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Everything posted by Grape

  1. People here will always sh** on any guy that is against the regime. I share a more optimistic view but as a fan I absolutely understand their concern. Guys like Botch did and said the absolute same things. For just stating his opinions and being honest about his opinions on the direction of the team, he was condemned heavily and seen by many as a troll and an illegitimate member of the media just trying to get clicks. Until tragedy hit not many on here saw and understood what he was really about. Almost always, if people believe differently, it's like, THEIR opinion. That's all it is, there's no calculation behind it. People have opinions. In this case, I don't think Patterson believes in JB really at all, but that's his opinion, whatever. I think not being one of the worst teams the last 5 years may have helped. If a guy was consistently and unconditionally positive towards everything the Canucks do, I don't think they would be part of Canucks media. Calling someone an idiot for believing against what people want to believe is extremely ignorant and childish. Regarding the "Welcome to Vancouver Tyler," part, how is it in any way his responsibility to welcome Myers to the organization? He's literally a guy in the media that writes things, expresses his opinions, and provides news from time to time. He's not part of the organization. Getting offended by something he says is absolutely soft, especially if you believe that he's doing this exactly for the purpose of riling you up, then why succumb to it?
  2. Not gonna call out people specifically but some people here are so soft. The media will say what they feel. It doesn’t mean they’re doing it for clicks, or that they’re bad people and reporters because you disagree with them. Getting offended because someone in the media is expressing their own objective opinion is soft. Those guys have made it into the field for a reason. I personally like the contract and the player. However there’s no doubt that if a team like Edmonton or Boston signed Myers to this deal some of you would say the exact same thing Patterson is. And some of you that are saying “why can’t we just wait before criticizing and writing him off,” would be doing exactly that if he was signing with a rival. Point is that guys like Patterson are just expressing their opinions. I disagree too with him to a certain extent. But it doesn’t mean he’s fishing for clicks or a bad reporter. Stop being so soft.
  3. I don’t mind the signing but this is not a good argument. If Eriksson got 6.5 million in the market today does that means it’s not an overpayment as well?
  4. That's fair. I obviously didn't officially cite anything I said but if you want it's pretty easy to look up. It's close to 2AM here so I'll refrain from getting into anything .
  5. No problem, I'll copy and paste what I just posted in response to another poster: "So if Loui Eriksson right now got a 6.5 million per year contract that wouldn't be overpaying because he's getting 6 million right now? What kind of logic is that? This is an overpayment, CLEARLY, just as 95% of FA deals are, just as his 5.5 million dollar contract to play on WPG's 2nd or 3rd pairing was as well. However, it's also probably the best anyone could've done with Myers so props to JB. That does not take away from the fact that Myers is not worth 6 million dollars." I'll add a few things. Myers' advanced numbers aren't pretty. Advanced hockey stats (ESPECIALLY HOCKEY), are often misleading however, and you have to take that into account and consider that he's had considerable success as a player in his career and is sought after for a reason. I don't believe he is a replacement level player/3rd pairing Dman as some advanced stats say, but I do take those into consideration, and also consider the fact that he isn't particularly great at anything other than being big. Altogether there's enough negatives to tell you that he isn't worth 6 million. I think 4.5 is a good number in this day and age, but 6 is an absolute overpayment, although very necessary in order to require his services, which I don't mind at all.
  6. Can you explain why the quote you are quoting is untrue in any way?
  7. So if Loui Eriksson right now got a 6.5 million per year contract that wouldn't be overpaying because he's getting 6 million right now? What kind of logic is that? This is an overpayment, CLEARLY, just as 95% of FA deals are, just as his 5.5 million dollar contract to play on WPG's 2nd or 3rd pairing was as well. However, it's also probably the best anyone could've done with Myers so props to JB. That does not take away from the fact that Myers is not worth 6 million dollars.
  8. Yeah. Let's not pretend or forget this is still an overpayment by a good amount. For a UFA and for what has been reported though, this is definitely the best case scenario, which is fine!
  9. Myers will very likely make us a better team. I don't think many people doubt that. The contract will scare many people though, including me: Both the term and the AAV are likely going to end up hurting us at a certain point. I don't love it because I think the contract will start hurting us right around the same time our young core develops and we start becoming a serious threat to win. This is why Myers' contract is gonna be so much more important than contracts we handed out to guys like Eriksson. I'm expecting a 7 x 7 type contract but will pessimistically hope for a 5 x 6M type contract. As a player, I do like Tyler Myers. I've read that he does have some problems in his own zone from time to time but there's a lot of other things to like about him. He's likely past his prime after the injuries he suffered a few years ago but he's IMO undoubtedly still an effective 2nd pairing defenseman. Regardless, time to buckle up and support him. Probably better to start with lower expectations so that we don't all start flaming him the first time he's on ice for a goal against.
  10. Luongo's contract really wasn't bad at all. A long term 5.3 million per year contract for a top goalie. It became bad because of what transpired with Bettman and the CBA, and the whole fiasco with Gillis/Torts/Lu/Schneider.
  11. We're not competing for the Cup next year. Weird things do happen in the NHL, but as it stands now and even if JB does really well in free agency, we will not be contending for the cup next year.
  12. Why is it that every time someone like Dhaliwal is wrong we condemn him like he’s doing things for attention. It very well could be that at the time he reported the Edler news that it was exactly the way the negotiations were trending. Things change in the sports world. There’s hundreds of variables more to it then “he’s right” or “he’s wrong.” He reports what he hears, that’s part of his job.
  13. Hmm, might be biased but Lockwood at 15 seems low. He's faster, more skilled, and arguably plays more physical than Gadjovich. Gadjovich has the size but that's about it.
  14. Canucks camp! I forgot about Madden somehow, but he and Madden should be the two best. Lockwood is about to become a senior and Madden is obviously insanely talented though he played on a better team. I think some people miss out Lockwood's high end skill when they label him as just a gritty guy who gets dirty goals. He's got mad dangles and he'll try them often in games. Not sure how well it'll translate into the NHL, but he's got it in college.
  15. Lockwood is about to become a senior. Hoglander Is only 18 and right now is a tier below Lockwood as a player, though he's the better prospect of course. Madden I didn't even remember! Good catch
  16. Lockwood should be the best player at camp. Would be disappointing if he isn’t.
  17. Love the pick but to be fair it's literally impossible to ever draft BPA and get a guy ranked lower than what you had haha
  18. Not sure if posted but Almost every goal is a highlight goal
  19. Neither/Both. Nothings ever comes to fruition exactly as design. Nothing. You can argue this is especially true of JBs Canucks since he started with the Boston mentality of getting bigger and now it seems like his strategy, especially through drafting, has changed. With that in mind when JB gave Kesler the word that we weren’t going to be competing for a cup for like 5 years, he hasn’t been wrong on that end. Of course he would’ve liked us to be more competitive but that didn’t happen. That alone doesn’t make everything a fluke. He has still stuck to his principals and strengths which is drafting well, and our current core going forward are due to him making the correct choices at the spots we were positioned in the prior drafts.
  20. Does anyone know if Podkolzin doesn't know any English yet? Or is he one of those guys that understands and speaks a bit but just isn't fluent enough to do it on his own?
  21. It's not like we're intentionally avoiding D. I'm pretty sure we're just drafting by BPA.
  22. That's awesome. It's very rare to hear Canucks upper management to speak so highly of a Russian, but I think that has something to do with the fact that his playing style is very "North American" as Jimbo would say
  23. I think the disagreement here between us is of DiPietro. I personally think Mike is our most overvalued prospect at the moment. Of course I could be wrong. But for the sake of the argument I can pick a different player most would probably agree to be of lesser value, say, Palmu.
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