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Everything posted by Baka

  1. This is true. While bold moves that can be seen as disrespectful to honorable players can reap benefits it also runs it's fair share of risks especially if you are creating tension within your own organization. Their are numerous examples of this derailing seemingly good rosters in every major sport. With that being said if you have a back up plan such as Lack and if he works out then I doubt the fans and the players other than Lu will leave or keep complaining. With that being said when the Canucks signed Torts it should have been obvious stuff like this would happen. On both of his previous teams he had numerous incidents where he would bench or scratch star players based on a short cold spell or hot streak from someone else and they would not take it well and it isn't a secret that both times he was fired there had been numerous reports of tension between him and some of his own players. This is the same guy whose last playoff series ended with him scratching Brad Richards his final 2 playoff games and giving him 12 mins, 10 mins, and 8 mins of ice time in the 3 games leading up to that. This is what Torts simply is.
  2. I am betting Kesler stays at this point. The asking price is to high and the 3 teams most brought up are all center strong teams that don't exactly need Kesler. I doubt any cave for him. Edler seems more likely to pull that desperate effect from another team but even his value will likely be undermined by the other solid defensemen on the market. I am thinking both stay now.
  3. Neal makes the same amount as Kesler. Neal is younger than Kesler. Neal has 164 points in his last 158 games. Neal's pace is for 45 goals if he saw 82 games this year. Neal's pace was for 43 goals in 82 games last year. Neal's pace was for 41 goals in 82 games the year before that. Pittsburgh wouldn't even entertain the idea of giving up Neal for Kesler
  4. Maybe this is just happening for me but when I hold the PS button down it just pauses whatever show I am watching so if I turn it off I can't start my show again.
  5. My Netflix box won't let me turn off my controller while I watch and it sickens me.
  6. I am pumped for some Sarah McLachlan and Tegan & Sara at the Heritage Classic

  7. I am not sure how each team handled it but I know Philadelphia gave a statement saying the players were not well adjusted to the timezone switch and jet lag Kimmo Timonen literally took the first game off stating that at his age his body needed even more time to recover. So I imagine a 34 year old goalie may also not be feeling 100% so might as well let Lack play a few.
  8. That may be the case but many said the same of Jordan Staal and his numbers remain relatively the same. Last season Crosby and Malkin both missed games to injury and this year Malkin has missed games to injury but Sutter did not fill those roles well and in fact Pittsburgh barely gave him much of the ice time. The main concern with Sutter IMO is it's his 6th NHL season and he 25 years old and he is on pace for 29 points. He hasn't really risen to any occasion in his career and I feel like banking on giving him more ice time and better wingers is still risky given what he has done in the past when given an opportunity.
  9. It sounds nice but I doubt it would play out well if he was the 3C. He plays 24 minutes a game now and was on pace for 52 points in 82 games. If they make him 3C he still plays with scrub wingers but gets even less ice time. His scoring also likely goes down and he becomes a role player. IMO it would only make sense if they moved him to one of the wings with Crosby or Malkin and used him as a PK center.
  10. Get a manicure. How do you expect to be a proper hand model without them
  11. Someone may bite and give that up but it's probably wishful thinking as Kesler has a few negative variables in his situation. - Carter and Richards were both fresh 26 year olds when they were traded in that prime age bracket and neither had a history of bad health. Kesler is now 29 going on 30 and his body has been battered and not so durable the past few years as if his work ethic is starting to be to heavy for his body. - Kesler is still dominant but not nearly as much as he has been in the past. I don't think anyone is expecting him to win another Selke or come near 40 goals or 75 points. Probably more along the lines of an elite defensive center who will get you around 50 points. On the other side Carter had 3 consecutive seasons scoring between 33-46 goals and between 61-84 points. Richards had 4 seasons of 62-80 points with 30+ goals in 2 his 3 last seasons. Not to mention his 23 point in 23 game cup run just the year before with all of those big plays as well as a Selke nomination. (Point they were playing like they were in the heart of their prime still) - Probably the biggest road block in Kesler's value is his NTC. NTC will limit the teams you can send them too which often kills bidding wars and can lower the asking price a team can have on a player. Philadelphia moved both Carter and Richards right before their clauses kicked in and took the best offers. Carter made it brutally clear he never would have agreed to go to Columbus. While Richards who was alright with LA he did imply he was not to pleased about uprooting his life which he believed was set in Philly with his contract length. Philadelphia likely doesn't get those returns if the NTC are in play. Not to mention the returns fit the givers lack of need. Schenn was expendable to LA with Richards and Kopitar being 23 and 26. Simmonds career high in goals was 16 at the time and he was expendable. Plus the 2nd round pick (not a big throw in for them). Columbus had a history of high draft picks and almost all are notorious for being busts they had no issue parting with a top 10 pick for a proven star (something they have trouble luring to Columbus). Voracek was spinning his wheels in Columbus and was no longer seen as a good prospect anymore career high 16 goals (something he is topping every season as a Flyer. Like Simmonds his career simply turned around in Philadelphia's system. They simply exceeded expectations. Plus the 3rd round pick which isn't much of a throw in. Kes would fetch a nice return still but I feel the variables won't allow it to match that example unless Van's scouting pulls off some steals with a hidden gem or two.
  12. People who spoil stuff on the internet are truly evil You have a few options. What I do is a friend of mine has HBO and as long as they have it on their cable plan they can use HBO GO which allows you to stream HD episodes. So he just lets me use his account and watch HBO shows. If you have a friend who has it go for it. Or you can just use this website. http://www.free-tv-v...ne.me/internet/ I have had issues with the HD streaming and required download for it but the 480p stream is legit. It will be updated by the next day for sure after every episode airs. That is if you don't want to wait.
  13. It's not so bad assuming you get a good return. It sucks at first but then the new players come in and show what they can do and you feel better about it. At least that's how I feel every other year when Holmgren trades my teams core players.
  14. That was a misleading link. That is just the average age. All the players ages added up and then divided. A team like Philadelphia only comes off as old in that stat because they have Timonen, Streit, Pronger (still on the roster), Lecavaliar, etc. factored in. Even though in reality only 2 forwards on that team are over 30 years old and only 2 defensemen are over 30. The only other 30 year old is the back up goalie. Though you are correct with the core comparisons when looking at team age its best to look at the core and the individual ages as one 40 year old teammate will throw off the average.
  15. Stumbled over a semi spoiler while I was reading some episode reviews. Don't read the below if you have not read the books and don't want to risk spoiling a possible season 4 plot. But since it was semi spoiled for me I have a question about it.
  16. Sh*t. Everyone looks happy.... Joffrey... :'( oh god! Say it isn't so.
  17. I am sure they will run Sansa's abuse into the ground even more with hardcore nude scenes with Tyrion. Assuming he isn't in handcuffs in the preview for snapping and murdering Joffrey and being royally Effed.
  18. New Theory. Tyrion has seemed like he is increasingly losing his control of his temper. Bran assumes direct control and speaks to him and an unhappy Tyrion snaps and shivs Joffrey (or Bran takes control of him and does it). Tyrion then flees and joins Hodor and Bran. Together they are the dream team. They forget about the wars and everyone else and they roam around having fun. Hodor unlocks his secret power. The Hoe-dar. An ability that allows him to sense hoes for the team. He navigates them through their travels with his Hoe-dar. Tyrion provides the brain. He plans the gameplan for looking and getting into the exclusive places to get the best hoes and food. Bran brings it all together by assuming direct control of those in power and allowing them access to whatever they desire. The show ends with everyone dead but these 3 and they are the feel good story. Well character age wouldn't matter as long as the actor or actress is of age, am I correct? Despite being 14 in the show Sansa could do nude scenes because the actress is 18 correct? Does the show define actual ages though? Or do they just not announce them? Like in the show is Robb 16 in season 3 or do they make him 19 (going by your 3 years older rule)? Or does he have no announced age?
  19. Is he actually 12? Speaking of which the ages in this show all seem odd. I can't tell if they are being accurate to the books or changing things. For example was Robb Stark really supposed to be 14 years old to start the show and 16 when he died? (Jon Snow also being the same age). Dany is supposed to be 15? Bran is 8?
  20. It's the hearteater I don't care for her but she is the one person who seems to dislike Margaery and if I am correct that Margaery is secretly against Joffrey than she may be his only hope and if she saves him she will have my undying respect. Unless Margaery is legit in which case Cercei can go get pushed down a well.
  21. I am caught up to date finally. General rants, raves, concerns, rambles and predictions. - Joffrey is still the best character on the show. - I hated Sansa the entire show until I realized she was only 14 upon which I now think she is one of the best characters. - I was impressed with Robb's death. I didn't like Robb and wished him death most of the show but when he died it still got to me. - Similar deal with Theon. Hated him most of the show but his torture has given me a soft spot for him. (However I am disappointed that his torture wasn't as powerful as it is in the books. He still looks pretty much the same. For the record I have not read the books but I have friends who have that occasionally will fill me in on differences) - CGI is really weird in this show. Dragon CGI is the best I have ever seen. The Direwolf CGI is prone to looking sub par in quality. - On Direwolves I am disappointed they aren't as big as they were in the books. - The Lannister's are the biggest joke of a family in the show but Tywin is the best leader in the show. If he dies that entire family will crumble. - I hate Margaery. From the moment she entered Joffrey's life she has rubbed me the wrong way and I fear that she may poison him after they are married. - Sam is the Hugo Reyes of this show. - I want to like Daario but he looks like Fabio's uglier brother. - Ayra has a knack for showing up just in time for her families deaths. - Dany is the luckiest character in the show or she is meant to come out on top. - Orell looks like Jack Sparrow. - Jon Snow and Ygritte are two of my favorite characters but I fail to see how that entire story line will factor into the big picture. Making me fear both may be expendable and die. - Drogo's death still sickens me. - When Bran is King, Hodor will strap the throne to his back and carry him around. Hodor does what needs to be Hodor'd. - I am probably the only person who would like to see Tyrion die. Or at the very least get smacked around a bit by Joffrey. - Don't be named Eddard. It is a name that brings death as Robb found out as the last thing he and his wife did was choose to name their son Eddard. - Stannis is a badass and I don't trust the Melisandre especially after her sheep and knife reference. - No idea what's going on with Jamie and his Amazon woman whose name I never bothered to remember. I will stop rambling now and ponder what I have watched some more.
  22. Looks like Kesler infected the Americans with whatever has been plaguing the Canucks of late
  23. Hamhuis and Luongo will be showing off their gold medals and wear them under their jerseys. During intermissions they will swing them around their necks and time it up so they can cling the medals together while doing so then high fiving each other. Kesler will be in the corner listening to violin music and start every period looking like this. It is his destiny
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