and Demko. They likley still need to hit big on one more forward (ideally a centre) - hopefully they can find at #9 this year or trade back to acquire multiple picks (if a center and d-man are there). Prefer they stick with #9 and draft BPA (ideally it is a center). 2) Later round drafting - Grade B - they have done well at forward and goalie (Demko) but failed in terms of d-men. They need two of their existing or future draft picks to pan out in a big way (Rathbone, Woo, 2021 picks, etc.). 3) UFA signings - Grade D - obviously this has been a huge weak point - their NHL level scouting appears to be very weak. I understand that the team wanted mentors (which I agree with) but they signed way too many vets. Now that the core players are beginning to take a bigger role, I expect the team will avoid older UFAs (hopefully). Happy with one year deals but no more multiple year contracts. Team needs to improve significantly in this area - focus on quality and value rather than quantity. 4) Trades - Grade B minus - I don't think their trade history has been all that bad. It has been average with a couple big wins in Miller and Pearson. Regardless, they will likely need two more great trades (not necessarily wins vs. the other team but in terms of acquiring the right players for this team e.g. big steady d-man, a top six winger, etc.). 5) Cap Managent - Grade D - the last few years have been poor but the cap will open up next year and the team needs to use it wisely so that they can achieve their goal - SC win. Their biggest summer is 2022 but what they do this summer will be key to setting up a successful 2022 summer. The exectutive team has been too rigid in terms of their UFA signings and cap management - there is no doubt they need to be more creative when it comes to acquiring players. I think their only goal should be to acquire a top six forward and a d-man this summer from teams worried about the expansion draft. All UFA signing should be one year deals. If they do that, they should have a solid year and be well prepared for the summer of 2022 - without having to tank.
  7. Although, if Kassian hadn't been traded, he may not have hit rock bottom and decided to get the help he needed to control his addiction problem. Debrusk does not seem to have the bagage Kassian had at the point of his trade.
  8. I would consider the following as it creates three solid, complimentary pairs (all three are interchangeble in terms of lines 1, 2 & 3): UFA/Trade/Pearson/etc. - Miller - Boeser Miller and Boeser played well together last year and seem to compliment each others' skills UFA/Trade/Pearson/etc. - Petersson - Podkolzin Pod is a puck retrieval machine and a great passer - good complimentary piece to EP UFA/Trade/Pearson/etc. - Horvat - Hoglander Match up line or take advantage of lesser third and fourth lines
  9. Have heard good things about Clarke but haven't seen him play...unless he drops then the Canucks should definitely pick a foward at #9. If some good D can be had later in the draft then trading back for 3 plus picks would be worth it (not sure I would do for two unless a #22 and #26 scenario as you suggest). Best move is likely to try and aquire some more 2nd round picks and pick D in the 2nd.
  10. Crazy...have to assume they at least have one SC over the last few years if they had picked the 16 - 18 group...great way to start the day
  11. I know the D needs to be improved but i think even last years D would do better if the team can put together a forward group with more pace and can spend more time in the off zone. IMHO they are better off improving team defense than chasing one or two ideal D-men...former is a lot easier to achieve on short-term contracts while they ride out the vet contracts this year.
  12. I always say draft the BPA...full stop...but given how crazy of a draft year it is I would have the following in the back of my mind if I was Benning: a) I would not draft a d-man at #9 b) i would consider trading the pick for a young d-man or if the pick is kept, really focusing on picking d prospects in the second and third rounds (could be some diamonds in the later rounds). c) If they draft at 9, go after a centre. If they can get the centre they like by trading back, then do it to accumulate additional picks in rounds 2 and 3.
  13. His decision to sign those shorter term, expensive RFA deals was far worse than anything Benning has ever done - don't hear that talked about much though. The sense of entitlement in that organization is palpable.
  14. I think that is an element that many forget when comparing the Canucks to other teams. Benning definitely overvalued certain veteran UFAs and/or signed more than he needed to; however, when he took over, he had very few tradebale assets (i.e. younger potential stars and younger roll players). Colorado had tradeable assets (Sakic made an amazing trade with Duchene but he also had ROR and a bunch of young assets). Toronto was in the same position - they had been bad for a while so when their young core hit the NHL, they had a solid younger supporting cast around them. Benning has definitely made mistakes but it is a lot harder to build the core and build the supporting cast. Sakic is definitely a better GM and has done a great job in Colorado. The TO GM is horrible in my view - the short, expensive RFA contracts he signed are far worse than any move or moves Benning has made. Benning has found his core, he now needs to improve his assessment of NHL "roll players". If he can't find value add players on shorter term contracts, I don't think he will last much longer. But I am hopeful he can and that he has learned from his past mistakes and will spend cap wisely.
  15. Fully agree, need to play the game this summer...would much rather they focus on protecting youth and dare Seattle to take a large contract. Not sure what the impact will be on the players but building a competitive lineup will solve player frustration issues fairly quickly. Love Edler but how do can they allocate more than (as you say) $1.5M to him. Doesn't make sense.
  16. I would have no interest in RNH. Zero. In terms of maximizing their cap space and player value, Miller should remain at center IMHO. Likely better value acquiring two wingers via trade (expansion)/UFA/etc. than overspending on a 3C. Given COVID, likely some one year show me deals will be available again this off season. This way the team has two strong tandums in the top six and a strong checking line. They should go full youth and energy on the fourth line. It also allows Petey to not have to face the top checking line all the time. They need a partner for Hughes so that should be the number one priority. Then they need to focus on adding two wingers via UFA/trade/expansion trade/draft pick/etc. Not an easy task but I think going this route gives them a much deeper team. NEW-Miller-Boeser NEW-Petey-Hogs Pearson-Bo-Pod Motte/Highmore/Lind/etc Huges - NEW Schmidt - Hamonic Rathbone/etc. - Myers Demko NEW
  17. Comes down to priorities for me - do they draft someone this year who can contribute? Or do they need to fill a spot at forward? I would like to see them even out their line up next year and feel they should focus on finding a D partner for Hughes. So, spend the Edler money on Hamonic, put Miller/Petey/Bo at centre, and move Schmidt to the left side. Hoglander/DP/internal/UFA Miller Boeser Hoglander/DP/internal/UFA Petey Podkolzin Pearson Bo Lind Motte Mid 20s Mid 20s Hughes xxx (solid tay at home d) Schmidt Hamonic Rathbone Myers Demko xx
  18. Fire Weisbrod and hire Gorton. Benning can focus on drafting, Gorton can focus on trades and UFA signings, and Weisbrod can FO (dude is toxic)
  19. Seems to be able to play centre however - maybe an AHL centre and NHL LW https://www.nhl.com/canucks/news/canucks-acquire-matthew-highmore/c-323562996
  20. Not sure where "hated Gaudete" came from but cool story...must be one of those people. NHL faceoff % is a small sample size so hard to make claims one way or the other at this point.
  21. If Highmore can slot in as a solid, hard working third line centre (or fourth line if they go Petey, Miller, Bo) that doesn't kill offense then it is a good trade. Gaudette is OK but I don't see where he fits on this team, might do well next to Toews, etc. Who knows. Honestly, I don't really care one way or the other if Benning stays on but I am starting to hope he does for another five years to torture all the cry babies in this market...freaking people never shut up about how smart they are...painful.
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