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Everything posted by 5nothincanucksohno

  1. Agreed, play/keep the 25 or younger players and Kuz/Mikheyev and restock with the others. If handled correctly, mgmt could successfully remake this team at the TDL...let hope the team doesn't wiff like last year.
  2. Contract year, guys always step up and play better in a contract year. Agree on Miller, they wiffed last TDL and they can't make the same mistake again. I would trade Miller and Bo at the TDL if possible if it means bringing in some high end center and defense prospects and some 2023 first round picks. Especially prospects that will fill the ELC role over the next 1 to 3 years. Horvat is average 5v5, strong on the PP, and strong on faceoffs. He is a solid player but he should not be the Captain and he isn't driving the bus for this team (the mix isn't working and hasn't been working for nine seasons). Is he a good player? Yes. Is he worth committing to for $7M+x8? Not IMHO. Time to restock and provide talent underneath the sub 25 year old players.
  3. The problem with Bo is that he isn't "great" 5v5 and isn't a shutdown centre. He is a bit of a tweener in terms of his skill set. Can't pay a guy like that $7 plus million for eight years. Mgmt is best to maximize his value and reset the team's culture. Hopefully mgmt is able to pull off a solid TDL and not wiff like last year. Wish No all the best but he will get paid...more concerned about the Canucks turning this ship around over the next couple years.
  4. Bo is playing well (on the PP anyway) but it is also a contract year. Not surprising most of these guys have career years when they need to sign a new contract. IMHO Bo needs to be traded and the culture needs to be reset around the under 25 year old players.
  5. Problem is he is the captain and team isn't following him and/or he isn't dragging them into the fight. Same excuse post game over and over again as well. Trade shakeup required and Bo will yield the most assets (could completely restock the cupboard)
  6. Culture of this team is broken...that starts with the Captain and anyone over 25. Need vets that can set a level of accountability for the younger players. This team is slow, fails to protect the puck, and puts out a weak effort consistently. Play the young guys and trade the rest (if mgmt can and anyone will take them)
  7. Trade him for a king's ransom - Bo is likable and talented but he can't drive this team forward and isn't worth $7M+x8. If done correctly, mgmt has pieces to totally alter this team quickly with some smart trades. Keep everyone under 25 yoa (andaybe the Russians) - trade the rest for what the team can get between now and the TDL.
  8. Plus he is not good enough 5v5. He has flashes, and hard not to like him but just doesn't move the needle enough to get paid $7M plus. Better to restock the cupboards
  9. I still think they should sell high and trade Horvat for a huge haul. They may even be able to resign as a UFA but even if they can't I still think a big return at the TDL is the best path forward for this teams long term success.
  10. When healthy, best D lineup appears to be: OEL Bear Hughes Schenn Burroughs Myers Myers could actually be effective if given less minutes and commits to the PK. Interested to see how Bear plays, seems to have some upside but good chance he gets dragged down like most of the Canucks D.
  11. The thing is the team hasn't won a game, why move prospects to fill an NHL gap? The team in general looks very slow. TDL can't come fast enough to begin recouping some picks and prospects...but most importantly so that they can reset their broken NHL lineup. I think the team will improve as the year moves forward but the older players in this core can't drive success. Time to play EP, pods, hogs, etc. As much as possible. Just get them reps.
  12. They have to trade Bo at this point (at the TDL) they can't make the same mistake they made last year with JTM. Even if the team takes positive steps out of this horrible start, the general make up of the team is not conducive to long term success. Bo is a good player but he isn't a Captain, he can't lead this team through the tough periods. Both Bo and JTM provide little push at 5 on 5.
  13. I like Horvat but he does not have the drive to push this team over the line. Mgmt needs to balance out the lineup and that means using Horvat to get a RHD - Horvat has value around the league and holds better value for the Canucks as a trade chip rather than a $7.75M 3rd line center.
  14. I agree it is great value, never said otherwise. Just a hypothetical discussion, get over it
  15. I disagree, it only becomes a blacklist situation if you disrespect a player. Just need to be honest i.e. mgmt hoped it would work, it didn't, time to move on and mgmt will do their best to move him to a team he is happy with. If the team is a tire fire (or even average) and his new contract is the reason a franchise changing return is offered via trade then you do it. Worth the risk. Forwards and goalie positions are strong - hopefully they can improve the defense by brining someone in or improving their systems...would rather see a playoff run and trading JT not be an option.
  16. According to PJ at the Province, there is no trade protection for Miller this year. If the team is off to a bad start but Miller is playing well, does mgmt look for a big haul now that teams have cost certainty?
  17. IMHO Duchene is addition by subtraction. One of those talented guys that teams don't win with. No facts, just a view from a million miles away
  18. Also why the team should let Miller's agent talk to teams....not much money out there. His perspective could change and lead to a reasonable contract or better offers.
  19. Hard to gauge how other teams see Miller but his value is clearly not as much as many suggested. Have to wonder what teams will pay him as a UFA, probably not as much as he thinks.
  20. Or they could hit a home run and positively alter this team forever...who knows and it will make the season a little more interesting. At this point, if they don't get a legit offer in July/August they should just Thelma and Louise it all the way to the TDL. Go for broke!
  21. Injury risk is a real and ownership not wanting to miss the playoffs is real. But if JT makes it to Feb safely, the return will creep up again. At this point in the summer, other teams have all the leverage but by the TDL Canucks will gain leverage back and could end up getting a huge return. Let's just hope they trade him in Feb/March and don't over think it again.
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