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Posts posted by RomanP

  1. I listened to the interviews of both Podkolzin and Klimovich and must say - Canucks need a different translator. She is omitting small details both ways, which changes often either the concept of the question or the meaning of the answer almost completely. She's also sometimes adding her own things to the answers, which has nothing to do with what the players actually said.

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  2. 1 hour ago, -Vintage Canuck- said:

    While overall translation wasn't too bad, there were 2 translations with slight mistakes which sort changed the meaning. First, when he was asked about playing friendlies against mature men teams, the translation was just generic "how you felt in your friendlies?". Then, when he was answering the question on the expectations, he said "I'll try to shoot more", which she translated as "The team wants me to shoot more". Seems minor, but changes the context quite a bit.

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  3. 46 minutes ago, RWMc1 said:

    Betteman seems pretty committed to them staying in Arizona. How long do you think it would take to build that new stadium?


    Maybe they play one season in another market until it's finished.

    It’s hard to say, the bid will take probably 6-7 months to be reviewed and accepted. With current technologies, it can be built in 1-2 years after that.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Alflives said:

    That team is such a joke.  They’re clearly tanking.  There are no hockey fans in Arizona to care.  

    You are soooo wrong on not having hockey fans in Arizona. My business partner used to play college hockey for University of Colorado and now lives in Mesa, AZ. There’s huge beer league hockey presence with a lot of hockey fans around. High level development for youth players (Matthews, fir example; my partner’s son played with Mathews for a few years). The only problem is the rink location. Just today an announcement came that Coyotes put a bid to build a new rink in Tempe. Much easier access. We all might be surprised soon and Coyotes will not move out after moving to Tempe.

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  5. 15 hours ago, JM_ said:

    My dad was Russian and I've been twice so thats what I noticed. Didn't mean to suggest anything negative about what you said. 


    honestly I think they won't take him seriously at all. 

    Your impression of Russian women is based on a few high profile models/actresses/athletes that you see in the media here. This is a tiny percent of population of Russian women. There's a huge amount of women who are willing to do anything to have a chance to marry a foreigner with money and leave the country. The same women are usually between the last ones to report any rapes. They are a perfect target for sexual predators with foreign accent and cash.

  6. 41 minutes ago, NewbieCanuckFan said:

    One can probably say that with respect to alot of countries.  Let's not forget what he is *alleged* (one shouldn't forget nothing has been proven in a court of law at the moment) to have done, happened right here in Canada.

    This is precisely why I said "if he's guilty of what he's being accused"

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  7. 21 minutes ago, JM_ said:

    Russia is a far more macho culture than Canada is now. Jake would be like a man baby over there. 

    Please tell me more :-). I was only born and raised in that country and married to a girl from there for many years. But you clearly know better lol. However, on a serious note, all I can tell you that rape is far more prominent in day to day life in Russia. Especially with a high profile western athlete with money - there will be a lot more girls vying for his attention for that reason alone. And majority won't report rape because in Russia large majority of the population still views victims of rape as someone who is to blame (there's even a famous Russian saying "if a chick won't want - a rooster won't jump"). So, if he's indeed guilty in what he's being accused - Russia is the perfect place for him.

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  8. 18 hours ago, Dumb Nuck said:

    I’ve had enough of all the other crap, I’m out of those threads, instead let’s talk hockey.


    Canucks have 9 games in October:


    Oilers - away

    Flyers - away

    Red Wings - away

    Sabres - away

    Hawks - away

    Kraken - away

    Wild - home

    Flyers - home

    Oiler - home


    How will we do? Let’s keep it simple, a wins a win, a loss is a loss.


    Poll closes October 13th at Noon.


    If whatever choice that has the most votes is correct I will donate $50 to Canucks Place.




    I'll double your donation on the same condition - $100 to Canucks Place if the most votes is the correct total.

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  9. 6 minutes ago, Forsy said:

    Well, we have two franchise players as RFA to sign, so it is quite a tight squeeze. That said, we have about 19.65M to sign Elias, Quinn, Dickinson and Juolevi.
    I project 8M, 8M, 2.75M, 900K. If we go cheaper for 3 years for the dynamic duo, that's gonna be an expensive upgrade in 3 years. Locking them up for their 20s long term now at a lower AAV would be nice - assuming they'll accept 8M or lower. If they want higher, we're gonna have to go for a short bridge contract so everyone fits in this year's cap, and then huge payday for them on their next contract.

    I don't disagree on the long term, but the longer the deal is - the higher AAV they will want. If I was a gambling man (and I am :-)) - I would bet that the salary cap in 3-4 years will be significantly higher than the current one because of the new TV deal and fans going bananas after all the missed games during COVID. I wouldn't be surprised to see a salary cap closer to $90 mil in 3 years. Which should provide us with some extra options to pay more to our star players. It will also give everyone more time to evaluate the true value of these players and see if they consistently improve or start stagnating.

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  10. 5 minutes ago, 4petesake said:

    It’s just so ridiculous when he says Vancouver has cap issues without adding context to it. Here are the teams with more cap space than Vancouver, keeping in mind that some of these teams still have their own RFAs to sign.






    That $14 million cap space is very misleading. It's based on currently signed 13 forwards, including Dowling, DiGiuseppe and Bailey ($750K each) and also currently signed 7 defensemen, including Hunt ($800k). It also doesn't take into account Ferland's $3.5 mil LTIR. Once Petterson, Hughes, Dickinson and Juolevi are all signed. at least 3 out of the 4 above will not be on the roster that counts against the cap. So, sending 2 forwards + Hunt down adds another $2.3 mil to the cap + $3.5 Ferland LTIR - and we have close to $20 mil to sign the 4 remaining RFAs. Which provides a lot more flexibility than $14 mil.

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  11. 2 hours ago, 24K PureCool said:

    JP Bary is waiting for an offer sheet. 

    Where did you hear it? I specifically listened to his interview. The one who was angling for the offer sheet was the idiot Dhaliwal. Barry was actually pretty clear that the chances are low since the offering team has to be sure that Canucks won't match. With Benning being pretty clear that we will match any offer sheet, I don't think there will be one. Add to it the fact that now Barry's star children Sedin brothers are involved in the team management, I highly doubt that Barry will try to screw us over. Just stop imagining things.

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  12. 2 hours ago, Sean83 said:

    No. Barry was all but begging for an offer sheet today, mentioning August as the time he expects one.  I'm shocked, but, reading the tea leaves from Barry this morning, it's pretty clear that Petterson and Hughes have both played their last games in Vancouver.  We simply can't afford to pay them due to the cap hit they want.  Remember also, that EP40 has deleted all references to the Canucks from all social media taglines.  A clear message if there ever was one.  I like the idea of trading for Eichel.  Not sure exactly how that would work but it's clear we need plan B.  Also, remember the heartbreak from Hughes on draft night, it's clear he wants to be in NJ with his brothers.


    Pettersona and the 3 Hughes brothers would instantly make the Devils Stanley Cup favourites.  I suspect that is what Barry is angling for.  Getting Quinn and Elias both an offer sheet from NJD.

    If after all this time you still have no clue that Hughes is not eligible for an offer sheet, your opinion is not worth listening to…

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  13. 1 hour ago, Josepho said:

    I never said I would've added Ceci/Barrie, I said I would've preferred them to what we did. However, I would absolutely rather have Dougie Hamilton at his contract than OEL and it's not even close. Dougie is more productive, way better defensively, and younger. Hamilton received a ton of Norris votes this year. Additionally, OEL's defence is extremely sketchy as well. He's likely going to get scored on a ton here.


    I've googled Martinez and found nothing about any sort of "behavioural history". Am I missing something here?


    Hamonic is slightly overpaid for a bottom pairing guy. He did fine last year but if he's asking for 3M AAV you show him the door. 2.5 isn't cheap for a player who hasn't been able to play more than bottom pairing minutes in his career. We've already seen Benning get burned for overpaying at the bottom of his lineup, we can't have it happen again.


    All of these arguments seem to hinge on how OEL is valued as a player. I think it'll be pretty obvious that he isn't an all-situations 1D anymore when he comes here.





    This is a perfect example of Ukrainian saying, that loosely translates like “I’ll s h i t myself but won’t give up”. No matter how much you are being shown that you are pushing different agendas on different topics, you never give up and keep on digging in. If in your world Hamilton is worth $9 mil per year - you must be smoking something really good.

    Hamonic is not a 3rd pairing guy. Until last year he was on a 3.8 mil contract and only took a discount last year due to COVID and family reasons. $3 mil is a good price for this type of player in current market. You are taking his temporary struggles at the beginning of the season, after injury and without training camp - and transpose it on his entire career. Of course you can do it, but you will be in a very special group of people who mainly consist of fans of Vancouver toxic media.

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  14. On 7/28/2021 at 8:56 PM, theo5789 said:

    If the contract slides going to the KHL, then I'd send him to the KHL. Would be the best developmental path IMO as long as he goes to a team willing to play him decent minutes. Give him some time to learn some English (if he isn't fluent already) and prepare for the adjustment to come to NA after a year. Then go to the AHL the following year and give him a real chance to crack the NHL roster after that. Make sure he understands this development path that we have set for him.

    Speaking from personal experience, you won’t be able to learn English while playing in KHL compared to how you can learn it playing in North America.

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