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Everything posted by Baggins

  1. Who is the writers source? Sports writers are known to jump on rumors and speculation as news. Still, if the owner views the team as still good enough to make the playoffs it is his money and his call. Even that doesn't equate to constant interference. I actually believe they should always ice the best team possible and let the chips fall where they may. I don't believe in intentionally setting a team up to lose going into the season.
  2. So find the money to buy the team. I don't think he interferes nearly as much as some believe.
  3. I think it's cute Kuzma thinks a $2m bump will get Kuzmenko re-signed. he currently has 25 pts in 27 games and that pay "bump" puts him just under $3m. He'd go UFA before he signed that crappy deal.
  4. Miller signed a 7 year extension and is just below a ppg this season (26 pts in 28 games). According to the rumor mill Bo is looking for north of 8m for 8 years. Personally I think Miller is the better player and will remain better well into his 30's because there's more to his game. Playmaking skill doesn't tend to decline as quickly as goal scoring skill can.
  5. I don't think they "tried" to move Miller, Boeser, or Garland. There was no preasure to move any of them as none was a pending UFA. They were certainly willing to listen to offers but unless an offer blew them away there was no real reason to move any of those three last deadline, at the draft, or even in the offseason. Listening to offers is not the same as trying to move a player. They re-signed Miller to avoid losing him for nothing? They had till next spring to move him if they didn't want to re-sign him. As a pending UFA they could have simply taken the best offer and moved him. Preasure that was lacking last spring. I think 8m for 7 seven years was a reasonable deal and that's why they re-signed him.
  6. How does my July 30, 2003 join date stack up?
  7. I agree a major move or two needs to happen. But as a hockey trade rather than a fire sale.
  8. What they should do at the deadline is quite simple. If out or on the borderline attempt to move pending ufa's you don't intend to re-sign and look for hockey trades to improve the team that are not rentals. if in the playoff standings look for hockey trades excluding rentals or just stand pat. As we don't have much in the way of pending ufa's I don't expect a big deadline of wheeling and dealing.
  9. Baggins


    Also largely ignored is two new d-men and five new forwards. That's a pretty big turnover for one season and then add in the injuries to start with.
  10. Hamhuis was signed as a ufa but Ehrhoff and Salo were traded for.
  11. Imo they took a contract off the Canes hands that will expire at the end of the year they could just bury in the minors. Why do you think they got Bear with retention for a mere 5th rounder? He's not a bad AHL player but sure hasn't wowed anybody in the NHL. Taking him simply reduced the cost of Bear and the Canes opened an extra contract slot.
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