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Posts posted by RomanP

  1. 1 minute ago, Camel Toe Drag said:

    I don’t think they’re even in the same stratosphere in terms of ceiling. If anything I think you would trade Rathbone for a nice return. And if he keeps progressing you would definitely be getting something of value back. Hughes is too special. 

    Here's the thing - pure skill is not everything in team sport. Character is just as important. Now, I'm not passing any judgement yet on Hughes' character, but the fact that he's being quite after what his brother said is not adding him any points in that area.

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  2. Just now, Locke Lamora said:

    I talked a bit about the leadership that JT was showing during the first day. This was a common scene today. The vet bringing along the rookie. I’m pretty sure that JT sees the potential in this kid and wants to help realize it….especially if he turns out to be a line mate at some point.




    Did anyone talk to Klimovich during practice? His English is not at Podz level yet.

  3. 13 minutes ago, Mustard Tiger said:

    Cute, Way to get all defensive lmao. NHL cap 81.5 - Best player makes 12.5
    KHL cap 13m - best player makes 1.5.

    And here you are going off trying to defend a debunked rumor by saying kaprizov would get 5-9m back home 
    Find me a management team that thinks that's a great idea for a basic offensive guy who puts up a PPG.

    This is a hockey forum, Where people post opinions. Not sure why you are getting personal claiming i have never been to russia as if you know my life story? Weird claim my friend


    Please point to anything in my posts that say he would get 5-9 mil back home. If you find it - I'll be the first to apologize. I was making completely different point, which clearly you missed.

  4. 1 minute ago, Mustard Tiger said:

    Listen, Kaprizov is a point per game KHL guy. So are other guys making 1.5 ( the highest paid guy ). In no world would anyone in russia hand this kid 3/4 of the cap to produce the same as the 1.5m guy. He's pretty good offensively, Chit in the other 2 zones from what ive watched. He aint no 25 yo ovi.

    Ok, whatever you say. It's always funny how people who never stepped one foot in Russia, put North American standards on everything that happens there. Keep living in your imaginary world, buddy.

  5. 1 minute ago, Mustard Tiger said:

    This is all fake news pumped out by kaprizovs team lol. KHL has a very low cap limit, like 13m low. How you going to give 9+ to one guy and still ice a even half decent team. #fakenews

    I never said they were giving him 9 mil. Remember that 9 mil is only about 5-6 mil after taxes with US cost of living. No matter how expensive Moscow is, cost of living in Russia is much-much lower than in North America. Add to it being around family and friends, getting paid salary without taxes (official tax rate in Russia is 13%). In addition, I wouldn't put much into KHL cap. This is not NHL and cap there is only for the paper. Every team is owned by an oligarch, who looks at the team as his toy, not a money making business. There's a lot of "under the carpet" payments and other ways of making it worth player's time.

    • Thanks 2
  6. Now I understand the reason Guerin bought out Parise and Sutter earlier this year - that was a training exercise before buying out Kaprizov in 2-3 years from now :-). On a serious note - I don't think it's the same situation. First, Kaprizov had a concrete high level, tax free offer in his home country. That was a real threat for the Wild, who put all the eggs in one KK basket after the huge buyouts. KK held all the aces in this negotiation and him leaving and playing in KHL was a real threat. I highly doubt Pettersson wants to go play in KHL. While playing anywhere in Europe is a possibility for him, it will only hurt his career, since his ultimate goal is to play in NHL. Kaprizov would be happy to go back to KHL for good - and that's the main difference.

    • Cheers 1
  7. 13 minutes ago, IjustNEEDaTROYgamble said:

    You might not have a life if your daily thrill is to go after grammar mistakes and misread answers like you just did.

    Another Canuck social media keyboard tough guy that would never say anything that he posts face to face to anyone on here, you are just sorry human being trying to make yourself feel better by putting others down

    You don't even talk Canucks you just make things personal about people making trades because I guess that is what you get off on which again is pathetic and just sorry, might want to look in the mirror when talking about people needing therapy 

    Lol, you are a funny guy. Good bye

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  8. 17 hours ago, IjustNEEDaTROYgamble said:

    But he still averages 35+ points and 20+ goals a year and 3 years matched his best season with 30 so he can still score and would be Petey’s body guard to make sure nobody looks at him wrong and score some tap ins playing in front of the net

    Vancouver has a Tkachuk deterrent now so if he starts up his shenanigans in the playoffs with Pettersson because come on it’s a Darryl Sutter team you know how this going to end and badly for the Canucks with past Sedin and Naslund hits that knocked them out of the playoffs and cost them a true shot at the cup because with both of those players the was no cup chance because of how crucial they were and it will happen to Pettersson if you don’t get someone like Kane who fights and scores and I think when he is cleared of gambling and plays in front of his hometown and feels the same type of juice Greg Adams, Cliff Ronning, Dan Hamhuis, Willie Mitchell felt playing for their home town or province team and they played above their talent levels in the playoffs and they all said they ratcheted it up when they played at home because they felt the energy of playing in front of the Coliseum and then the Garage and now Rogers Arena 

    One of the beautiful features of English language is called “punctuation”. It allows you to separate parts of text to better express your point of view. It also allows the readers to better understand what you are trying to say. Parts of text between two dots is called “a sentence”. Having an entire paragraph represent a single sentence… well, this is just dumb…

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  9. 35 minutes ago, laddie said:

    It definitely wouldn’t hurt to smile either and look somewhat enthusiastic about what you are discussing.

    Put yourself in his shoes. 18 year old kid, doesn’t speak English, without his family, half way across the globe. Also, it was his very first interview ever.

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