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Posts posted by RomanP

  1. 6 minutes ago, Jayinblack said:

    I don't know why you decided to take issue with my use of home and home... but no definition i see for it says anything about the games having to be on consecutive days (just successive contests):


     taking place alternately on the home grounds of competing teams or participants engaged in successive contests or contests related by being on the same schedule home-and-home series.


    I didn’t take an issue with it at all. Moreover, my initial reply wasn’t even to you. All I did was just giving my opinion on why I think home and home games with Seattle don’t provide any benefit to the teams involved and to the schedulers. I fully understand what you were hoping for for your trip home.

  2. 23 minutes ago, gurn said:


    And  it is posted in first post.

    March 28  in St. Louis and 30th, in Vancouver.

    Our game in St. Lois on March 28th is the last game of a 4 game road trip. We also have a home game against Vegas after that home game against St Louis. And St. Lois continues from here to Alberta for 2 games there. So, the fact that it's "home and home" is just a coincidence - us finishing a road trip and coming home for the next 2 home games and Blues finishing their home games and going on a road trip. Also, these "home and home" with the Blues have a full day in between. Usually "home and home" means also "back to back".

  3. 7 minutes ago, gurn said:

    I'd think the lesser distance should enhance the possibility of a home and home.

    Why fly from St Louis to Vancouver or vice versa, for a home and home, adding thousands of miles to a travel schedule, when they could add less than 350 miles?

    Where do you see "home and home" vs St Louis? Not sure what that analogy is about. Home and home makes sense if it works out in the larger scheme of things, that include arenas availability in both cities. Otherwise, it's not very important. What exactly is being accomplished by trying to force the home and home into a schedule if it doesn't work otherwise? Seattle and Vancouver are very close to each, so it actually makes a lot more sense to start/end road trips for each team at the closest opponent. Look at all the New York teams and see how many "home and home" they have on their schedules.

  4. On 7/26/2021 at 1:20 PM, gurn said:

    Strange, isn't it?

    Teams are so close, you would think home  and home games  would make sense.

    With only 4 games between the 2 teams the entire season and only 2.5 hours drive between the arenas, back to backs don't make as much sense and definitely not a priority from scheduling perspective.

  5. On 7/27/2021 at 10:52 AM, RU SERIOUS said:

    While watching Donnie & Dhali yesterday, it was mentioned that Jim B has apparently given away 23 draft picks so far under his reign.   The question now becomes; Can the Canucks build up a strong enough organization to win a cup with this approach or, will the short term rewards gained by trading away all these draft picks leave us short and in an eternal "sloppy-second place" type finishes and ongoing retooling/rebuilding due to always being short a few assets in the cupboard?

    Are you serious?

  6. 36 minutes ago, Josepho said:

    Massive overpay in terms of AAV.


    So, only because he signed a "show me" $1 mil contract last year, you suddenly think that is his real value? That was a deal in COVID world with his family needs in mind. Based on his skill set, pedigree and current market values, $3 mil/year is a fair price for Hamonic and for the Canucks. You are still entitled to your opinion, though, no matter how misguided it might be :-)

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  7. 1 hour ago, You Mad Bro? said:

    He will need to average 32.8 goals for 5 seasons to break the record. Just an FYI. Gonna be fun to watch. 

    I know the math lol. Historically he’s been averaging 45.6/season. Out of his 16 seasons in the league he only scored 32 goals twice, 33 once and 38 once. The rest is all over 40 at least. I would say, safe money is on him breaking the record.

  8. 2 minutes ago, Warhippy said:

    Liking the pick, stable and reliable.  Safe.  But need more RHD like Squam needs to complain about Benning ;) 

    Who cares about the Scum, oh, sorry, meant Squam...

    • Haha 2
  9. 54 minutes ago, bertuzzi44fan said:

    Eh,if they wanted him truly gone they'd be in the streets for weeks. And if they were beaten they'd take up weapons and go at it for keeps.

    If you followed the news, you would see that there were on the streets for weeks...

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  10. 10 minutes ago, The.Burrowers said:

    We should have cleared cap.... We start parting with some future year draft capital like many other teams have before us.  Get rid of Loui or Roussel or Beagle or all.  Islanders just cleared Ladd off the books. Loui would have been cheaper due to one less year of term.


    We should have been in a better position to weaponize our protection spots instead of using them on middling talents like Pearson and Myers.

    You have to decide one way or another. So, are you ok with us giving up draft picks to get rid of bad contract or you don’t want us giving up draft picks? Or do you change your narrative depending on the argument you are picking up? Or perhaps you think people here only pay attention to a single one of your rants at a time?

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